World population: data for 2021

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As of mid-June 2021, the population growth amounted to more than 43 million and now there are 7,895,123,934 people . The world's population is growing, but much more slowly than in previous centuries. Analysts believe the world's population will reach 8 billion in about 14 years. And every year the difference in growth rates will only grow.

We will talk about the reasons for such low indicators, about population density, how the covid-19 pandemic has affected the number of people in the world, and also assume whether the Earth is facing overpopulation or a total reduction in the number of people.

Current picture of the number of people by country

The table contains information on the number and density of the population of 224 countries of the world, as well as the percentage of the state’s inhabitants from the total number of all people on the planet.

The name of the countryPopulationDensity per 1 km²Percentage of total people
1.China1 447 364 028150,418,33%
2.India1 398 520 301425,417,71%
3.USA333 666 02534,64,23%
4.Indonesia277 165 567145,53,51%
5.Pakistan225 482 486283,22,86%
6.Brazil214 622 95125,22,72%
7.Nigeria211 536 4932292,69%
8.Bangladesh166 746 1931157,92,11%
9.Russia145 990 6468,51,85%
10.Mexico130 823 400661,66%
11.Japan126 449 787334,61,60%
12.Ethiopia117 744 220106,61,49%
13.Philippines111 370 986371,21,41%
14.Egypt104 608 975104,51,32%
15.Vietnam98 488 498297,41,25%
16.Türkiye85 954 498109,71,09%
17.Iran85 000 82351,61,08%
18.Germany83 727 972234,51,06%
19.Thailand70 096 374136,60,89%
20.Great Britain68 329 385280,50,87%
21.France65 529 822119,50,83%
22.Tanzania61 606 686650,78%
23.Italy60 568 2822010,77%
24.South Africa59 866 286490,76%
25.Kenya55 244 69695,20,70%
26.Myanmar54 876 92681,10,70%
27.South Korea51 609 067517,50,65%
28.Colombia51 337 799450,65%
29.Uganda47 168 226195,70,60%
30.Spain46 605 03392,20,59%
31.Argentina45 670 86016,40,58%
32.Sudan44 705 53023,70,57%
33.Algeria44 675 04718,80,57%
34.Ukraine43 630 78575,70,55%
35.Iraq41 700 41495,10,53%
36.Afghanistan40 195 28361,60,51%
37.Canada38 145 6283,80,48%
38.Poland37 877 553121,10,48%
39.Morocco37 425 27383,80,47%
40.Saudi Arabia35 714 95716,60,45%
41.Uzbekistan33 953 44775,90,43%
42.Angola33 713 73127,20,43%
43.Peru33 373 834260,42%
44.Malaysia32 871 32099,70,42%
45.Mozambique32 078 58440,10,41%
46.Ghana31 825 636133,40,40%
47.Yemen30 608 381580,39%
48.Nepal29 373 404199,60,37%
49.Venezuela29 060 76931,90,37%
50.Madagascar28 450 54648,50,36%
51.Cameroon27 177 32057,20,34%
52.Ivory Coast26 992 55383,70,34%
53.Australia25 933 2633,30,33%
54.North Korea25 920 8752150,33%
55.Niger25 157 39019,90,32%
56.Taiwan23 866 518659,40,30%
57.Burkin Faso21 527 81178,60,27%
58.Sri Lanka21 525 174328,10,27%
59.Mali20 851 38416.80.26%
60.Chile19 331 28225,60,24%
61.Kazakhstan19 087 69370,24%
62.Romania19 079 030800,24%
63.Guatemala18 288 6611680,23%
64.Ecuador17 907 71863,20,23%
65.Senegal17294 12087.90.22%
66.Netherlands17 203 174414,20,22%
67.Cambodia16 997 75493,90,22
68.Chad16 974 01613,20,21%
69.Syria16 721 25690,30,21%
70.Somalia16 213 10525,40,21%
71.Zimbabwe15 231 567390,19%
72.Guinea13 467 11854,80,17%
73.Rwanda13 241 375502,70,17%
74.Burundi12 301 3194420,16%
75.Tunisia11 949 758730,15%
76.Bolivia11 858 23810,80,15%
77.South Sudan11 797 006190,15%
78.Belgium11 676 6820382,50,15%
79.Haiti11 560 732416,60,15%
80.Cuba11 353 798102,40,14%
81.Dominican Republic10 988 422225,80,14%
82.Czech10 709 903135,80,14%
83.Jordan10 608 188119,50,13%
84.Greece10 386 88478,70,13%
85.Azerbaijan10 298 581118,90,13%
86.Sweden10 189 84822,60,13%
87.Portugal10 144 696110,10,13%
88.UAE10 103 370120,90,13%
89.Honduras10 036 65489,50,13%
90.Hungary9 627 285103,50,12%
91.Tajikistan9 739 92368,30,12%
92.Belarus9 451 95845,50,12%
93.Papua New Guinea9 139 00019,70,12%
94.Austria9 028 024107,60,11%
95.Israel8 796 551398,60,11%
96.Switzerland8 769 473212,40,11%
97.Serbia8 695 63998,40,11%
98.Togo8 501 574149,70,11%
99.Hong Kong7 556 4776844,60,10%
100.Lebanon7 443 383715,70,09%
101.Laos7 398 08231,20,09%
102.Paraguay7 227 31017,80,09%
103.Bulgaria6 902 50062,20,09%
104.Libya6 828 6023,90,09%
105.Nicaragua6 697 36551,40,08%
106.Kyrgyzstan6 628 04933,10,08%
107.Salvador6 497 312308,80,08%
108.Turkmenistan6 098 20012,50,08%
109.Singapore5 995 0818479,60,08%
110.Denmark5 817 5901350,07%
111.Oman5 667 99918,30,07%
112.Republic of the Congo5 653 81216,50,07%
113.Finland5 576 75416,50,07%
114.Slovakia5 464 13711,40,07%
115.Norway5 500 114170,07%
116.Palestine5 245 010871,20,07%
117.Liberia5 186 80846,60,07%
118.Costa Rica5 154 185100,90,07%
119.Ireland4 932 17870,20,06%
120.Central African Republic4 924 2807,90,06%
121.New Zealand4 853 01518,10,06%
122.Mauritania4 755 2394,60,06%
123.Kuwait4 539 182254,70,06%
124.Panama4 383 19758,10,06%
125.Croatia4 096 35372,40,05%
126.Moldova4 034 062119,20,05%
127.Georgia3 922 69656,30,05%
128.Uruguay3 484 73119,80,04%
129.Mongolia3 334 5432,10,04%
130.Bosnia and Herzegovina3 284 63064,10,04%
131.Qatar3 054 768263,60,04%
132.Armenia2 976 148100,10,04%
133.Jamaica2 970 936270,30,04%
134.Puerto Rico2 890 9003230,04%
135.Albania2 877 840100,10,04%
136.Lithuania2 676 235410,03%
137.Namibia2 601 9213,20,03%
138.Gambia2 495 623220,90,03%
139.Botswana2 395 6744,10,03%
140.Gabon2 271 5998,50,03%
141.DPR*2 244 547285,80,03%%
142.North Macedonia2 088 11981,20,03%
143.Slovenia2 083 211102,80,03%
144.Guinea-Bissau2 013 55055,70,03%
145.Latvia1 863 92528,90,02%
146.Republic of Kosovo1 768 408162,40,02%
147.Bahrain1 714 524241,80,02%
148.LPR*1 450 0001730,02%
149.East Timor1 349 41590,70,02%
150.Estonia1 320 41029,20,02%
151.Mauritius1 278 147626,50,02%
152.Cyprus1 222 062132,10,02%
153.Eswatini (Swaziland)1 104 479500,02%
154.Djibouti999 88143,10,01%
155.Fiji902 77749,40,01%
156.Reunion901 568359,20,01%
157.Comoros890 747478,40,01%
158.Guyana788 8033,70,01%
159.Butane783 76020,40,01%
160.Solomon Islands698 94824,20,01%
161.Luxembourg640 917247,50,01%
162.Montenegro629 14945,60,01%
163.West Sahara609 2072,30,01%
164.Suriname591 9773,60,01%
165.Cape Verde562 612139,50,01%
166.Maldives549 7671832,60,01%
167.Malta443 0101384,40,01%
168.Brunei444 71677,10,01%
169.Belize406 78417,70,01%
170.Guadeloupe403 014235,70,01%
171.Bahamas399 68228,80,01%
172.Martinique375 890341,70,00%
173.Iceland343 6363,30,00%
174.Vanuatu313 60425,70,00%
175.New Caledonia289 59715,60,00%
176.Barbados288 577671,10,00%
177.French polynesia284 46571,10,00%
178.French Guiana281 6123,150,00%
179.Mayotte280 531750,10,00%
180.Abkhazia**243 60428,110,00%
181.Samoa199 94470,40,00%
182.Saint Lucia185 456299,10,00%
183.Channel Islands174 43415030,00%
184.Guam171 157311,80,00%
185.Curacao165 128371,90,00%
186.Kiribati121 685150,20,00%
187.Grenada112 928332,10,00%
188.Saint Vincent and the Grenadines110 815284,10,00%
189.Virgin Islands104 474298,50,00%
190.Aruba170 233595,70,00%
191.Tonga105 7481410,00%
192.Seychelles99 064215,40,00%
193.Antigua and Barbuda98 982223,90,00%
194.Isle Of Man85 952150,30,00%
195.Andorra77 579165,80,00%
196.Dominica72 12396,20,00%
197.Cayman islands67 525255,80,00%
198.Guernsey62 792805,030,00%
199.Bermuda62 9311187,40,00%
200.Marshall Islands60 682337,10,00%
201.Greenland56 75738,20,00%
202.Saint Kitts and Nevis53 651206,30,00%
203.Sing Maarten44 6421 206,50,00%
204.Faroe islands49 08535,10
205.Tersk and Caicos40 48642,60,00%
206.Monaco39 036195180,00%
207.Liechtenstein38 441240,30,00%
208.San Marino34 417573,60,00%
209.Gibraltar33 8323383,20,00%
210.British Virgin Islands30 926206,20,00%
211.Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba26 223800,00%
212.Palau18 14339,40,00%
213.Cook Island16 74469,70,00%
214.Anguilla15 413169,40,00%
215.Noir11 162554,30,00%
216.Saint Barthalemi9 625458,30,00%
217.St. Helena Island6 099500,00%
218.Saint Pierre and Miquelon5 811240,00%
219.Montserrat5 02850,30,00%
220.Falkland Islands3 3530,280,00%
221.Tokelau1 647164,70,00%
222.Niue1 5916,10,00%
224.Pitcairn Islands450,960,00%

World population for 2021

Impact of the COVID-19 virus on the world population?

To understand whether the coronavirus has affected demographics, it is necessary to take data from the last three years for comparison. As of January 1, 2018, there were 7,591,515,998 inhabitants in the world. On this same day in 2021, there were already approximately 7,674,314,922 people in the world (82.7 million more). However, if you look at the percentage, you can see a clear decline: 1.11% versus 1.09%. Although at this time there was no pandemic yet. It turns out that the reason for the drop in the number of people between 2018 and 2019 is not tied to the epidemic.

In 2020 , there was a slight jump of 81.6 million to 7,756,041,003 souls. In percentage terms, the drop again reached 1.06%.

According to official WHO data, almost 4 million people have died from the coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic. In total, 60,816,965 people died in 2021. The increase is 81-82 million per year. It turns out that COVID-19 has not critically affected the demographic picture in the world.

Population structure

In 2021, scientists conducted a study aimed at analyzing the age composition of the world's population. The results showed that the average age was 30-35 years . Experts also estimate that for 705 million people over 65 years of age, there are 680 million children under 4 years of age. This proves that the population is aging. A striking example of this is the People's Republic of China. Now it has a population of 1.4 billion. But if in the next 50 years there is no increase in youth in the country, then China will face a reduction to 1.1 billion. And then India will take first place.

Who is more on the planet, men or women?

There is a difference in gender ratio, but not very big. There are more men than women: for 3,983,671,988 (50.5%) representatives of the stronger sex there are 3,911,341,759 (49.5%) girls. In numbers, this figure is approximately 72 million.

Average age

Life expectancy also plays a very important role. In most developed countries, the rate has risen from 65 years in the late 1990s to 75 years today. This is evidenced by data from world statistics Worldometers.

Russia ranks 129th in this ranking: men live approximately 59 years, women - 73 years. In some countries, such as Andorra or France, the average duration is 83 and 81 years, respectively.

If the world's population does not begin to get younger, then some countries will face a large loss of citizens. Photo:

Level of education

An adult is anyone over 15 years of age. According to analysts, out of almost 4.8 billion adults, 86% of people can read and write in their native and foreign languages. Whether it is a lot or a little is a moot point.

Men receive education much more often than women (89.96% versus 82.65%).

By density

The world's population density is calculated using the total land area on the planet, which is more than 136 million square kilometers in size. The surface of the globe is larger, but a significant part of it (more than 70 percent) is occupied by the oceans.

Therefore, to calculate the density of earthly society, the sum of the areas of all state areas is used (clearly within their borders). It is assumed that at the beginning of 2021 the number of people on the globe will be more than 7.8 billion people. The density is 57.7 human units per square kilometer.

But this is a relative indicator. The sizes of powers differ significantly from each other. Also, their population sizes vary greatly. For example, Russia is the largest power in terms of area, but in terms of the number of inhabitants it ranks 9th. This means the country is not densely populated. The population is influenced by the following factors: distance from the sea, the height of the area and its relief, climatic features and the recency of the years of development of the territories.

An increase in numbers automatically affects an increase in density. To feel how rapidly the indicators are growing, you can look back to the year 50. Then the density was 18 people per square kilometer.

The ranking of countries for 2021 in descending order with the highest and lowest density is presented in the table.

StateDensity per capita
4Hong Kong6,736
10Sint Maarten1,247

Special territories and various administrative regions, as well as republics, are also listed here. That is, not only large states are taken into account, but also dependent territories and small independent entities. Simultaneous compilation of information on all objects into one table is difficult, since the population census is carried out at different times.

If you do not take into account small territories, the list of the most densely populated major powers (by number of people per square kilometer) includes Bangladesh, Palestine, South. Korea, Lebanon, Rwanda, Puerto Rico, Netherlands, Burundi and India.

Interesting Facts

We suggest you familiarize yourself with interesting information that you might not know:

  1. Demographers together with the UN suggest that by 2100 there will be 11 billion people on our planet. Ecologists, based on their experiments and observations, assure that this is the maximum number of people that the Earth can “tolerate” on itself. An increase in population will have a negative impact on the climate: mineral resources are already declining, and there is less fresh water;
  2. the “youngest” state on the planet is Niger. There, half the population is young people under 23;
  3. Most people of retirement age live in Monaco;
  4. over all the years of the Earth’s existence, about 100 billion people lived on its surface;
  5. the migration level over the past 5 years has decreased from 4.5 million to 3.2 million;
  6. Mongolia has the lowest population density: per 1 sq. km there are 2.1 Mongols. Despite the fact that the country's area is 1.5 million km.

By area

The areas of states are constant data, with the exception of individual situations that occur very rarely on the world stage (such as the annexation of Crimea to Russia and, due to this, an increase in its previous area). Therefore, a rating has been built for this parameter a long time ago.

Unfortunately, it can be noted that not all of the territorially large countries participating in the rating are distinguished by the highest indicators in other categories. The 10 largest countries are listed in the table below in descending order.

StateArea in kilometers
1Russia17 125,191
2Canada9 984,670
3USA9 817 431
4China9 598,962
5Brazil8 515,767
6Australia7 686,850
7India3 287,263
8Argentina2 780,400
9Kazakhstan2 724,902
10Algeria2 381,740

Along with this information, one can also distribute the palm to the powers according to some other specific criteria. Top places:

  • Russia ranks first in terms of area in Europe and Asia (China is in 2nd place).
  • Canada is the largest country in North America.
  • Australia is in first place in Oceania.
  • Algeria is ranked 1st in Africa.

Interesting fact! In the American state of Hawaii, there is a large and periodically erupting Kilauea Volcano. One eruption can last up to several months. Magma flows toward the water and, as it cools, constantly pushes the shoreline back. Thanks to this, the mileage of land is constantly increasing. So, thanks to the prolonged eruption in 2021, the territory of the United States has increased here by more than two thousand square kilometers.

Are we facing overpopulation or extinction?

The world's population is slowing down . If 60 years ago the annual growth was 1.84%, now it has dropped to 1.23%. The reasons are not global catastrophes. And the fact is that more and more adults prefer to devote themselves to careers, travel, and entertainment. And only then do they want to have children. Because of this, the average age increases from 30 years to 37-40. Of course, improving living conditions, medicine and the entire social component also plays a role.

But the slowdown does not mean a total reduction. Scientists believe that a demographic explosion may occur in third world countries, which will increase the number of people by 2.5 billion. Indeed, in those countries where the birth rate was minimal (for example, Africa), it begins to grow. And where overpopulation was observed (Europe, USA, Russia), the situation is the other way around.

So there will definitely not be fewer of us. But overpopulation is a very real problem.

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List of top 100

The 100 most populated countries in the world according to the 2021 version, with a high increase in citizens and different levels of consumption, is a thematic rating. This grouping of countries by number does not coincide with their distribution by country and total area.

The following nominations are highlighted: 1st place by population is given to China, by area - by Russia, by population density - by Monaco, by length of coastline - by Canada. Let's consider a complete list of all states on planet Earth.

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