Fishing on Onega Bay

The best fishing on the White Sea, rivers and lakes of the Kem region

If you are a true fishing lover, then you have an excellent opportunity to feel the beauty of real fishing. The lakes contain an abundance of perch, pike, burbot, roach, ide, and grayling. You can take a boat trip along the White Sea, along the nearby islands. From July to August there is an excellent opportunity to catch cod.
You can stay in comfortable, well-equipped cottages and go fishing one day. But most of all, an avid fisherman will be attracted by the possibility of a semi-wild fishing holiday. For our part, we will provide you with all the necessary means.

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Karelia, Kemsky district. Hunting.Fishing.Recreation

I invite you to hunting and fishing in Karelia. The new base in a quiet location is a great place for both hunters and fishermen.

HUNTING in public lands with “tickets, licenses” for sage, black grouse, duck, hazel grouse, woodcock, goose - I will provide without any “commercial” markups. Fur trade - similarly. Near the place of residence there are commercial hunting grounds - everything is the same, but at different prices. Elk and bear are a special topic. Few mining 'licenses' are allocated to areas; there are many times more people willing. At the state price - a problem. In commercial databases - 2-3 times more expensive (in public databases - 3000 rubles). From the base (located on public lands), everything listed is available within a radius of 10-15 km. There are excellent duck spots on the Belaya River.

FISHING The base is located on the shore (50m) from the Belaya River, which flows into the Kem River after 500 m. The rivers contain pike, bream, perch, burbot, roach. On the rapids (near the White Rapids) there are grayling. The Shomba River flows 5 km away, the river has rapids, and grayling can also be caught. 40 km from the base is Lake Pongoma, where perch of 800-1000 grams is not surprising, and red fish is rare. Boats, motors, and equipment must be taken with you. While at the base, all property is under 24-hour security.

Hunters and fishermen are recommended to arrive in a vehicle with good cross-country ability (4*4). If you have well-prepared vehicles - in remote places - hunting is much more interesting and productive. The base has its own UAZ 'loaf'.

BASE From Moscow along the Yaroslavl highway, through Vologda, approximately 1400 km. The base is located in a clearing in the forest. Own road, security - around the clock. Light and heating - generator. Cooking - gas stove. Cooking and washing dishes by yourself. If possible, it is better to take food and drinks with you. 4 bedrooms for 7 people. It is possible to accommodate more people. Drinking water is imported from a spring, household water is from a river. We provide water. There is also a kitchen with the necessary amount of utensils. We provide bed linen and take personal hygiene items with you. Facilities are outside.

Fishing bases

There are several fishing bases near the White Sea. They offer a certain range of services to significantly increase the comfort of fishing. The price for services is relatively low. The only thing that is quite expensive is renting a vessel to go to sea. This is due to the fact that in order to go out into the open sea, the craft must be large enough to withstand the shock of the waves.


Sonostrov is a base on the seashore. Here you can rent the necessary equipment and watercraft. Nearby there are lakes and rivers into which fish enter during spawning in search of food.

On the territory there are:

  • houses for living;
  • bath;
  • dining room and many other facilities.

The tourist base is located at a distance of 50 kilometers from the nearest settlement. There are small houses on site that can be rented for vacation.


Gridino on the White Sea is a tourist base dedicated to hunting and fishing. Fishing is possible upon receipt of a license, the cost of which is 1,000 rubles per person per day.

Around the base there are several rivers and lakes that flow into the sea. It is in river and lake waters that fish often enter to feed. In this case, fishing can be done from the shore, and not from a rented boat. This point significantly reduces costs.

The White Sea, despite the cold waters, allows you to have a good time and catch a variety of fish. At the same time, the gear used, the choice of fishing location - everything is quite universal, since sea fish is unpretentious and can be caught with many things. It is only important to consider whether the hunt is for predatory or ordinary fish.

Fishing in Karelia in August

Some force uncontrollably pulls the tackle into the depths. I try in vain to stop the invisible giant. The tip of the rod makes one straight line with the stretched fishing line, and then a soft click is heard, and a piece of fishing line curls around the fishing rod like a pig's tail. I take a breath and wipe away the sweat that has appeared. Today the river presents surprise after surprise, but what kind of “crocodile” was it?

As if answering my question, the water boils, jumping high out of it, a flock of large dace rushes in all directions, and after them a hefty pike appears in the air for a split second, either wanting to show off, or deciding to look at the unlucky fisherman. What a pity that I didn’t take a spinning rod with me this time! We float down below in search of new places. All the details about fishing in the Nizhny Novgorod region on the Usta River are in this report.

Almost every snag or island protruding from the water is followed by decisive bites. One of the peculiarities of fishing in low water is that the fish, frightened by the noise, leaves almost immediately, and sitting in one place, waiting for the next bite, is a futile exercise. Fishing locations have to be changed every two or three casts.

If for some reason it doesn’t bite, it means they simply scared the fish away with their appearance. In all other respects, fishing is no different from summer fishing. The same float rod, the same very modest selection of baits, but the results are much better than the most successful summer fishing trips. However, this is explained quite simply. A sharp drop in the water level in the river forces the fish to seek shelter in the formed holes, so finding it is much easier.

From our practice, I came to the conclusion that it is better to fish from a boat. Although the risk of damaging it on stones increases significantly, you can approach the fishing spots without unnecessary noise. The bait is common for North Karelia - a subleaf worm, fin or eye of a caught fish. We have not tried fishing with artificial baits; it is quite possible that they will give good results.

The catches include medium and large perch, ide, and pike. Roach and dace are less interested in bait. There is another very favorable factor for the angler - most owners of motor boats prefer not to swim in low water, which means there is less interference for fishing. This is not the best time for net fishing, which is officially permitted in North Karelia.

But for the amateur fisherman, days of low water are a real gift before the prolonged autumn bad weather. These are all the secrets of fishing in low water, but to say, there are no secrets. A little skill, more observation and... no tail, no scales.

Northern exotica – fishing in the White Sea

> Where to fish > Fishing in Russia and around the world > Northern exotic – fishing in the White Sea

Fishing on the White Sea is,
to some extent, an exotic and extreme thing. This is due to its climatic and geographical features. The area of ​​the White Sea is 90,000 km². The greatest depths do not exceed 400 meters. Sea tides have a significant impact on fishing.

Not all bays have the same salinity; the Dvina, Mezen and Onega bays are less saline and there is practically no sea fishing there due to the large influx of fresh water. But excellent sea fishing on the White
is carried out in the Kandalaksha Bay on the coast of the Terek and Karelian isthmuses. Only fish species that permanently live in the sea enter these places.

Among fishing enthusiasts in the White Sea, species such as salmon, catfish, whitefish, cod, herring, navaga, and flounder are especially popular. Other fish are considered less important and will mainly be caught as catch.


The best place for catching catfish is Kandalaksha Bay. One of the subspecies of Atlantic catfish lives here, the size of which can reach 85 cm. Catfish for fishermen as a trophy is not inferior in value to cod. This fish has delicious, tender meat, and in July you can even enjoy its caviar, which is not inferior in taste to salmon.

The catfish's diet is quite varied, it includes mollusks, starfish, crabs, sea urchins, shrimp, and also feeds on small fish. This fish has excellently developed conical and chewing teeth, which easily grind and crush the fairly strong skeletons of various mollusks, echinoderms and crustaceans. They catch catfish using bottom gear starting in May, at which time catfish can even be seen at shallow depths in coastal waters not far from the shore. As for the rest of the time, it goes into the depths, where it is more difficult to catch it. To catch catfish, only steel and Kevlar leashes are used; the rest can easily be ground with its teeth.


Cod in the White Sea differs from ordinary Atlantic cod in its size; as a rule, it is one and a half to two times smaller. Usually its length is no more than 60 cm. But even such specimens do not often pamper the fisherman. The largest individuals are found in the deepest Bay of the White Sea, Kandalaksha Bay. Fishing in the White Sea

for the largest cod, it is usually fished near sheer rocks that go into the depths; small cod is excellently caught in shallow water and in places where there are a lot of stones at the bottom.


This small fish is also one of the representatives of the cod family. Usually the length of navaga does not exceed 40 cm. Today it is the main commercial species of the White Sea. The main habitat of navaga is the Onega, Dvina and Mezen bays. As for Kandalaksha, it is rare there.


Whitefish is one of the most respected trophies for fishermen on the White Sea. Whitefish mainly live in coastal waters in straits, numerous shallows and bays. The diet of whitefish includes a variety of bottom organisms, amphipods, mussels, worms and other bottom living creatures. Adult whitefish spawn 3 times in their lives. As a rule, whitefish are caught using nets, and amateurs catch them with a spinning rod. Whitefish are often caught as bycatch during the harvest of herring, smelt and other fish. Whitefish is famous for its valuable dietary meat with excellent taste. This fish is delicious in any form.


Herring is one of the main species that is commercially fished in the White Sea. The most interesting thing is that despite its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean of the White Sea, it is not Atlantic herring that lives there, but Pacific herring. As a rule, they are caught with trawls or nets, and many local fishermen catch herring with floating nets. In summer, this fish accumulates in large quantities in Chupinskaya Bay and feeds very actively and is caught in large quantities. In the fall, having accumulated a sufficient amount of fat, the herring accumulates in deep bottom holes, where it overwinters. In autumn, herring is caught in large quantities, and it is the most caught fish in the White Sea.


As for flounder, there are 5 species of this fish in the White Sea. Of these, 3 species are river flounder. Polar and ruff are permanent inhabitants of the White Sea, they can be found in any part of it. Two species, sea flounder and ruffed flounder, migrate to the White Sea from the Barents Sea in summer to feed. Fishing for flounder in the White Sea

usually carried out with a float rod or a tyrant. Usually the bait for catching flounder is a sea worm, of which you can find a lot on the sandbanks after low tide.

Fishing is very popular on the Karelian coast of the White Sea. This is a very beautiful and picturesque place, abundant in fish resources. The most desirable catch for anglers in these places is sea and lake salmon, which can be caught throughout the warm season using a spinning rod or fly rod.

Pink salmon can be caught well from the second half of July to the first half of August, at the mouths of rivers flowing into the White Sea. The length of some individuals can reach more than 70 cm and weight about 6 kg.

Pink salmon caviar is very tasty, like any salmon. Pink salmon are usually caught near the shore in shallow water or shallow depths. In these same places you can successfully catch capelin, smelt, eelpout, goby and sometimes sea bass. Also, in the mouths of rivers flowing into the sea, you can successfully catch freshwater fish species, bream, silver bream, rudd, even large pike.

Sport fishing for such a strong predator as a shark is of great interest to amateur fishermen; they are caught using strong, reliable gear, using fish fillets or seal meat as bait. Sharks are especially good at catching seal oil.

To summarize briefly, sea fishing on the White Sea

, interesting, diverse, and always pleases anglers with excellent catches.

Published: 08/07/2014

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Transfer to the rivers from Kem

We can take you from Kem to the banks of rivers, places of hunting and fishing:

  1. to the Kepa River, on the way to which there are only two settlements, or to the Pista River, which is the natural border between Russia and Finland;
  2. on the Vonga River. The route usually starts from Lake Pildo, where there was an ancient Karelian village or Mai Lake. The Vonga River attracts fishermen, hunters and kayakers with its pristine nature, a large number of the most diverse fish, which rise not only from the White Sea (salmon, nelma, brown trout, pink salmon), but also live in abundance in the river itself and its tributaries;
  3. on the Kuzema River, the places are truly unforgettable, and the game and fish here are very diverse. Hunting and fishing here is a pleasure;
  4. to the banks of the Pongoma River, which originates from the lake of the same name and pick up at the end of the route in the Pomeranian village of Pongoma. The mouth of the Pongoma is inhabited by various trash fish (perch, pike, roach). So do salmon, brown trout, and pink salmon coming to spawn. And Lake Pongoma, with its many picturesque islands and sandy beaches, is one of the most beautiful places in North Karelia;
  5. on the bank of the Belomorskaya Shuya river. The river has long been favored by lovers of extreme tourism. Groups rafting down the river do not hesitate to go fishing during stops;
  6. to the Churush River. These are deserted places where no one looks except hunters and fishermen. In the thickets here you can meet a bear, and moose often come out into the swamps to escape midges and mosquitoes. Its banks are muddy, convenient for hunting waterfowl;
  7. on the rapids river Okhta. Flowing through taiga, protected areas of the White Sea Territory. Where people come not only for fishing, but also to see the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, a church built on Trinity Island in 1602. There is often a strong wave on the river, forcing fishermen and tourists to seek shelter. Trinity Island has saved people from imminent death more than once.

Chirka + Kem = Chirko-Kem

The length of the river reaches 221 kilometers. Its sources are located on the West Karelian Upland, at an altitude of 193 meters. At this place Kem and Chirka merge. They form the Chirko-Kem River. Hence its double name. It flows along the Russian-Finnish border and flows into Yushkozero. A few kilometers before the mouth, the Chirko-Kem forms bizarre meanders - steep, smooth bends of the riverbed. The total height difference is about one hundred meters.

The river is fed by rain and snow. The average water flow is about 80 cubic meters per second. The maximum depth does not exceed three meters. The width ranges from 20 meters in the upper reaches to 100 meters in the lower reaches. Due to the presence of peat particles, the water has a dark color. Until the 80s of the last century, the river was actively used for timber rafting. The ice shell appears already at the end of October, and disappears only at the beginning of May.

Karelia is beautiful at any time of the year

The Chirko-Kem has 11 tributaries. The first from the origins are Kem and Chirka. Next comes Kozhala, which is only 28 kilometers long. It flows through the territory of the Muezersky district. The Kivioja tributary is even smaller – 16 kilometers. Further in the northern direction follow the rivers Muezerka, Nurdas, Nyaugu, and Häme. The list is completed by Rastas, Ovriya, Mellichajoki. All names have one thing in common - the meaning of the words is completely incomprehensible. Administratively, they belong to the Muezersky and Kalevalsky districts of Karelia.

Transfer to the lakes from Kemi

Karelia is called the country of lakes. We will drop you off at any lake and pick you up back at the agreed time. With our help you will get to the most deserted wild places:

  • Upper Kumozero and Lower Kumozero are perfect for fishing in the summer with a rod and spinning rod. In winter, the fish take live bait more actively;
  • Lake Glubokoe fully corresponds to its name; lovers of jigging come here;
  • Fishing on lakes Pongoma and Levitskoye is always successful. A fisherman's house on the shore is a convenient place to relax and spend the night;
  • Topozero is one of the largest lakes, a huge boundless expanse of water. The shores of the lake are deserted and no one prevents fishing enthusiasts from spending time alone with a fishing rod and themselves;
  • Lake Lulo, the Shomba River flows through the lake, the water here is very clean, thanks to the sandy bottom. There are a lot of bream in the lake;
  • with our help you can get to the shore of Payozer. It is very deep; pike perch and pike are often caught here using jigs;
  • Lake Lezhevo stretches for many kilometers. Now there is no permanent housing here, only fishermen's houses. Whitefish, vendace, ide, pike, perch, and burbot are found there in abundance;
  • Lake Whitefish was named so for a reason; people come here for whitefish, a rare fish these days.
  • Lake Vicks Lambina is also waiting for you and promises successful fishing.

We will pick you up from any route and deliver you again to Kem, you just need to tell us the place where you are. We pick up from everywhere: from the villages of Yushkozero, Panozero, Kalgalaksha, Kalevala, Pongoma, the village of Borovoy, Tiksha. We will pick you up at Engozero, Kuzema, and Ambarny stations. We are waiting for you in Karelia, an unforgettable country of tear-clean rivers and blue endless lakes. Happy rafting, fishing and happy hunting!

Sources: https

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