How to properly install a motor on a boat PVC diagram
How to properly install a motor on the transom of a boat Motorka.PRO store specialist Maxim Ostapenko discusses the subtleties
how to properly seal a boat with pvc
How to seal a PVC boat: instructions
Preparing the boat Before repairing, you need to find a hole; it is worth remembering that there may be several damages.
Lake Topozero
Topozero is the fourth largest lake in Karelia and the thirteenth in Russia. The area of ​​the reservoir is huge
How to place a bet for horse mackerel fishing
Black Sea horse mackerel fishing with “tyrant” and other catchable gear Black Sea horse mackerel is a schooling fish,
For burbot with a spinning rod - features of targeted autumn fishing
The only freshwater representative of cod, burbot, is rarely encountered by spinning anglers. The behavioral characteristics of fish lead to
How to properly prepare catchy Kyiv mastyrka with your own hands according to a proven recipe
Mastyrka is one of the few baits that firmly and reliably stays on the hook. On
Catching carp with corn
What kind of fish bites on corn?
Corn is one of the best, most effective and affordable baits for carp fishing. If
All about tyrant tackle
Tyrant for various fishing conditions
Today there are fishing gear used for catching fish from the depths, which, despite their antiquity,
Lake Segozero photo
Lake Segozero: geographical location, recreation and fishing. How to get to the lake?
Lakes of Karelia Karelia is one of the most lacustrine regions on the planet. Karelian reservoirs are diverse
GIMS number for the boat
Onboard registration numbers and names for boats, yachts, ships, jet skis
Since 2021, new rules for registering small vessels (MS) have come into force, therefore the form and
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