The blossoming of the symbol of Japan, sakura. Photos, dates, flowering festival, tours

What is sakura

Sakura belongs to the Rosaceae family, subfamily of the Plumaceae. The decorative tree belongs to the “finely serrated cherry” species. Sakura has over 400 varieties and is grown as a flowering tree. Some varieties produce small and sour fruits, while others do not bear fruit at all.

Often sakura is not a specific tree, but a group of flowering trees. Currently, Japanese breeders have developed new varieties of sakura, the flowers of which do not have the traditional 5 petals, but a full middle, reminiscent of a peony, rose or chrysanthemum flower.

The height of a tree depends on its age: mature trees grow up to 8 m, old trees can be even taller. Flowering duration is about 10 days.

In the tropical climate in which all the vegetation of Japan is located, flowering occurs rapidly and for a long time. Among such plants, quickly fading sakura stands out effectively and becomes an object of mystery and enigma.

The Buddhist philosophy about the frailty of existence is built on the fleeting beauty and splendor of sakura flowers. Sakura fruits (sakura-no-mi) are used to make wine and as a seasoning for rice. Sakura leaves are pickled and wrapped in “wagashi” - Japanese sweets.

Why sakura is a symbol

Sakura symbolizes the foundations of the philosophy of Buddhism and the characteristics of the Japanese mentality. The aesthetic principles of Japanese culture that influence consciousness (“mono no aware”) are based on the beauty and grace of flowers.

Two famous legends are associated with cherry blossoms:

  1. The Legend of Ninig. Lushly blooming cherry blossoms are reminiscent of the legend of the Japanese God Ninig. In search of a beautiful chosen one, he descended from heaven to earth. The powerful Oho-Yama (God of the Mountains) offered him his two daughters: a dazzlingly beautiful and gentle girl named Blooming and a tall and stern beauty named Rock. Without hesitation, the young man chose Blooming. God Oho-Yama accepted the young man’s choice, but at the same time told him about the consequences of his decision. The dazzling beauty of a flower is temporary and cannot last forever. With this, the God of the Mountains conveyed to the descendants of the lovers the inevitable fading of beauty and the frailty of life. If Ninig had chosen the Rock, life could have become eternal, and values ​​could not have passed away. Contemplation of cherry blossoms and reflections on Ninig's choice help to better understand human desires, to compare the ardent impulses of the heart with the reasoning of a cold mind. This legend also identifies cherry blossoms with female beauty and youth.

  2. The Legend of Unfortunate Children. To restore justice, the village elder named Sakura demanded the punishment of the cruel Prince Hotta, who beat people. To do this, he brought his children to the ruler Shogun and showed signs of beatings on their backs. The cruel prince was punished. But the punishment did not rid Hotta of cruelty, but gave rise to a thirst for revenge. At night, he ordered the servants to secretly kidnap Sakura and the children, tie them to a tree and flog them to death.

Thanks to this legend, each sakura flower symbolizes the soul of a child - pure and immaculate, fragile and defenseless. The same legend identifies sakura flowers with the abode of the souls of deceased ancestors. Leisurely admiring the blossoms pacifies and ensures well-being and prosperity for those living. Being under a flowering tree is conducive to reminiscing and humility.

“Falling petals” brought particular significance to the formation of Japanese military culture. Since the reign of Emperor Meiji, subsequent rulers have brought not only visual but also conceptual aesthetics to military operations and the death of soldiers on the battlefield. The symbol of cherry blossoms blooming and quickly falling has become the main aesthetic image of the self-sacrifice of Japanese soldiers.

Hanami - impermanence of life

For a brief moment every spring from late March to April, flowering trees brighten Japan with color. Despite its fleeting nature, the event has deep meaning for local residents. It is covered by Japanese news channels, and the meteorological agency issues a forecast for the bloom, which starts in the south and goes north. It is noteworthy that this year flowering began much earlier than expected, for the first time in a long time: on March 11 in Hiroshima Prefecture. During this period, people take advantage of the moment and organize a real holiday to fully appreciate the beauty of cherry blossoms and falling.

The custom is called "hanami" or "flower viewing" and has a long history that dates back to the Heian period. Then the court servants spent their free time contemplating plum and cherry trees. Emperor Saga adopted the custom and organized parties where he drank sake and ate a variety of dishes under flowering trees in the Kyoto Imperial Court.

Tree blossoms were used as the main theme in poetry competitions at court from that time on. The image later appeared in a famous folk tale that is now considered the world's first novel: The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu.

In the first imperial anthology, sakura featured prominently in poetry known as waka, which translated means "Japanese song." A poem by Ariwara no Narihira reads:

If there were no Sakura in the world, the heart would not worry in the spring.

However, the author does not call flowers peaceful; on the contrary, they disturb human peace and excite the mind and heart. These feelings are explained by the Japanese aesthetic perception that was popular during the Heian era: "mono no aware" or "the sad charm of things." In essence, this feeling is a recognition of the transitory beauty of nature. Then and now, cherry blossoms are closely associated with Japanese aesthetics from the 8th to 12th centuries.

Historian Paul Varley says that the aesthetic is well described in the preface to the poetry anthology Shin kokin waka-shu. The author writes about the ability to be touched by the beauty of nature or the feelings of people. It is the ability to appreciate nature that is closely related to the fleetingness of the moment and the decay of beauty.

When and how sakura blooms

When sakura blooms in Japan, it is the samurai soul living in the tree who decides. The Japanese are sure of this. In reality, the beginning of cherry blossoms depends on the type and location of growth. In addition, weather conditions influence the onset of flowering. After a cold winter, flowering is usually delayed. Mild and warm winters, on the contrary, promote early cherry blossoms.

Heavy rains during flowering knock off the petals, and flowering ends earlier than usual.

The general period is from January to June. Flowering begins on the southern island of Okinawa. Gradually, the bloom moves across the country to northern Japan. The blossoming marathon ends on the northern island of Hokkaido.

Name of areaBeginning of flowering
Okinawa Island (central Japan)March, April
TokyoMarch 20-April 5
KyotoMarch 22-April 8
TakayamaApril 30-May 2
MatsumotoApril 30-May 2
Hokkaido IslandMay

The maximum flowering period - 10 days - is achieved in dry, windless weather and an air temperature of +18 ° C. In order for all residents of Japan to have the opportunity to admire the blossoming of the symbolic tree, and for guests of the country to plan a “vacation under the sakura,” a special headquarters is being created in Tokyo. For residents of Japan, tracking the appearance and development of buds is a very important task.

Residents report current information to the headquarters, which is responsible for summarizing it, processing meteorological reports and drawing up a cherry blossom schedule. When information about the beginning of cherry blossoms is prepared, it is disseminated in Japan through the media.

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Aoyama Cemetery

At Aoyama Cemetery, several hundred cherry trees form a pleasant alley that runs right through the cemetery. Office workers who work in this area often go for a walk along this alley during their lunch break or in the evening after work. It would seem a little awkward to host parties among graves. But perhaps this could lift the spirits of the deceased.

Cherry blossom festival

When cherry blossoms bloom in Japan, admiring the blossoms becomes widespread and turns into a national holiday called Hanami. The appearance of Hanami dates back to the Nara period (8th century). It belongs to one of the most beloved and revered traditions in Japan.

Well-established rituals, folk beliefs, ideas for inspiration and creativity are associated with the holiday:

  1. A sign for the harvest . In Japan, the beginning of cherry blossoms was an important event, as it opened the rice planting season, and the length of the flowering period predicted what the harvest would be like.
  2. Chanting by poets, artists, musicians. The charming beauty of flower clouds inspired art masters to create works. Dedicated to the sacred tree. Under the sakura, the famous “renga” poems about life and love were born, created by several poets “in a chain” in a circle.
  3. Ancestor veneration. According to the Japanese, the souls of dead ancestors and samurai heroes live in sakura trees. The warriors were called the “color of the nation” and their lives were compared to cherry blossoms. Historically, rice wine was offered to them under the flowering canopy. Over time, this tradition grew into relaxing under the cherry blossoms - Hanami.

    When cherry blossoms bloom in Japan, residents relax under the trees. This is called Hanami.

  4. Eating under sakura is healing . The celebration is like a big picnic in nature. People sit in the shade of trees, have lunch, talk quietly, just remain silent. It is believed that even drinking a cup of tea in the divine aura under the sakura is healing, as it contains pollen from the sacred tree. During rest, no one makes noise or litters. All waste is collected in special garbage bags and baskets, which are distributed to guests here.

The capital Tokyo is recognized as the most popular and widely visited place during the Hanami period.

There are three popular Hanami venues in the city:

  1. Shinjukugeen National Park . The national park of the metropolis ranks first on the list and has 1,500 plants, including 75 species of sakura. Hanami's opening takes place in the presence of the imperial couple. Places for admiring flowers are reserved in advance. To do this, leave a mat under the tree with the name of the group or the name of the person and the time of stay. Seats for guests are reserved in advance by special companies.
  2. Ueno Park . The second most popular place is Ueno City Park, which has an area of ​​625 m². There are 1,100 flowering trees in the park.
  3. Sumida Park . Sumida Park is the third place for a successful cherry blossom holiday. Traditionally, admiring the blossoms takes place during the day. However, in order to extend the time and opportunity for contemplation, traditional Japanese paper lanterns are lit in all parks in the city in the evening. This park has a unique evening illumination of flowering trees.

There is no specific date for this holiday in the Japanese calendar. The dates of celebration are not fixed, but “floating”. The onset of the holiday of admiring the blossoms is associated with a miracle of nature. Hanami is not an ordinary holiday, but a personal, conscious, emotional experience for each person. People are focused in their thoughts, but at the same time positive, and the holiday turns out to be bright and joyful.

The short cherry blossom season is “extended” with the help of modern technologies. Joyful moments and reminders of the most beautiful moments of spring can be seen all year round by contemplating artificial trees, on which small LED lamps are placed instead of flowers.

Thanks to the amazing combination of ancient traditions with the latest technologies, many museums in Japan have special “surprise” exhibitions to enjoy cherry blossoms at any time of the year. Museum exhibits contain an aroma installation.

Visitors, when viewing paintings with images of sakura, feel the aroma of a flowering tree. In aromatherapy it is sweetish. The slightly sugary aroma of cherry tones and relieves fatigue. The painted sakura does not fall, but reminds of the symbolic meaning of flowers.

Hanami Festival or watching cherry blossoms in Japan

On March 22, 2021, cherry blossoms and the traditional Japan Cherry Blossom festival began in southern Japan, as reported by Travel+Leisure magazine. It is expected that in Osaka it will last until the first days of April, and in the north, in Aomori, Hokkaido, Tohoku, it will begin and end later, in mid-April.

Spring fog, why did you hide those cherries that have finished blooming? On the slopes of the mountains No shine is only dear to us, And the moment of fading is worthy of admiration!
Ki no Tsurayuki

See also: Beautiful gardens and parks of South Korea
The period of cherry blossoms, which is called “hanami” (Japanese 花見, admiring flowers

) is a national festival and tradition for the Japanese. It is held annually in late March - early April. This day is usually spent with family in nature or in parks; it is often considered a day off. For a couple of days, the land of the rising sun is immersed in a charming, gentle and fabulous atmosphere.

The history of the holiday dates back about 17 centuries. Initially, it was held exclusively for aristocrats, and later ordinary people also joined in admiring sakura. In the Tokugawa era, cherries began to be planted throughout the country, and in the Meiji era, on the contrary, they began to be cut down, since these trees were considered a symbol of feudalism. Fortunately, this did not last long, and hanami again became a favorite holiday of the Japanese.

It’s true that the cherry blossoms gave their color to the voices of the nightingales. How tenderly they sound at the spring dawn!

Once a year, Japan is immersed in the enchanting pink and white colors of cherry blossoms. The Japanese themselves call it wild cherry or mountain cherry. The sakura flower is a symbol of the land of the rising sun, as well as the beauty of Japanese women.

In Japan, sakura blooms everywhere - in the mountains, on the banks of rivers, and in parks; in total, there are more than 300 different species throughout the country.

Hanami usually begins with the flowering of ume plums, which were brought to the Japanese islands from China. In Japan, there was a custom, borrowed from China: during the blossoming of the plum tree, to organize poetry tournaments for the best poems about this plant. Ume blooms in Japan from late December to late March. The earliest plum trees to bloom are in Atami City (Shizuoka Prefecture). Here, mainly from January 15, a month-long plum blossom festival is held, during which songbird competitions (usually nightingales) and photography competitions for the best shot of a landscape with a blossoming plum tree take place. About 1,300 plum trees of one hundred different varieties grow in the Atami Garden.

At the time of blossoming, Cherries are akin to clouds - Isn’t that why the soul has become more spacious, Like the spring sky...
Kamo Mabuchi

In the short but brilliant period of flowering of spring flowers, plums and sakura, which lasts from 7 to 10 days, people in the land of the rising sun see a deep meaning. Falling flower petals are identified with the beauty and transience of life, as well as with courage and purity of thoughts.

No, it’s not snow that drops the flowers in the gardens, When the wind blows the earth into the petals, It’s gray hair! It’s not the petals that fly away, it’s not the flowers that leave the ground, but me...
Nyudo-saki no Daijou Daijin

Before the holiday approaches, all media outlets report when sakura will begin to bloom, and in which places it is best to observe this process. According to approximate data, in Tokyo it begins to bloom at the end of March or beginning of April, in Kyoto - from April 4 to 16, in Osaka - from April 5 to 13, in Sapporo - from April 12 to 20.

“In terms of beauty and grace, on which the aesthetic principles of our culture are based, no other flower in the world can compare with the sakura flower.”
Inazo Nitobe, book "Bushido" ("Way of the Samurai")

In especially popular parks, picnic areas are reserved in advance. A common practice in Japan is to lay out a mat early in the morning with the name of the group and the time when the participants plan to occupy it, or someone from the group stays there all day and waits until the others arrive. Employees of companies specially set aside a day for admiring sakura, something like a corporate event. That is, on this day they go to work, but spend it in the park with their boss and co-workers, having a picnic with various goodies and alcoholic drinks. They even sing special songs composed for the occasion of the hanami. Also very popular among the people are haiku (Japanese poems) about cherry blossoms.

I look with special excitement... Even the flowers on the old cherry tree are sad! Tell me, how many new springs do you have left to meet?

There are also hanami of other colors: lily of the valley, sunflower, carnation, cosmos, tulips. The time of their flowering is reported in special magazines and radio and television programs.

The country of the East is a wonderful country, It managed to grow such a miracle. You, Sakura, are still very young, but you have already managed to conquer me.
Voznesensky Vadim

Here are just a few of the main points where you can enjoy cherry blossoms while in Japan:

  • Shinjuku Gyoen: Shinjuku Gyoen Park has over a thousand cherry trees of over a dozen varieties.
  • Ueno Park: One of the most crowded, noisy and popular places in Japan during hanami. Ueno Park has more than 1,000 trees along the street leading to the National Museum and around Shinobatsu Pond. The cherry blossoms in this park usually open 1-3 days earlier than in other places in Tokyo.

  • Chidorigafuchi: Hundreds of cherry trees line the moats of Edo Castle and Kitanomaru Park. Here you can rent a rowing boat and enjoy an unforgettable boat trip under the cascades of pink petals.

  • Sumida Park: It stretches for several hundred meters along the banks of the Sumida River overlooking the Tokyo Sky Tree.

  • Philosopher's Path in Kyoto: This is a road to a canal that connects two historical temple complexes - Ginkaku-ji Temple (Silver Pavilion) and Nanzen-ji Temple. More than 100 cherry trees grow here.

  • Maruyama Park: Located next to Yasaka Shrine, this is Kyoto's most popular public park for cherry blossom viewing. Its centerpiece is a large weeping cherry tree.

  • Heian Shrine: There are a large number of weeping cherry blossom trees behind the main building, making this one of the best places to visit in Kyoto.

  • Kema Sakuronomiya Park: More than 5,000 cherry trees are planted along the Okawa River for several kilometers.

  • Osaka Castle: More than 4,000 cherry trees are planted around it. Nishinomaru Park in the western part of the castle citadel is worth a visit, with wide lawns, views of the castle bathhouse and illuminated trees in the evening.

  • 70th Anniversary World's Fair Park: The site of the 1970 fair is now a large public park with over 5,000 cherry trees.

  • Japan Mint: More than 100 varieties of sakura grow in the Osaka courtyard park. The cherries here bloom in mid-April, about a week later than the main flowering season.

  • Sankei-en Garden: A classic landscaped Japanese garden with a central pond.

  • Mitsuike Park: It has three ponds surrounded by over 1,000 cherry trees.
  • Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Temple: Danzakura Alley, more than 500 meters on the approach to the temple, is lined with sakura, this is one of the most spectacular “cherry” tunnels in Japan.
  • Kawazu village: cherry trees bloom here, as a rule, in late February and early March.

  • Northern Shores of Kawaguchiko: The views here are incredibly beautiful. Cherry blossoms, the smooth surface of the lake and a view of Mount Fuji. The best view will be provided in the early morning, it is at this time that the rays of the sun illuminate the area most beautifully.
  • Chureito Pagoda: It is built on the hills opposite Fuji. During cherry blossoms, the pagoda is “immersed” in a sea of ​​flowers. The best lighting is early morning.

With the cherry blossoms, numerous accounts of both local residents and visiting tourists acquire similar colors and incredible atmosphere.

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A post shared by uya_021 (@u_ya021) on Mar 20, 2021 at 4:05pm PDT

Home下がってるのはフライング・タイガーで買ったイースター用のアクセサリーです。 ・ The peach (Hakuho) in my garden started to bloom today from yesterday's out-of-season snow! Since the pink color is stronger than that of cherry blossoms, it is very beautiful in full bloom. Accessories hanging on the branch are the goods for Easter bought at Flying Tiger Copenhagen. ・ #japan#日本#yokohama#横浜#garden#庭#gardenlovers#mygarden#私の庭#マイガーデン#gardening#gardeningtime#gardeninglife#ガーデニング#ガーデニングライフ#庭づくり#peach#モモ#hakuho#白鳳#bloom#咲く#flyingtigercopenhagen#フライングタイガーコペンハーゲン

A post shared by yoshika_flower (@yoshika_takeda_flower) on Mar 22, 2021 at 1:34am PDT

ㅤㅤ 여보 내년에 여기 수아랑 꼭 ! ? ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ #cherryblossom#spring#travel#photography#girl#sensitivity#daylight#flowers#korea#벚꽃#벚꽃놀이#봄꽃#여행#감성사진#소녀감성#스냅#소녀# 여행에미치다#국내여행#꽃 스타그램#フォトグラファー#桜#春花#旅行#春#花見#少女#남편스냅#SG투어

A post shared by #포토바이로즈리 (@adorable_rose) on Mar 22, 2021 at 1:50am PDT


A post shared by (@yuki_s_071819) on Mar 23, 2021 at 2:25am PDT

We would like to introduce you to several bloggers who cover hanami on their accounts almost every year:

三重の梅がすごい。#三重県 #チーム三重 #ニッポンを撮る

[email protected]チーム三重 (@YutoPhotography) March 14, 2018

“The only thing I was trying to portray was serenity. Also, innocence, vulnerability and elegance... * The only thing I tried to portray was calm. Also, innocence, vulnerability and elegance..." Sylvia Kristel

A post shared by Kat? Based In Japan (@life_in_tokyo) on Apr 14, 2021 at 4:03am PDT

*. . . . . ❁ ༶⋆。* . . . . * #instagramjapan #igersjapan #igersjp #Japan #team_jp_ #ひとのときを想う #かけがえのないひととき #大切な人と過ごす時間 #sl66 #s lshabon #film #film_jp #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #vscocam #rsa_social #ig_photooftheday #lovers_nippon_portrait #tokyocameraclub #東京カメラ部 #global_ladies #pics_jp #as_archive #indy_photolife #team_jp_flower #fashionportrait #indies_gram #reco_ig #hueart_life #GPW_members_only #as_member

A post shared by shabon. (@shabon) on Mar 15, 2021 at 3:50am PDT

⌂?? ・ #和泉リサイクル環境公園 #梅林 #梅の花 #梅 #花 #大阪 #plum #plumblossom #plumgrove #Osaka #Japan #igersjp #ig_japan

A post shared by @kotorimi on Mar 20, 2021 at 5:04am PDT

A post shared by tsubasa akimoto (@tsuba_sa) on Mar 12, 2021 at 6:48am PDT

. 絶対???て あのママとパパのおる??? Home page ??? ??? Home page度 戻ってきてくれた???対にんでなければ ならないのだと思う いつか思春期がきて 親のことを疎ましがったり 反抗的な態度をとったりすることも内心傷つきながらた娘に 寂しかっ??? ???みつけて ぜったいに また ママのおなかの???るのだ. お家が同じ方向の同級生が少だ娘は通学路の半分以上を ひとりで歩いて帰ってくる おまけに 家の前には 大きな道路があるので下校時刻を過ぎると 道を渡って 娘を迎えにいく ガードレールに もたれ掛って 娘を待っている???づいて娘の顔が娘がかけだす ランドセルを揺らして 一生懸命かけてくる 走らなくていいよー と大きな声で呼びかけると 一瞬立ち止でるけれど,満面の笑顔だった おかえりと腕を広げると まっすぐ飛び込んでくる 腕のなかから わたしを見上をげて娘がいう「ママただいま???りながらも ちょっと にやりとしてしまう 母さんも こんな幸せな役回りは 独り占めしてしまHome pageわたしも きっと よく似た笑顔をしている . 愛なんていうものは あいまいで 不確かなものだ だから ひとは手探りの “愛らしきもの” に言葉や態度だったり ときにはモノで 肉づけしようとする それをみて 愛って こんな感じだっけかなぁ?とか ひとからHome . Home ??? Home pageに 置き換えることのできない その感覚こそ きっと愛なのだろうな と思う わたしは ときど???わたしはわたしのままでいいHome page布団の中でたねぇ そう話すと ぐふふーと半白目で 嬉しそうに笑う 「ママと もう 7ねんもいっしょにおるんやぜー」 目をまんまるにしていう 「きょうも いっしょにねれて うれしいん あしたも あさってもずーっといっしょにおるんや よ ね 」たがい に 何 も 抱きしめ 返し ながら その うち眠っ てしまっ た 娘 の 寝顔 み て 思う さん がんばっ て うんと 長生き する から いつか お別れ とき がき て も かの が て くれる 信じ てる か か てる か か か か か か か HI . . . . お誕生日おめでとう 2021.4.27 . . #桜 #7歳 #誕生日おめでとう #Lovers_Nippon_2017春色_第2部 #fujifilm #fujifilm_xseries #fujifilmxt2 #fujixt2 #xt2 #xf35 #xf35mm #fujifeed #今日もX日和 #VSCO #VSCOcam #vscoaward #VscoGoodShot #vscogram

A post shared by Yukiko ゆきこ (@yukixx24) on Apr 29, 2021 at 4:05am PDT


In 2021, the bloom in Japan will begin in the south and move north, as reported by the latest weather reports (as of March 19). The trees in Fukuoka and Nogai (March 19), Osaka (March 23), are the first to bloom; in Niigata it is expected on April 8, in Sendai - on April 6, in Sapporo - on April 30.

However, for now, Hanami may be hampered by the weather collapse in Japan. In January, Tokyo experienced one of the heaviest snowfalls in four years. And only at the moment the air temperature, warmed by the long-awaited sun, reached +22 degrees.

The weather forecast warned citizens that snowfall could resume even on March 21, the first day of spring in Japan. Many Tokyo residents did not believe this information, since precipitation rarely occurs in the city this late. But everything happened exactly as predicted. Winter has come into its own again, shackling Tokyo. But thanks to the cherry blossoms, the residents did not lose their spring mood.

#春分の日 #桜 #雪 #蕾 #東京 #世田谷 #tokyo #setagaya

A post shared by ayamatsu (@ayamatsuayamatsu) on Mar 21, 2021 at 12:46am PDT

20180321 #東京 #雪 #春分の日 #桜 #tokyo #march #snow #cherryblossoms

A post shared by @ whitepony3618 on Mar 21, 2021 at 12:51am PDT

雪の春分の日?❄⛄?? . #cherryblossom #snow #spring #japan #tokyo #春分の日 #雪 #桜 #桜神宮 #桜新町 #世田谷

A post shared by (@s_a_c_h_i_999) on Mar 21, 2021 at 12:28am PDT

寒いのに&スッピンなのにw いつもの森、私たちだけww メジロも警戒心#雪#春#サクラ#桜#大寒桜#オオカンザクラ#寒桜#カンザクラ#メジロ#野鳥 #神奈川県#大和市 #春分の日 #春なのに雪 #休日の過ごし方 2021. 3. 21

A post shared by aorin (@aorin_9) on Mar 20, 2021 at 11:40pm PDT

#井の頭公園 #雪 #桜 #雪見桜

A post shared by Miyuki (@miyupyonn) on Mar 20, 2021 at 11:19pm PDT


A post shared by Tomoki Kawakami (@tmng1130) on Mar 20, 2021 at 11:11pm PDT

花に雪 In Tokyo, the cherry blossoms are blooming ?and everyone thinks or wishes that spring has come?….. But we are having now snow?❄️ #nakameguro #sakura #snow #cherryblossom #中目黒 #桜2018 #桜 #雪 #花 #tokyo #japan #2018 #春

A post shared by momomari123 (@momomari123) on Mar 20, 2021 at 10:17pm PDT

2018.3.21 。 今週末には桜?期待ですね(^-^) ♦︎ #雪 #桜 #散歩

A post shared by masami (@yu3mama3) on Mar 20, 2021 at 11:20pm PDT

こんにちは〜? 春分の日昼下がり東京です\(^o^)/? 神田川沿いの桜に容赦なく雪が降り始めました???しょう?

— schacho (@schacho3) March 21, 2018

季節 外れ の 雪 が 降っ て き た ので 近所 の 大 好き な 桜 と 一 緒 に 撮っ み まし た。 当然 満開 に は けど あと 一 間 も すれ ば 最高 " 〜! . Location: Tokyo, Japan. #桜 #雪 #はなまっぷ #ptk_japan #phos_japan #wp_japan #bestjapanpics #daily_photo_jpn #japan_of_insta

A post shared by Mitsuru (@mitsuru_b) on Mar 20, 2021 at 11:17pm PDT

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Cost of cherry blossom tours

When cherry blossoms bloom in Japan, tour operators organize group and individual tours from all over the world. The cost of travel (flight and hotel accommodation) during cherry blossoms is higher than at other times of the year due to the large influx of tourists.

The choice of cities for the tour is determined by the unpredictability of the beginning and end of cherry blossoms.

Therefore, cherry blossom tours run from mid-March to the end of April, starting from Tokyo and moving around the country towards Osaka. The base cities on any tour are: Tokyo and Kyoto. Cherry blossom viewing takes place in the city where cherry blossoms bloom upon arrival in Japan. During the tour, you will also explore other sights of Japan along the way.

VIP Tour "Sakura"

Duration of the tour is 12 days in a mini-group of 6 people. The cost of a hotel room (Marunouchi Hotel Tokyo 5*, New Otani Hotel Osaka 5*, Hakone Kowakien Tenyu 5*) with breakfast starts from $6900. The tour price does not include flight costs, incidental expenses, or meals not specified in the stay program.

The price includes: 2 dinners at the ryokan, 9 excursions, travel by high-speed train. The tour price also includes entrance fees, transfer from the airport to the hotel and back.

The tour includes visits to the following cities:

  • Tokyo;

  • Yokohama;
  • Kamakura;
  • Hakone;
  • Osaka;
  • Himeiji;
  • Kyoto;
  • Nara;
  • Osaka;
  • Miyajima.

Tour “Early Sakura” (economy)

Duration of the tour is 8 days. Requirements for the number of participants: minimum 1 person. The cost of a hotel room (Hotel Lumiere Kasai 3*, Hotel WBF Gojo Omiya 3*, Hotel Ann Asakusa 3*) without breakfast starts from $1950. The tour price does not include flight costs or incidental expenses.

The payment includes: services of a Russian-speaking guide, 4 lunches, 4 excursions, travel by minibus. The tour price also includes entrance fees, transfer from the airport to the hotel and back.

The tour includes visits to the following cities:

  • Tokyo;
  • Kamakura;

  • Kyoto;
  • Nara;

Cherry blossom tour (Optima)

Duration of the tour is 11 days. Requirements for the number of participants: minimum 1 person. The cost of a hotel room (Hotel Bande DaBan 3*, Hotel Sunroute Hiroshima 3*, Hotel Keihan Tsukiji Ginza Grande 4*, Nagoya Prince Hotel Sky Tower 4*) with breakfast starts from $3,350.

The tour price does not include flight costs, incidental expenses and food costs not included in the program. The payment includes: services of a Russian-speaking guide, 8 lunches, 8 excursions, travel by high-speed train. The tour price also includes entrance fees.

The tour includes visits to the following cities:

  • Tokyo;
  • Nagoya;
  • Kyoto;
  • Nara;
  • Osaka;
  • Himeizi;
  • Hiroshima.

Excursions during cherry blossoms

When sakura blooms in Japan, excursions to palaces are held in Tokyo, which are usually surrounded by sakura gardens.

They are:

  1. Imperial Palace. The palace complex covers an area of ​​7.5 m². The cherry blossom viewing ceremony takes place in Kitanomaru Park. Address: Chiyoda, 1-1. Take the subway to Tokyo Station. The park is open to visitors every day from 10:00 to 15:00, except Monday and Friday. Entrance to the park is free (using a token, which is issued at the entrance and returned upon exit). Those wishing to visit the courtyard register for a visit in advance on the website of the Imperial Palace Management. Tours are held from 10-00 and 13-00 twice a day from Monday to Friday.

  2. Koishikawa Korakuen Garden . The oldest park in Tokyo (Edo period). In addition to sakura, ponds, miniature bridges, ponds, stones, and reliefs attract attention in the park. Visiting the park is free. Park opening hours are from 9:00 to 17:00 from Tuesday to Friday. Entrance to the park is only until 16-30.
  3. Ueno Park . Cherry blossoms have been admired in the old park since the Edo period. In the park you can try the popular Japanese delicacy “sakura mochi” - sweet rice balls, painted pink to match the color of sakura, stuffed with red beans.
  4. Cruise on the Sumida River . Admiring the cherry blossoms growing along the banks of the Sumida River during a cruise is very popular among tourists. Duration of the excursion is 5 hours. The cruise price includes dinner and a drink order. The cost of participation in the cruise is 13,000 rubles.

In Kyoto (the ancient capital of Japan), lush cherry blossoms can be seen in the gardens of temple complexes:

  1. Ninna-ji Temple Complex. The sakura garden in the temple complex is a favorite place for sakura viewing among residents and guests of the city. Entrance to the garden costs 500 yen. To view the entire complex along the way, buy a ticket costing 1,500 yen. The main attraction of the complex is the statue of Amida Buddha. The ticket price includes a tour of the five-tiered pagoda and the Golden Temple.

  2. Daigo-ji Temple Complex . After relaxing under the branches of cherry blossoms, you can visit the sights of the complex. The national treasures of the complex include: the Yakushido Hall, the Seiryugu-haide Hall, and the five-tiered pagoda (the oldest building in Kyoto). General admission costs 100 yen.
  3. Hirano-jinja Sakura Shrine . Sakura trees have been planted here since the Heian era (period of peace from 794 to 1185), planting trees symbolized the strengthening of peace and vitality. Today, the sanctuary has 400 cherry trees of 60 different varieties. There are species that bloom in October. The area for Hanami is being set up at the shrine: benches are installed, lanterns are hung. Food and souvenirs are sold. The entrance is free.
  4. Gion Park . Hanami Park goes on all day and all night. The attraction of the park is the weeping sakura - a large tree in the center on a hill. The park can be found just behind Yasaka-jija Shrine. Entrance to the park is free.

Ueno Park

Ueno Park is a stunning sight during cherry blossom season! More than a thousand trees bloom here at the same time! Free admission and nightly lights make Ueno Park one of Tokyo's most popular hanami venues.

You can book an individual tour of Tokyo with a visit to the hot springs of the Edo period here →

The cherry trees in Ueno usually bloom one to three days earlier than most cherry trees in Tokyo. According to the forecast, the first Japanese cherry blossoms will open in the park this year on March 19.

You can complement your aesthetic journey through the cherry blossoms by getting to know the fascinating wildlife at the Ueno Zoo, located right there!

Cherry blossoms in Tokyo, Ueno Park

Ueno Park opening hours and prices

: Entrance to Ueno Park is free, but you will need to purchase an individual ticket for the museums and zoo located on its territory. For two weeks during the cherry blossom season, the park is usually lit at night, from 5:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., so visitors can admire the blossoms under the glow of night lanterns.

How to get there:

You must use the Yamanote Circle Line or the Keihin-Tohoku Line and get off at Ueno Station. The park is within walking distance.

Interesting facts about sakura

Interesting information about the sacred and universally recognizable symbol of Japan can be learned from the basic facts about sakura.

For example:

  1. According to legend, admiring sakura during flowering prolongs life to 100 years.
  2. The famous 36-episode anime “Tales of Sakura Demons” tells about the difficult period of formation of a samurai girl.

  3. The veneration of the Hanami cherry blossoms has been officially celebrated since March 27, 1992.
  4. Hanami is often performed in groups (team building) with onigri (rice balls), dango and sake.
  5. The image of a sakura flower is found on elements of hats and uniforms of students and military personnel, as an indicator of rank (since the Meiji era).
  6. The cherry blossom is depicted on the coats of arms of the Japanese police and army.
  7. "Sakura of the Age of the Gods"/"Jindaizakura", which is 2000 years old, is classified as a national natural monument.
  8. Products that appear only during sakura blossom: tea with sakura petals, a picnic set “under the sakura”.
  9. Sakura is not only a flowering tree, but also a popular girl's name in Japan.
  10. The academic and financial year in Japan begins in April. The beginning of work (study) on the island of Honshu, on which Tokyo is located, often coincides with the first days of cherry blossoms.
  11. During World War II, the Japanese planted sakura in the occupied territories of China and Korea.

Sakura is a flowering tree and a multifaceted aesthetic image, the most recognizable symbol, part of the culture and mentality of Japan. When the gardens, parks, and alleys of the city of Japan bloom, they find themselves in a blooming cloud, crying with a rain of delicate petals.

Seeing cherry blossoms is not just an opportunity to get aesthetic pleasure and enjoy the beauty of nature. Contemplating and admiring the blossoming of the sacred tree allows you to get closer to the mysterious spirit of a historically wise, courageous and courageous people.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

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