The world's most popular Japanese drummer group “YAMATO”
learning Japanese
Frequently asked questions about Japanese language schools
We make the student visa and Japanese language school application process much easier
Cheat Sheet of Poetic Forms and Japanese Poetry
Japanese baths: ofuro, furako and sento - their features and the effectiveness of ablution procedures
The Japanese bath has little in common with traditional European baths and saunas. The process of ablution in
What holiday is celebrated on November 3, 2021: features of holidays of different nations of the world
Culture Day in Japan Culture Day in Japan is celebrated annually on November 3rd. Modern Japan
Japanese grammar for Noreku N5
Noun. Gender and number in Japanese
Cases in Japanese - 10 Cases in Japanese This is a must topic for
Text of the book “Crime and the fight against it in Japan”
Many foreigners mistakenly think that Japan is a completely safe country with no crime.
Surname Yuko: origin, history, essence, meaning, translation and declension of the surname
Nationality: Japanese names Gender: Female names Meaning: useful, superior child Name number: 6 Sign
Learn Kanji - ABC
Why learning Japanese is much easier than you think
This is due to the fact that the Japanese language has three types of writing: hiragana, katakana
Holidays in Japan: Ise Jingu Shrine
Features of the Ise Shrine The Ise Shrine in Japan, despite its forbidden nature, is popular
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