The best baits for catching crucian carp

"Bait for crucian carp." Crucian carp is a small representative of the carp family, belonging to the so-called “peaceful” fish. Predatory instincts are not typical for him. But the crucian carp itself is omnivorous. He eats both plant and animal foods.

"Bait for crucian carp"

Therefore, you can use a variety of baits to catch this fish.

Crucian carp can be very picky about food, especially in the fall and during the spawning period.

Sometimes he can even twist his nose in the summer, when he is hungry.

Therefore, experienced fishermen always take several types of baits with them when fishing, even if the reservoir and the behavior of the fish in it are well known. The preferences of the hero of this article may vary depending on the fishing location.

Crucian carp living in shallow water in thickets of algae eat one food, but individuals living in the depths eat something completely different!

The tastes of crucian carp can change several times a day: in the morning it can bite well on a worm, but in the evening it can only respond to baits of plant origin. Like this…


  • 1 Catching crucian carp with a float rod
  • 2 In the pond 2.1 Search for crucian carp in the pond
  • 2.2 Groundbait
  • 3 On the river
  • 4 Tackle
      4.1 Purchased gear
  • 4.2 Homemade
  • 5 Where is crucian carp caught?
  • 6 When to catch crucian carp
  • 7 How to properly catch crucian carp with a fishing rod in the summer?
      7.1 Site preparation
  • 7.2 Baits
  • 7.3 Attachments
  • 8 Bait for crucian carp
      8.1 Purchased bait
  • 8.2 Homemade bait
  • 9 Equipment of a float rod for crucian carp
      9.1 Correct and sensitive loading of the float
  • 9.2 Effective float fishing technique
  • 10 Secrets of fishing for crucian carp
  • In fact, crucian carp has enough enemies, and humans can be included among them.

    On any body of water crucian carp can be found:

    • In or near areas of aquatic vegetation.
    • In areas of the water area where trees or bushes have been knocked down into the water.
    • There is clear water in the windows, surrounded by aquatic vegetation.
    • In pits, on dumps or tables and other areas with differences in depth.

    Small and medium-sized specimens prefer to stay close to the shore, while larger specimens try to stay in the depths and only occasionally approach the shore to feed or sunbathe. But the main condition for his location is the opportunity to hide.

    Crucian carp is a very timid fish and at the slightest extraneous noise it leaves its stopping place. The most effective tackle for catching crucian carp is considered to be a float rod. You can catch crucian carp with it throughout the open water season.

    Insect larvae and insects

    Worms, bloodworms and maggots are attractive, but not natural baits for crucian carp, because they are not part of its daily diet. Therefore, in some reservoirs, fish simply do not bite on them.

    Most often this is observed in places where amateur and sport fishing is constantly carried out.

    Baits obtained directly from the shore of a reservoir can help out.

    Take a bunch of mud to the shore and dig deep into it - you can find a lot of insect larvae there.

    Collect them in a jar or box and use them as hook bait! You can also catch crucian carp using insects that live near water.

    Insects often accidentally fall into the water, so they are completely natural food for fish. You can catch grasshoppers, flies, mayflies, caddis flies, etc.

    These baits are extremely effective, but they are not easy to get...

    Catching crucian carp with a float rod

    There are several ways to catch crucian carp, such as:

    1. Flying
      when using a regular float fishing rod with a blind rig. As a rule, the fishing line used is quite thin with a float of up to 1 gram. The length of the fishing line is chosen equal to the length of the rod or slightly exceeding it. With this rod you can catch crucian carp at a distance of 12 meters from the shore. This fishing method is more suitable for fishing in calm water and in the presence of light wind.
    2. Plug rod
      , when a special plug rod is used, consisting of a large number of legs. When fishing for crucian carp, a thin fishing line with a float of 2 grams or more is also used. The length of the fishing line does not exceed the length of the upper leg. This method allows you to very accurately feed crucian carp and catch it at a distance of up to 20 meters. The rod and equipment can be used in any fishing conditions.
    3. Match
      , when a fishing rod up to 4.5 meters long, equipped with guide rings, is used. On such rods, spinning reels are installed, with a sufficient supply of fishing line. Such equipment is intended for fishing at long distances, using Wagner-type floats. A match fishing rod can also be used effectively in any conditions.
    4. Bolognese
      is more similar to match, although there are minor differences. A telescopic rod is used here, and the method is more suitable for fishing in the current.

    In the pond

    In artificial ponds, crucian carp always appears first. This is due to the fact that it is quite tenacious and can exist in conditions where any other fish simply cannot survive. Therefore, in any hole with water, sooner or later, crucian carp will definitely appear.

    In newly formed ponds, where the food supply has not yet been formed, crucian carp moves around the water area in a school, comes close enough to the shore and bites on any bait that is offered to it.

    In such reservoirs, crucian carp can be successfully caught using any gear, regardless of the leashes and the thickness of the main line. The only thing that can hinder the crucian bite is the weather, which always makes its own adjustments to the fishing process.

    Finding crucian carp in a pond

    In already established ponds, after some time, other species of fish appear, both peaceful and predatory. In such conditions, crucian carp have to decide on their permanent and temporary stopping places. Therefore, in such ponds you will have to look for crucian carp or attract it to the fishing site with the help of bait.

    Baiting is when the future fishing spot is baited for several days in a row. If the food is added regularly, the crucian carp will come to this place on the day of fishing. Unfortunately, this method cannot always be used. It is more suitable for local fishermen who can feed the place at any time.

    If this method cannot be implemented, then you can resort to electronic means of determining the location of the fish. In such cases, it is preferable to use an echo sounder.


    In any case, crucian carp requires a lot of bait, otherwise fishing may not take place. All bait that is planned to attract crucian carp must be divided into three parts. One of these parts needs to be rolled into balls the size of an orange and thrown into the water. Basically, they make a spot bait spot, although there are cases when good results are obtained with a spaced feeding method, when the bait is distributed over a large part of the water area.

    The second part of the prepared bait will have to be thrown out in about an hour if there are no bites. In case of bites, the place needs to be fed before each cast.

    Semolina chatter

    The classic semolina mash is made very simply: pour a little semolina into a container.

    Then you need to gradually add water to it, constantly stirring the substance until it becomes doughy.

    During the mixing process, you can add some natural or artificial flavoring to the mash.

    The semolina chatter needs to be screwed onto the fore-end and hooked with a stick.

    You can also press the chatter into a syringe, and squeezing it out of the nozzle, wrap it around a hook. It is very comfortable!


    Float gear is the type of gear where it is absolutely impossible to come up with something of your own. The stores have any elements, and they are not at all expensive.

    Purchased gear

    Almost all the elements of equipment for crucian carp will have to be purchased in the store: this is the rod blank, the main fishing line, fishing line for leashes, sinkers and hooks. Making any fishing rod at home, especially a modern one, is a very difficult task. The only thing you can make yourself is a float from a goose feather. By the way, it is considered the most sensitive float, although it is not suitable for long casting due to its very low weight.


    Theoretically, you can make a fishing rod by cutting it out of hazel. Firstly, it needs to be dried well, and secondly, this is already a thing of the past, since transporting a long rod is not very convenient. It won’t be possible to make it telescopic, but you can make it foldable, but such a rod will be characterized by poor reliability.

    As for the float, it can be made from other materials, such as wine cork, plastic tube, penoplex and others.

    Where is crucian carp caught?

    With the arrival of spring, crucian carp prefers places where the water warms up very quickly. As a rule, these are shallow waters, as well as areas with slow currents, at the border of open water and last year’s vegetation.

    With the onset of summer, crucian carp can be found:

    • In windows of clear water where there is aquatic vegetation
    • At the border of clean water and aquatic vegetation
    • In areas with differences in depth.

    When to catch crucian carp

    Crucian carp begins to behave actively when the water temperature rises to +10°C, and already at a temperature of +15°C it begins to actively peck.

    Crucian carp feels great in conditions where the water temperature is between +18-23°C. It is these indicators that need to be taken into account when organizing fishing.

    In spring and autumn, you should also focus on water temperature indicators. As a rule, during these periods he begins to be interested in bait at 10-11 o’clock and until 16-17 o’clock. In the summer, crucian carp begins to bite even before sunrise, and in the evening active biting begins only after 17:00.

    But these terms are considered very conditional, since the biting mode of crucian carp is not the same, even if the reservoirs are located nearby. This is due both to the availability of food supply and to the size and depth of the pond.

    In ponds where the food supply is poor, crucian carp may be interested in bait throughout the daylight hours.

    How to catch crucian carp with a fishing rod in summer?

    Fishing always begins with determining where the fish will stay. In addition, you should ask yourself the following questions:

    • Are there large crucian carp in the pond?
    • Where do fishermen catch it, in what areas of the water area?
    • What kind of bait does he use?
    • When exactly does a large crucian carp start biting?

    Knowing the answers to such questions, you can navigate and correctly decide on gear and attachments.

    Preparing the site

    Crucian carp is a shy fish and any extra fuss on the shore will not lead to the desired result. The fishing area should be well equipped, cleared of excess vegetation and debris. If the soil is soft, then it is better to put several boards knocked into one structure in this place.

    Rod stands must be installed so that several rods can be controlled without compromising comfort.

    The cage and landing net, in case of catching a large specimen, are positioned so that they are nearby and can be reached without any problems.

    We should not forget about baits, which should be at hand.


    Crucian carp is an omnivorous fish, so it can bite both baits of plant origin and bait of animal origin. This is especially true for large specimens, for which it is very difficult to select bait. If crucian carp regularly feeds on coastal worms, then catching crucian carp with such baits is not realistic. As for bloodworms, it is good to use when fishing with a regular fly rod, but it is not suitable for long casts - it is too delicate.

    Maggot is also a very effective bait. At the same time, it is not as delicate as bloodworms and can be cast using a match fishing rod. But literally all fish love maggots and can simply drive the crucian carp away from the fishing spot. In addition, there are reservoirs where crucian carp bite only on one type of bait.

    A worm is the most common and most accessible bait for crucian carp, especially in spring and autumn. In the summer, crucian carp may abandon the worm in favor of plant baits.

    The most suitable bait for crucian carp is the red dung worm.


    Baits include baits of plant origin. As a rule, they are used only in the summer. It is very rare, but it happens when crucian carp bites on plant baits in the spring.

    Pearl barley is widely popular and is suitable for any fishing conditions. To make pearl barley more attractive to crucian carp, before casting it is dipped in breadcrumbs or in a flavoring agent that smells like strawberries or bloodworms.

    An equally popular bait is canned corn. Mostly large crucian carp are caught with it. Corn holds well on the hook, therefore, it can be used both in still water and in currents.

    Interesting results can be obtained when using the test. It is especially effective in conditions when crucian carp refuses any other bait.

    At the same time, the dough is not suitable for fishing at long distances, but at short distances it works very effectively.

    Bait for crucian carp - Maggot

    The white larva of the fly is a favorite delicacy of all carp fish, including crucian carp. Like bloodworms, maggots can be fed or attached (depending on size). Both bait and feed maggots can be bought in fishing stores.

    If you wish, you can start breeding larvae yourself. To do this, you need to put a fish carcass or a piece of meat in a warm place. After some time, the product will deteriorate and flies will flock to it and begin to lay larvae.

    After some time, the larvae will grow up. They can be collected and used as a bait additive or bait. Growing maggots is not a process for the squeamish, so before you start, think about whether it would be better to just buy a nozzle in the store?

    Methods for attaching maggots

    If you are catching a large or very cautious crucian carp, or fishing during a “non-biting” time, you can use a trick. Try hooking several baits at the same time. Good results can be achieved using the following combinations of attachments:

    • Maggot + 2-3 bloodworms.
    • Maggot + worm.
    • Maggot + bloodworm.
    • Bloodworm + red worm.

    Bait for crucian carp

    Crucian carp is caught very rarely without bait and in conditions where there are no other fish in the reservoir. If the conditions go beyond the conditions described above, then the crucian carp will have to be attracted using bait.

    Purchased bait

    Sometimes store-bought baits are criticized because they do not attract fish. In fact, almost all manufacturers test their product in real conditions before offering it to the buyer.

    Each producer is fluent in information on the topic of behavior and feeding habits. Unfortunately, baits are produced without taking into account the nature of a particular body of water, which is actually unrealistic. Therefore, any dry mixture can be considered as the basis of bait, to which filler must be added, depending on the actual preferences of the crucian carp regarding a particular reservoir. For example, steamed millet is suitable as a filler, and soil from molehills is suitable as a leavening agent. And, of course, flavoring in the form of crushed bloodworms or worms, as well as hemp.

    It is advisable to buy a well-known or “universal” mixture.

    Homemade bait

    In this case, it is possible to select a recipe, taking into account the nature of the reservoir and the food preferences of the crucian carp. Moreover, the effect can be achieved using the simplest ingredients, such as rye bread, pearl barley or wheat mixed with soil from molehills.

    On the river, crucian carp may be interested in steamed millet, combined with hemp seeds. At the same time, it is possible to conduct any type of experiment, with the addition of various components.

    Crucian carp may respond positively to various baits that contain birdseed if there is a poultry farm nearby.

    Pearl barley

    This is a very good plant bait. Some anglers say she is the best!

    The steamed pearl barley sits well on the hook, it easily passes into the small mouth of the crucian carp. Pearl barley is also used as the main component for baiting large crucian carp, carp and bream.

    In order for the nozzle to have all the necessary properties, the pearl barley must be properly steamed. This is done simply:

    1. Pour some pearl barley into a thermos with a wide neck.

    2. Fill it with boiling water. The proportional ratio of water and cereal is approximately 1:2, or 1:25.
    3. We close the thermos with a lid and do not touch it for a couple of hours.
    4. When the required amount of time has passed, pour the steamed pearl barley onto a piece of cloth.

    In order to make the bait even more attractive, half an hour before it’s ready, you can pour a bag of vanillin into a thermos with barley, or add a little hemp or anise oil. The pearl barley will absorb the smell and will attract crucian carp much better.

    Equipment of a float rod for crucian carp

    The equipment depends on how you plan to catch crucian carp:

    1. Main line:
    2. Swing or plug fishing – diameter up to 0.16 mm.
    3. Match or Bolognese fishing - diameter up to 0.25 mm.
    4. Float load capacity
      up to 1 gram:
    5. When fishing in still water, use a short keel.
    6. When fishing in the current - with a long keel.
    7. Sinker pellet
      . One pellet if a quick immersion of the bait is required and several pellets if the crucian carp is in the water column and not at the bottom.

    8. A fluorocarbon leash
    9. Hook
      No. 8..No. 12 according to the European classification. The size and color of the hook must match the nature of the bait.

    Correct and sensitive float loading

    To catch crucian carp you need a fairly sensitive float. Loading is carried out at the base of the antenna so that the body of the float is in the water. This will allow you to record the most subtle types of bites.

    The float for a match fishing rod is loaded even more, leaving on the surface only a thickening located at the top of the antenna.

    Effective float fishing technique

    The fishing technique is chosen depending on the nature of the reservoir. If this is a pond without a current, then here you need to throw the tackle into the water and wait for a bite.

    When fishing in a current, the task becomes more complicated. Several techniques can be used here. The first option is to fish for crucian carp using wire. To do this, you need to set a certain depth and throw the tackle into the water. Under the influence of the current, the bait will move in the water column at a certain depth.

    When fishing in a weak current, holding a line may be more effective, just like when fishing for roach.

    TOP 5 recipes that you can make yourself

    For good fishing, you can use homemade bait recipes. The easiest way to prepare it is from products such as pearl barley; baits made from halva and pasta are also effective.

    1. Pour 1 part pearl barley into 3 parts water. Add a little salt and a teaspoon of honey to the water. Cook over low heat until the liquid has completely evaporated.
    2. Pour 1 part of pearl barley into a thermos. Then pour boiling water over the barley. Leave the thermos overnight. In the morning (before fishing) drain the water. Add flavoring.
    3. Pour 1 part pearl barley into 4 parts water. Squeeze 2 cloves of garlic and add to the finished porridge. Mix everything.
    4. First, crush the halva until crumbly and pour the result into a small container. Pour some water (at the rate of a matchbox of halva - a teaspoon of water). Then you need to boil the resulting mixture in a water bath (the mixture will not burn there). Next, add semolina to the heated mixture in a thin stream. As a result, the resulting dough becomes thick; it must be placed on a cutting board and kneaded by hand.
    5. You need to put any type of pasta into a saucepan with boiling water (choose according to your convenience). Add unrefined sunflower oil and seasonal flavoring to the water. Cook the pasta until it is just a little done.

    Secrets of fishing for crucian carp

    Crucian carp has been familiar to many fishermen since childhood. This is a capricious fish that is found in almost all bodies of water. For him, the main condition is the availability of water, and he can always adapt. Moreover, it behaves differently in different bodies of water. To successfully catch crucian carp, you need to study the peculiarities of its behavior in a particular body of water. What is included in this information:

    • Areas of water where crucian carp prefer to spend their time.
    • Periods when crucian carp are busy feeding.
    • His diet.

    Based on this information, you can always choose the right tackle, bait and bait. In any case, information can be obtained from experienced anglers if they regularly fish on the pond. Only after careful preparation can you count on a catch.

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