Chum salmon or pink salmon - which is healthier?

Red fish is not only a delicacy, but also a very healthy product. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, fatty acids, microelements and other important nutrients. However, “red fish” is a common name for a huge number of salmon varieties.

Thus, “red fish” can be called salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, salmon, chum salmon, trout and many other varieties. And they differ quite a lot from each other. Apart from chum salmon and pink salmon, they are very similar and often “replace” each other on store shelves. Therefore, housewives may have a reasonable question: “Which is better and healthier – chum salmon or pink salmon?” Let's look into this material.

Representatives of the salmon family

Chum salmon and pink salmon are the most common fish of the salmon genus. They make up more than eighty percent of the fish catch.

Chum salmon is a type of Pacific salmon. There are two types of fish of this breed: summer and autumn. The first lives in the northern part of the world, the second in the south. Autumn chum salmon are much larger than summer ones. This fish has a highly developed sense of homeland - it always returns to spawn in the same place where it was born.

Pink salmon is also called pink salmon. She prefers cold waters with a temperature no higher than 15 degrees - at 26 degrees the fish dies. Pink salmon eat high-calorie foods, and their meat is rich and fatty. It is superior to keta meat in terms of caloric content and amount of fat.

Pink salmon spawn one and a half years after birth and usually die after spawning. For breeding, she chooses new places - usually rivers with large pebbles. The fry hide in a burrow for some time after birth, then are carried out to the open sea by the current.

The use of pink salmon is suitable for fish soup lovers. This type of fish produces a tasty and rich soup, which also has a pleasant aroma. In addition to soups, it is often used in various salads; this fillet goes well with many ingredients and makes dishes rich and nutritious.

What is the difference between chum salmon and pink salmon, what is better to choose?

Fish is the most important product in the human diet. Its benefits have been proven for a long time. It contains vitamins, proteins, and minerals. The meat of red fish (chum salmon, pink salmon) is especially useful. It contains Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, which slow down the aging process and protect the body from many diseases.

Chum salmon and pink salmon can be distinguished by their characteristic external features:

  • Pink salmon can be easily distinguished from other representatives of salmon species by the specific hump on their back, which is formed during the spawning period. Under normal conditions, this fish has a light blue color. In addition, small black spots can be found on the back of pink salmon;
  • Chum salmon can be distinguished by the characteristic pink stripes located on both sides of its body and shifted closer to the lower part of its body. In water, chum salmon has a silvery color.

  • In addition to these external features, fish differ in their behavior during the spawning period:
  • Chum salmon, as a rule, spawn in the places where it itself was born;
  • Pink salmon, unlike chum salmon, can spawn not only in their native backwaters. In addition, pink salmon prefer areas of water bodies with faster currents.
  • Pink salmon is a little dry, but when salted it behaves better than when it is subjected to heat treatment.

To the question “Which fish is still better?” It’s quite difficult to answer, because both of them are beneficial for the body. However, from a medical point of view, it is better to give preference to chum salmon, because it contains more vitamins. It is also less dangerous for the stomach.

Pink salmon has a fattier and higher-calorie fillet. This is due to the fact that it lives in cold waters and eats high-calorie foods. Its meat has a dense consistency and pale pink color. Its calorie content is 145−147 kcal.

Chum salmon meat is drier and less fatty. It is considered a valuable dietary product as it contains fewer calories. The energy value of tender fillet is 125 kcal. It looks bright pink. Meat contains more vitamins, especially group B, including B5, B6, B9, B12. Pink salmon meat has the best mineral composition: it contains a lot of iodine, manganese, chromium, cobalt, and fluorine.

What is the difference between pink salmon and other salmon

Now we are faced with a difficult task - to say which is better, although in the first case it is one of the most common types of the second. The task is complex, so we will reduce it to comparing the composition and beneficial properties of the remaining representatives of this family with the “humpback”, which is the most numerous and popular today. The main reason for this popularity is the affordable price, the ideal consistency of the meat and red caviar, the benefits and taste of which are appreciated by many.

Before we say which salmon or pink salmon is tastier, let’s talk about the external differences between the latter and coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, chinook salmon, salmon and other members of the family. Unlike the same salmon, which in the wild can reach enormous sizes and weights of 20-40 kilograms, this fish with a hump in the male has the smallest sizes - its weight rarely exceeds 2 kilograms, and the body size of an adult is 60-70 centimeters. Meanwhile, it is this representative of the family that grows the fastest, since it is not a fussy eater and prefers to spend the winter in fairly warm water.

Which caviar is better than chum salmon or pink salmon?

The caviar of these fish species differs not only in color, but also in size:

  • Chum salmon caviar is one of the best similar products. The eggs are located in a hard shell that has a regular shape. At the same time, caviar has a unique taste, as well as an orange color with an amber sheen;
  • pink salmon has caviar, with a diameter of 3 to 5 mm and a bright orange or light orange hue. As a rule, the caviar is light orange in color. This caviar is considered the most common, therefore it is not an expensive product.

One of the most important factors influencing the quality of red caviar is the salting of this product. Red caviar is salted immediately after the end of the period


The queen fish of salmon, also known as the noble salmon. It lives in the northern seas of the Atlantic Ocean, and goes to nearby rivers to spawn. Externally, it is distinguished by its impressive size (can reach one and a half meters in length and forty kilograms in weight), as well as large silver scales and the absence of stripes on the body. Its meat is incredibly tasty, juicy, and has a pink or light orange tint. Salmon fillet is very highly valued and considered a delicacy, and therefore is quite expensive. This fish is especially tasty due to its high fat content, but this is precisely why it should not be given to small children. It’s best to bake it or grill it without oil - then you’ll definitely get a “finger-licking” experience. 100g of salmon steak contains 225kcal, 20g of protein and 15g of fat. Carbohydrates, as in other salmon, are completely absent.

Appearance of chum salmon and difference from pink salmon

Unscrupulous sellers deliberately replace chum salmon with pink salmon, since the latter is cheaper, fattier, although no less healthy. Often people who do not understand the topic of fish species and families in detail confuse these two species. That is why when buying, doubts arise and questions arise whether the sellers are deceiving. When cut, the fillet parts are difficult to distinguish, but possible.

Chum salmon is larger in volume: it reaches 1 m in length, with a weight of almost 15 kg. This is a common fish, and ranks confidently in second place in population among its family. The meat of this fish is less calorie and fatty. It looks unremarkable: with a silver color, which is complemented by pink-crimson stripes during the spawning period.

Pink salmon is 25 cm shorter than its relative. This is primarily due to the fact that adult individuals often die after spawning without having time to grow to a large size. A peculiarity has also been noticed that they grow faster. It has spots on the body and pronounced sexual characteristics.

The chum salmon has a highly developed sense of homeland. To spawn, she returns to the place where she was born. Pink salmon, on the other hand, do not have such an instinct, so each time they choose a new place for breeding.

What are chum salmon and pink salmon

Chum salmon and pink salmon are representatives of the Salmon family. They make up 80% of the Salmon catch and are in demand on the market.

Chum salmon is one of the varieties of Pacific salmon, with a characteristic elongated body shape and shiny silver color. There are 2 types: “summer”, which lives in northern latitudes, and “autumn”, which lives in the southern part of the world. They differ in length: representatives of the north are 20 cm shorter than their relatives from the south.

Balyk is prepared from this fish, canned, salted, dried, smoked, and frozen. In addition to meat, its most valuable caviar is used as food. In our country it is freely available and anyone can purchase it.

Pink salmon, or pink salmon, is also a species from the Salmon family. This fish lives in cold waters, the temperature of which does not exceed 15°. The most optimal temperature for the life of an individual is 10°, and at 26 it dies. It prefers to eat high-calorie foods, so pink salmon meat is fattier and higher in calories. After only 1.5 years, mature individuals go to spawn to lay eggs and die.

The fry, having hatched, remain for some time in a secluded house, waiting until they grow up so that the current carries them into open sea waters.

Chum salmon - sea or river fish

Chum salmon is particularly valuable because it does not breed and does not live in captivity. When buying a real specimen in a store, you can be sure that it was grown in natural conditions and did not use any artificial growth stimulants.

This species has a wide habitat: it is found both in the oceans and in seas and rivers. In terms of prevalence, this fish has no equal among Salmonids. The quality of fish meat directly depends on the diet of the individual. The catches in Russia are small, which also determines the corresponding price.

This is a fish that does not have a specifically defined habitat. Large flocks enter river waters for spawning, while others, on the contrary, melt from the river into the seas and oceans. During such travels, their color changes - it becomes darker and stripes appear.

The large, wide and massive tail is primarily intended for digging holes in which eggs are laid. Some pits reach 2 meters!

The difference between chum salmon and pink salmon

They are equally amenable to heat treatment, and excellent dishes are obtained, even with a minimum of spices and additives. A universal product that you can experiment with: processing methods, side dishes and spices. You can get an appetizer, salad, pie, first or second course - you are not limited in your imagination.

When choosing a fillet, pay attention to the shade - pink salmon is faded pinkish. It is the easiest to distinguish among other representatives of the family, and chum salmon has a bright, juicy pink color. Do not buy pickled or frozen, as the shades may be the same due to processing.

Differences in appearance

Chum salmon have a light gray color that darkens on the way to spawning. Crimson stripes also appear in the tail area - this is a sure sign that the individual is heading to the breeding site.

Pink salmon got its name because of the hump that appears on males during spawning. This distinctive sign distinguishes these fish well from others. It also has small scales and dark spots all over its back and tail. The inhabitants of the ocean have a gray color with a blue tint, and during reproduction the color changes to specifically gray with a yellow-green tint on the abdomen.

The caviar also varies: chum salmon eggs are larger, brighter in appearance, with a dense shell. Accordingly, caviar of the second type is smaller, approximately 1 mm in diameter, darker in color and with thinner walls. However, both types have wonderful taste, are equally beneficial for the body and are recommended for consumption. The rich composition of minerals, trace elements, and proteins is what distinguishes the caviar of these fish!

Differences in composition

Chum salmon meat and caviar are considered a more fat, tender, healthy and dietary product. This also affects the price. Based on taste, everyone chooses what they like. And yet, people more often make a choice in the direction of this fish.

It contains vitamins E, C, PP, B1 and B5. Caviar contains a third of vegetable protein, which is completely absorbed by the human body.

In contrast, there are supporters of pink salmon who consider it a useful and relatively inexpensive product.

The differences in composition are insignificant. The differences are expressed in the mineral and vitamin composition. Chum salmon has a predominance of B vitamins, while its smaller brother has a richer mineral composition. The latter contains a storehouse of iodine and fluorine, as well as manganese. Children are required to take a course of fish oil so that vitamin D is better absorbed. The caviar of both representatives of Salmon, their meat or extracted fat are suitable for this. This is a source of polyunsaturated acids, amino acids, which are not found in any other food product.

Pink salmon is one of the most common representatives, and chum salmon is somewhere in second place. Red caviar is obtained in the Far East, as well as in other parts of the globe where these types of fish are found. Unfortunately, it was not always considered a delicacy.

In the seventeenth century, it began to be supplied to the royal table, but otherwise there was not much demand for it. Therefore, the expensive product was sold through poor taverns. As for the inhabitants of the Far East, red caviar has always been a valuable product for them. Caviar was used for food in various forms.

Hunters and fishermen took it with them in dried form. Not only was it healthy for them, but it also gave them a feeling of satiety. Some of the northern peoples simply used it as bread. It was an excellent addition to various cereals. It was dried, fried and fermented.

Salting began only in the 20th century. Prepared in a concentrated salt solution, it has become very popular both throughout Russia and throughout the world.

The famous pancakes with red caviar were prepared not only for Maslenitsa, but also during Lent. Only in this case, the pancakes were not spread with this product, but it was added to the dough during cooking.

Chemical composition

It is a comparison of the chemical composition that will help us understand what is healthier. You should start with the amount of polyunsaturated acids, and in terms of their amount, keta meat is slightly ahead of its competitor. As for the vitamin composition, it also leads in some positions - in particular, it contains more nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). It also leads in vitamin D content, but to replenish its reserves, it is enough to periodically go out into the air. The competitor has more vitamin E, but this difference is also insignificant.

To be completely objective and talk about what is better than chum salmon or pink salmon, let’s look at the mineral composition, and it is practically no different, at least in terms of potassium and magnesium content, but there is more phosphorus in chum salmon, so for improvement It suits brain activity better. According to experts, it contains more representatives of B vitamins, but pink mushrooms are a “storehouse” of iodine, fluorine and cobalt. Calorie content will help you draw certain conclusions and decide which is better, and according to this indicator, “the higher-calorie pink salmon wins (about 150 kcal per 100 grams of product), while the second subject has approximately 125 “kilograms.”

Many of us prefer to place a dish with salmon caviar or other types of fish on the holiday table. In this regard, chum salmon caviar is considered more valuable, since it contains more useful protein and is well and completely absorbed by the body. Pink salmon caviar, meanwhile, has a more attractive appearance, but this is not for everyone, and you will have to decide what to choose yourself.

What is the difference between chum salmon and pink salmon?

Pink salmon is the most numerous species of salmon fish, characterized by its rather modest size compared to other relatives. The maximum weight of pink salmon is 5.5 kg, length 75 cm. Adult fish often die after spawning, which is partly the reason why pink salmon do not grow to large sizes. Pink salmon winters in warm waters with a temperature of at least +5 degrees, eats plenty of high-calorie foods, so the meat of this fish has a dense consistency and contains more fat than the pulp of chum salmon.

Chum salmon is the second largest species of the salmon family; it is larger and differs in the composition and energy value of its meat. Chum salmon can reach 1 m in length and up to 14 kg in weight. Compared to pink salmon, chum salmon meat is drier, but less fatty. The peculiarity of this species is that chum salmon does not reproduce in captivity, so when purchasing fish you can be sure that it does not contain artificial growth accelerators and antibiotics.

Chum salmon and pink salmon - differences in composition

Chum salmon meat contains a more extensive composition of B vitamins, including B5, B6, B9, B12, and has a more saturated mineral composition, including iodine, manganese, chromium, cobalt, and fluorine. The calorie content of pink salmon is 145-147 kcal, chum salmon meat is more tender and has a lower energy value - about 125 kcal.

What is the difference between salmon and salmon

Salmon differs from salmon in that salmon is a specific type of fish, and salmon is a generalized name for an entire family, which includes salmon.
Salmon is distinguished by its large size, which usually surpasses other representatives of the salmon family. The meat is soft and contains fats and essential amino acids. Due to its dietary properties, fish is suitable for the diet of those who follow a healthy diet.

The salmon family is divided into two types: Pacific fish and Atlantic fish.

Salmon belongs to the Atlantic group. Its habitat is considered to be the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean. But fish breed in freshwater bodies of water in areas with a mild climate. A special feature is the ability of fish to reproduce several times throughout its life cycle.

Pacific fish die after spawning.

Salmon are a valuable commercial fish, so they are bred in artificially created conditions. An important condition is to maintain the temperature of the water in which the fish live.

What is the difference between chum salmon and pink salmon caviar?

Just as the fish itself has differences, the caviar of these species differs visually and in composition. Chum salmon caviar is larger in size and has a beautiful orange-red color. Pink salmon eggs are much smaller in size and light orange in color with a denser outer shell. Both types of caviar have excellent taste. The composition of chum salmon caviar is richer; it contains more protein, which is almost completely absorbed by our body; it also contains more vitamins and minerals.

It is not customary to argue about taste preferences, but experts believe that chum salmon meat and caviar are a more healthy and dietary product.

Red fish is considered the most popular seafood in cooking. It is tasty and healthy, you can prepare many dishes from it. But the wide variety of species often makes choosing fish difficult. The question especially often arises: which is better - chum salmon or pink salmon? After all, these are the most common types of red fish, but they differ in taste and other characteristics.

Red fish is useful for maintaining good vision and preventing dysbacteriosis. Eating it helps maintain healthy hair, nails and skin. Red fish contains microelements that are not found in other foods, so it is recommended to include it in your food. For example, it contains a lot of Omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins A and D.

Definition of salmon and pink salmon

Consuming this product will improve the consumer's health. To begin with, you should understand that since this fish grew up in environmentally friendly conditions, it means there will be no harmful substances in it. You can find out what its benefits are below:

  • Its use is useful for people who want to lose excess weight.
  • It contains balanced fatty acids necessary for the body, in particular Omega 3 and Omega 6, which have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • It has a huge amount of useful vitamins (vitamins A, B, E, D, etc.).
  • And don’t forget about the minerals that this product contains in sufficient quantities (zinc, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, chlorine). It is thanks to them that a person gains strength and endurance.
  • For people who love trout, their cholesterol levels are always normal and their nervous system works well. They do not have depression or hypertension, and the risk of getting cancer is reduced by 3 times.
  • Thanks to small bones that boil quickly, this fish can also be given to children. It is well absorbed by the young body.
  • Trout lovers can also boast of the absence of burns when sunbathing on the beach.

Salmon is also a healthy food to eat. However, the list of its beneficial qualities is completely different from that of trout:

  • This fish is also rich in fatty acids (the presence of Omega 3), which helps strengthen the functioning of the heart and nervous system.
  • Salmon contains selenium, which strengthens and promotes the growth of hair, nails, and tissue.
  • Phosphorus and calcium contained in large quantities improve the structure of bones and muscles.
  • By consuming this product in large quantities, a person can slow down aging.
  • Useful for children because it contains a small amount of mercury, which can harm the growing body.

Salmon is the common name for fish belonging to the Salmonidae or Salmonidae family. There is also a division into the genus of Pacific (Oncorhynchus) and noble (Salmo) salmon. Among other types of fish, it is easily recognized by small specks on the skin and red or pink fins. Many of the well-known and beloved fish that are now sold in stores under different names are included in the salmon category, for example, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, plague, chum salmon, masu salmon, chinook salmon, trout, mykiss, malma, salmon, taimen and pink salmon.

Calorie content, full chemical composition, benefits and harm.

Features of pink salmon

This is the most common type of red fish. It is quite inexpensive, so it is accessible to many. This is a small fish, its weight does not exceed 5.5 kg. She eats only high-calorie foods. Therefore, pink salmon meat is fattier and denser. It has a richer mineral composition than chum salmon and a higher calorie content.

Distinctive features of pink salmon are dark spots on the back. It has smaller scales. Male pink salmon have a noticeable hump on their back, which is why the fish got its name.

Features of chum salmon

Chum salmon is a fairly large representative of the salmon family; its weight can reach 14 kg. It is widely available and popular among buyers. Its meat is soft and tender, not very fatty. Chum salmon does not live in captivity; it eats only natural food, so its meat does not contain artificial additives. If we compare the composition of which is better - chum salmon or pink salmon, then chum salmon meat contains more vitamins. This fish is considered a dietary food because it is low in calories.

Chum salmon is larger than pink salmon, but lighter in color. It has a light silver color and fairly large scales. Chum salmon has a characteristic elongated body shape and a massive tail.

How can you distinguish chum salmon and what are its main beneficial qualities?

The abundance of chum salmon allows it to take second place among the species of the salmon family. This is a large fish with a light color, large scales, and a large tail. Its weight can reach up to 15 kg . The meat of the product is soft and has a medium fat content.

The benefits of this fish are in many ways similar to the beneficial qualities of pink salmon. But there are properties that can be attributed to the advantages of a particular product.

  • The fillet does not contain preservatives or other additives . This is because, being in its natural environment, chum salmon prefer natural food for themselves.
  • The product has many beneficial properties. Its meat, according to nutritionists, is low-calorie ( 125-130 kcal per 100 grams of product), therefore it is always recommended for use during diets to maintain weight.
  • Chum salmon meat contains more vitamins from group B. The composition is rich in vitamins B5, B6, B9, B12. In addition, fish meat has a large amount of vitamins A, C, E, PP, microelements, fatty acids (omega-3 and 6). The present element, thiamine, stimulates the functioning of the brain and central nervous system.
  • Chum salmon caviar is larger in size than pink salmon. The eggs look like small transparent balls with a beautiful orange-red hue. This type of caviar has a richer composition, higher content of protein, vitamins and minerals.
  • The benefits of chum salmon can also be appreciated due to the fact that the peculiarity of the fish is that it cannot reproduce in captivity . Therefore, when a person buys chum salmon, he is sure that he is taking a natural fish product, which does not contain artificial elements that accelerate growth and does not contain antibiotics. The meat of such fish is a natural “elixir of youth.” Here are antioxidants responsible for anti-aging functions within the body. The result of their work is visible in positive changes in the skin and hair.
  • The beneficial elements found in the product perform different functions : vitamin A improves the quality of vision; potassium and magnesium have a positive effect on the heart muscles, blood vessels, and capillaries; phosphorus improves bone strength, strengthens teeth, nails and hair.
  • In the human body, due to the consumption of chum salmon, hemoglobin increases . The immune system is strengthened, the order of metabolic processes is restored. The body is cleansed of cholesterol.

Which caviar is better

Sockeye salmon, chum salmon or pink salmon are those types of red fish whose caviar is common on store shelves. It is slightly different in appearance. But all red caviar is a very valuable nutritional product. Both chum and pink salmon are tasty and contain many useful microelements. But people who are wondering which red fish is better - chum or pink salmon, often also try to choose a certain type of caviar.

To do this you need to know its differences:

  • Chum salmon caviar is large, with a dense shell, bright orange in color. It contains more protein and beneficial microelements. This caviar is the fattest and has a delicate taste.
  • Pink salmon eggs are smaller and lighter in color. The taste of the product is lightly salted and not bitter.
  • Sockeye salmon has small, bright red caviar. It may have a bitter taste.
  • Coho salmon caviar is dark and medium in size. The taste is bitter.


This fish is practically a record holder among many fish in terms of protein content - first place can only be given to squid. The fact is that the protein in chum salmon is a fifth of all fish! There is very little fat in the fish (about 5%), and it is of high quality - chum salmon contains fatty acids (omega). The rest of the mass is water, so it is best to bake the fish in the oven rather than fry it, otherwise it will be a little dry after frying.

A special word about caviar. More than one third of it is pure protein. Chum salmon caviar is an energetically valuable product. It also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, microelements and lecithin that are important for the human body.

The main substances in the composition of chum salmon (per 100 g of product):

  • proteins – 19 grams,
  • fats – 5.7 grams,
  • water – 74.3 grams,
  • ash – 1.3 grams,
  • fatty acids – 1.3 grams,
  • cholesterol – 79 grams.

Micro- and macroelements (per 100 g of product):

  • calcium – 20 milligrams.
  • potassium – 335 milligrams,
  • chromium – 55 milligrams
  • sodium – 60 milligrams,
  • zinc – 0.7 milligrams
  • phosphorus – 200 milligrams,
  • molybdenum – 4 milligrams
  • chlorine – 165 milligrams,
  • magnesium – 30 milligrams,
  • iron – 0.6 milligrams

Fish is also rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, PP and biotin.

Taste qualities of fillet and caviar

Buyers often argue about which is tastier - chum salmon or pink salmon. Meanwhile, the meat of both fish is tasty and healthy. It belongs to the fatty varieties and contains a large amount of microelements, vitamins and fatty acids.

Pink salmon has a fattier and higher-calorie fillet. This is due to the fact that it lives in cold waters and eats high-calorie foods. Its meat has a dense consistency and pale pink color. Its calorie content is 145−147 kcal.

Chum salmon meat is drier and less fatty. It is considered a valuable dietary product as it contains fewer calories. The energy value of tender fillet is 125 kcal. It looks bright pink. Meat contains more vitamins, especially group B, including B5, B6, B9, B12. Pink salmon meat has the best mineral composition: it contains a lot of iodine, manganese, chromium, cobalt, and fluorine.

Chum salmon and pink salmon caviar differ in appearance and composition. In chum salmon it is larger and has a bright red-orange color. Pink salmon caviar is smaller in diameter. It is covered with a dense outer shell. The caviar of both fish has excellent taste, but chum salmon contains more protein, which is completely absorbed by the human body. It also contains more minerals and vitamins. Although there is no dispute about tastes, chum salmon caviar and meat are considered more tasty and healthier than pink salmon.

Sometimes people ask which is better - salmon or chum salmon. But any fish from the salmon family is called salmon. Therefore, it is incorrect to talk about the difference between salmon and chum salmon, since chum salmon is the same salmon.

Chum salmon caviar

Chum salmon caviar is a valuable, delicious product. It is distinguished not only by excellent taste, but also visually very beautiful. Chum salmon caviar is large, bright red. The size of the eggs is about 4-5 mm, the shell is quite dense, so they do not burst when preparing dishes. Chum salmon caviar is characterized by a high protein content.

Moreover, it is easily digestible, quickly digested and does not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. In addition, it contains many vitamins and other useful substances. It is also worth noting that many people consider chum salmon caviar more tasty than other salmon fish.

Difference in taste

Of all the types of fish in the salmon family, salmon fish has the best taste, which has always been considered a gourmet product. Its meat has a balanced aftertaste, and caviar contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements beneficial to the human body. Steaks are prepared from it and tender fillets are made. Large bones are used to make delicious fish soup. Salmon meat is more juicy and tender; it is sold raw, smoked and salted, as well as canned.


When choosing in a store, it is recommended to pay attention not only to what the fish meat looks like, but also to the price tag.

It is recommended to choose the fish that is more expensive. This is due to the fact that salmon grown in natural conditions is tastier than artificially grown fish. In the wild, salmon swim long distances, so they have a richer diet, feeding on algae, plankton and keel. Fish that have been raised in artificial conditions eat what people give them. This affects the color of the flesh: human-raised salmon has pink flesh, while the meat of the wild variety is red-orange. Therefore, a fish raised in the wild is more expensive than one raised by humans.

Any fish from the salmon family has tender and excellent-tasting meat, from which many different dishes are prepared.


When buying salmon fillets, you need to make a choice in favor of chilled carcasses, since the quality of “red fish” significantly deteriorates when frozen.

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