TOP 22 best bite activators for an incredible catch

To improve the bite, both folk recipes and ready-made activators are used. Thanks to them, a fisherman will be able to catch a large predator or lure fish from a long distance, make it hungry, or fish with live bait. Such products are sold in different forms - powders, tablets.

Features of activators that you should pay attention to when choosing a product:

  1. All-season. The compositions work effectively at any time of the year - suitable for both summer and winter (ice fishing).
  2. For any water. There are substances that can attract fish in sea waters or work in fresh water conditions (the specifics are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging).
  3. Effective. Activators effectively demonstrate their properties both in conditions of standing water (pond, lake) and during flows of varying degrees of intensity.
  4. Economical. One package of the product can be divided into 2-3 doses.
  5. Safe. The compositions have an environmentally friendly composition, completely safe for fish and other inhabitants of water bodies, their ecosystems, as well as for humans and animals.
  6. Comfortable. Activators can be combined with other types of baits, complementary foods and lures.
  7. Practical. Ready-made formulations can be used for fishing trips to feed predators with natural food.

Important! When choosing an activator, you need to carefully read the information about the manufacturer, since there are a large number of counterfeits of well-known brands on the market.

The best bite activators for peaceful fish

You need to attract the attention of the fish to guarantee a catch. Various activators are used for this purpose. Peaceful species can be lured to formulations that contain natural ingredients and ingredients.

Lucky Fishing



Price: 70 rub.

1st place goes to the Lucky Fishing activator. The product is convenient because it is a dry composition. Lucky Fishing consists of natural components that feed fish in their usual conditions.

The product contains protein components (bloodworms, maggots) in a crushed state. The components are completely safe for human health and do not have a negative impact on the quality of caught fish.

Important! You should not use a large amount of activator in bait.


  • appetite is stimulated;
  • can be added to bait and bait;
  • affordable price;
  • Suitable for peaceful fish, but also used for predators.
  • has a pleasant and well-defined aroma (anise).


  • not all types of fish pay attention to the activator.
  • Not suitable for sea fishing.

Fish Hungry (Fishhungry) – store



Price: 990 rub.

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The finished product Fish Hungry (Fishhungry) will allow you to feed fish of different breeds and species with a probability of up to 90%.

A special feature of the composition of the bite activator are components that can cause a feeling of hunger even in well-fed fish (the composition includes pheromones and albumin - the main elements that influence the increase in appetite).

This is a very good property that allows you to get a catch even in busy fishing areas. Feature: suitable for both peaceful fish and predatory fish. Used with live bait.


  • High efficiency rate - the effect reaches 100% in most cases of application.
  • Works in any body of water (fresh, salty, flowing, standing).
  • The effectiveness of the indicators does not depend on the prevailing weather.
  • Can be used for complementary feeding and tackle.
  • Convenient capsule shape.
  • Economical.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Contains no harmful components or chemicals.


  • High price.
  • Doesn't always work.

Fish Hunt – store



Price: 149 rub.

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The Fish Hunt activator is completely ready for use. Suitable for catching peaceful fish, works effectively at any time of the year.

Works with artificial and natural baits. Allows you to get a high catch with a probability of up to 90%.

As a result of the experiments, it was possible to prove that the feeling of hunger is more effectively induced in large breeds of fish.


  • Versatility - can be used in baits.
  • Economical - one package is enough for 5 fishing trips.
  • Efficiency – you can get a high catch in 90% of cases.
  • Affordable price.
  • Can be used for winter fishing.
  • Contains natural essential oils.


  • Reduced effectiveness in seawater.
  • Not suitable for ice fishing.
  • Do not add directly to water.

Nuances of use

It is advisable to put the product into the bait shortly before fishing, since the bait is raw, and with prolonged contact the tablet will begin to react even before fishing, or it is better to just use dry bait.

Recommended for you:

How to make cold porcelain from soda, starch and water at home

It is advisable not to overdo it with the number of tablets - after all, the fish need to be lured, and not scared away. It’s also worth paying attention to bait, so that you don’t feed the fish with all sorts of nonsense. To prevent bait with light tablets from floating, you need to add a little clay to it.

Well, don’t forget that the first pancake can be lumpy - nothing may work out the first time. The mixture may have absorbed little moisture, was poorly mixed or compacted poorly. Or dried in a too humid place.

A simple example is sugar: it absorbs moisture and becomes moist, and if such sugar is left in a dark, dry place for a while, it hardens and holds its shape perfectly.

Think about what could have been wrong and try again. After all, the result is worth it!

The best bite activators for predatory fish

Fishing for predatory fish is one of the most common. To increase the catch, experienced fishermen use various activators that increase the feeling of hunger in fish or force them to swim closer to the shore. The rating includes the best activators that showed an operating efficiency of at least 90%.

Dry Blooder – store



Price: 900 rub.

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Dry Blooder was developed with the participation of ichthyologists. Principle of action: the joint work of albumin (a component of blood) and pheromones , which cause an increased feeling of hunger in fish.

It contains a lot of protein substances (quickly absorbed in the fish’s body).


  • Has a pronounced aroma.
  • Suitable for lake and river fish.
  • Can be used at any time of the year without loss of effectiveness.
  • Can be added to bait.


  • Not all fish species respond well.
  • Different performance indicators in summer and winter.
  • High price.




Price: 120 rub.

The main task is to attract predatory fish and keep them in place.

The composition is dominated by protein components and substances of animal origin. Can be added to all types of nutritional formulas.

High biting efficiency is observed in perch, pike perch, pike and bersh.

Attention! The activator can be used with various types of bait, including corn, pearl barley or bloodworms. The drug does not soften the bait and enhances the natural aroma.


  • High efficiency.
  • Stickiness.
  • Pronounced aroma.
  • Natural composition.
  • Affordable price.
  • Nutritional value.


  • Doesn't always show good results in winter.
  • Effectiveness in seawater has not been proven.

Top product for fishing with live bait MegaMix (Megamix) - store



Price: 280 rub.

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The best activator used for catching fish with live bait is MegaMix. The product is based on biologically active substances of natural origin - pheromones.

The composition contains plant components (anise, dill). Suitable for catching predatory and omnivorous fish. Can be used at any time of the year.


  • Works in different bodies of water (rivers, lakes, ponds, seas).
  • Environmentally friendly composition.
  • Convenient form (liquid).
  • Affordable price.
  • Economical use.


  • Doesn't always work in salt water.
  • Not suitable for ice fishing.

Effect of betaine on fish

Fish reacts to betaine through the senses of smell and taste buds. Even well-fed fish will be interested in such an appetizing addition. Digestion and assimilation of food is accelerated when betaine is absorbed by fish - especially when the weather changes, there is constant noise, and in stressful situations.

The additive also perfectly attracts fish from long distances, regardless of the time of year. The individual assimilates such a component for a long time, as a result of which it does not become satiated for a long time, and begins to eat even more.

    Interesting fact! If you are afraid of poisoning your fish with betaine, then do not worry, since it is a natural substance of natural origin. There are no chemical impurities.

Betaine has an indicative effect on the carp fish family if the reservoir is overfilled with natural food. It’s definitely worth trying to mix the additive with the main bait, as an addition to feeder fishing, or dip a hook with a nozzle. Many anglers speak positively about betaine, including it in the group of bite activators.


The best way to attract fish from long distances Monster Fish



Price: 990 rub.

In order to be guaranteed to lure fish from long distances, the best activator is used - Monster Fish. Features: Shows usage efficiency of more than 90%. Active action - radius 400-500 meters.

Monster Fish is available in capsule form. After direct contact with water, they open and the granules begin to slowly dissolve.

As a result, a strong and lasting aroma is formed around the activator. Then the activator particles begin to slowly sink to the bottom. A suspension containing fish bait remains on the surface of the water. The granules begin to actively release bubbles. They are noticeable to other fish.


  • Natural, natural composition.
  • Shark hormone present.
  • Can be used for catching large species of fish.
  • Contains lemon balm concentrate.
  • You can catch pike, carp, perch, ruffe, chub, crucian carp, and roach.
  • Can be used in any weather conditions.
  • The type of reservoir does not have a negative impact on the result.
  • The catch increases 3 times.
  • Works in both fresh and salt water.
  • Wide range of action.
  • Works during heavy rainfall.


  • High price.
  • Not all types of fish bite.
  • They do not always stay in one place for a long time (within the range of the activator).

The best remedy that causes hunger in fish Ultrabite (Ultrabyte)



Price: 390 rub.

In order to increase the catch rate, many fishermen use various baits. This is why fish often do not feel hungry at the start of fishing. Bite activators can guarantee success.

Among the ready-made compounds that can cause a feeling of hunger in well-fed fish, regardless of size or type, a drug called Ultrabite stands out. This product belongs to the universal elements of fertilizing. The composition contains pheromones and natural plant extracts.

The Ultrabite activator can be used both for mixing home-made groundbait, and for direct application to bait, lure or lure, including artificial bait.


  • Convenient form - 15 mg vials (12 pieces in a package).
  • Economical consumption - 1 bottle is required for 1 fishing trip.
  • The feeling of hunger occurs in 90% of cases.
  • The cost of the activator is affordable.
  • All components are environmentally friendly.
  • Quickly and easily absorbed by the fish.


  • Does not work in salt water.
  • Doesn't always work in windy weather.
  • Not suitable for winter (ice) fishing.

The best powder products

Dynamite Effect



Price: 1500 rub.

Powder activators can be actively used in fishing. One of the best is a product called Dynamite Effect.

A special feature of this activator is the absence of any artificial flavors. Natural essential oils and extracts of herbs and plants are used to create a strong scent that attracts fish.

The composition contains natural substances such as vanillin, fish flour, breadcrumbs. The combination of synthetic and natural substances has been verified under the guidance of specialists.

The proportions are precisely adjusted by the manufacturer, due to which the efficiency of application increases to 90%. The activator is produced in small plastic bags so that fishermen do not have problems using the contents.


  • Natural ingredients (maggot, bloodworms, worms, various river grasses).
  • There is an intense and well-defined smell that attracts fish.
  • Excellent for float fishing.
  • The powder is added directly to the bait.
  • Economical packaging (10 pcs).
  • Suitable for both running and standing water.
  • Environmentally friendly composition.
  • All components are easily absorbed by fish.
  • One sachet of activator is enough for one fishing trip.
  • One serving is designed for 2-3 kg of bait.


  • High price.
  • Not suitable for salt water.
  • Not suitable for winter fishing.
  • Fish do not always come to the feeding site from long distances.

Dragon AROMA



Price: 400 rub.

Second place goes to a powder activator called Dragon AROMA. It is also used very actively.

Contains natural substances and biologically active components. Also included are minerals that help stimulate the appetite of fish.


  • Suitable for all seasons.
  • Natural composition.
  • Bright, rich aroma.
  • Easily absorbed and digested.
  • Fish metabolism speeds up.
  • Economical consumption (20 g per 1 liter of ready-made fertilizer).
  • Suitable for all types of reservoirs.


  • Fish located close to the feeding site react to the activator.
  • Doesn't always work in open water.
  • Does not guarantee a long-lasting effect in case of strong current.

The best bite activators sold in liquid form

Saturn Liquid bloodworm



Price: 200 rub.

In this category, the Saturn Liquid Bloodworm activator comes out on top. It works as efficiently as possible, which is what allowed us to put it at the top of the rating in this category.

Contains an extract from natural bloodworms. Dyes and flavors are of natural origin.

Important! Before use, you need to vigorously shake the package so that all components are well mixed together.


  • Convenient form (packaging with dispenser).
  • The line includes activators for different types of fish (smells: chocolate, anise, hemp).
  • The activator is added directly to the bait.
  • Suitable for any time of year.
  • Economical consumption of 10-30 ml (consumption is reduced in winter).


  • For different types of fish you need to select a flavor option.
  • Doesn't always work in winter.
  • Cannot be used directly in water (without bait).

Active Strawberry Ade



Price: 400 rub.

Available in the form of a viscous syrup. It contains natural ingredients - attractants, which are based on amino acids and flavor enhancers. All ingredients are of excellent quality, they are imported from the USA and produced in workshops with the latest equipment and compliance with all quality standards.

The substances that make up this type of attractant are absolutely safe and even beneficial for carp. They are also used in the manufacture of animal feed.


  • Well expressed strawberry aroma.
  • Economical consumption (10 ml per 1 kg of complementary foods).
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Quickly absorbed by fish.


  • Suitable for certain types of fish.
  • No choice of scents.
  • Does not lure fish from long distances.

Carp Spit



Price: 840 rub.

Suitable for all types of fish, but predators are especially good at biting on it. The gel, which has a rich taste and aroma, is made according to a special formula designed specifically for carp fishing .

Carp Spit has become very popular for catching trout and river salmon. The attractant contains a UV component and an odor enhancer.

Due to its consistency, Carp Spit gel is not susceptible to washing out for a long time. It can be used for any type of bait.


  • Convenient packaging.
  • Contains amino acids.
  • Natural ingredients and flavors.
  • Suitable for use on any bait, feeding and tackle.
  • Works in both fresh and salt water.
  • Long operating time after contact with water.


  • High price.
  • Peaceful fish do not always bite.
  • It works worse in salt water.

Composition of bait

Many fishermen use semolina, bran, bread, pea porridge, pearl barley, rolled oats and other types of “human” food as bait. Not only may such options simply be uninteresting to the fish of your dreams, but they can also be dangerous for the reservoir and the fish in it from an environmental point of view. All these products can quickly deteriorate and poison the fishing area.

Industrial baits

and additives are produced taking into account environmental safety requirements and over time dissolve in water without residue, without disturbing the surrounding ecosystem.
They are also developed taking into account the taste preferences of the fish, without leaving it indifferent. In addition, some additives in the bait mixture act as a laxative on the fish, which makes digestion more intense. Hydroplankton 80g x 11pcs.
in a container 880g Chocolate Hydroplankton 540 per 1 pack. Bait Tackle Hello! UNIVERSAL Minenko 136 for 1 piece. Hydroplankton 80g x 2 pcs. Chocolate Hydroplankton 105 for 1 pack. Bait Tackle Hello! FEEDER Minenko 130 for 1 piece. Hydroplankton 35g x 3 pcs, Pineapple Hydroplankton 70 per 1 pack. Bait Tackle Hello! BLACK BREAM Minenko 136 for 1 piece. Groundbait Good Catch Bream (black) 700 gr. Minenko 107 for 1 piece. Bait Tackle Hello! BREAD Minenko 136 for 1 piece. Bait FOR FISHING Crucian carp (Anise, natural) Mironov 80 for 1 piece. Groundbait WHITE CASPIC (PE-036) PELICAN 160 for 1 pc. Good Catch bait Tutti frutti 700 g Minenko 107 for 1 piece. Bait Tackle Hello! BREAM Minenko 136 for 1 piece. Bait MINENKO 0.7 kg BREAM Minenko 82 for 1 piece. Bait FOR FISHING Crucian carp (Garlic, natural) Mironov 80 for 1 piece. Groundbait Champion Carp (Honey, natural) Mironov 130 for 1 piece. Bait Tackle Hello! RIVER Minenko 136 for 1 piece. Bait Tackle Hello! STRAWBERRY Minenko 136 for 1 piece. Bait Tackle Hello! LARGE BREAM Minenko 136 for 1 piece. Rainbow bream + roach bait; worm, gammarus, black, 800 g DELFI 100 per 1 piece. Bait Rybachok Bream Mironov 72 for 1 piece. Bait Big Carp Fish Mix, 1 kg Traper 280 per 1 piece. Groundbait Good Catch Hemp 700 g Minenko 107 for 1 piece. Bait Master Fish Amur 1kg bag Carpomania 145 for 1 pc. Groundbait MINENKO 0.7 kg UNIVERSAL Minenko 82 for 1 piece. Master Fish bait Silver carp 1kg bag Carpomania 145 for 1 pc. Bream groundbait, 750 g Traper 145 per 1 piece. Groundbait Premium Garlic 900 gr. (PR-PG) Premier Fishing 130 for 1 piece. Big Fish bait (Bream, natural) 2.5 kg Mironov 400 per 1 piece. Bait 0.5 kg BREAM Minenko 60 for 1 piece. Bait MINENKO 0.7 kg CARP Minenko 82 for 1 piece. Altai Folk Groundbait Sunflower Cake 800g Helios 45 per 1 pc. Bait MINENKO 0.7 kg Silver carp Minenko 82 for 1 pc. Bait Master Fish Carp shell 1kg bag Karpomania 130 per 1 pc. Bait FOR FISHING Bream (Branded composition, natural) Mironov 80 for 1 piece. Big Fish bait, Big fish (bream, carp, tench) 1 kg Marcel VDE 287 per 1 piece. Bait Big Carp Konopie, 1 kg Traper 280 per 1 piece. Groundbait BRICK Velvet (Carp) strawberry, 0.8 kg TAKEDO 120 per 1 piece. Altai Folk bait Tutti-Frutti 800g Helios 65 for 1 piece. Altai Folk Groundbait Hemp Cake 800g Helios 105 per 1 pc. Groundbait Basic mixture 2.5 kg Universal Dunaev 260 for 1 piece. Bait SPORT Carp (strawberry, red) 1kg Mironov 150 for 1 piece. Feeder bait river Minenko 195 for 1 piece. Groundbait G-7 Hemp 1kg (425000) Greenfishing 85 per 1 piece. Bait Feeder river; kerosene, 800 g DELFI 96 for 1 pc. Bait SPORT Bream (Branded composition, yellow) 1 kg Mironov 150 per 1 piece. Bream bait, 1 kg Traper 215 per 1 piece. Altai Folk bait Carp-Crucian carp 800g Helios 65 for 1 piece. Groundbait “Team Allvega Black Bream” 1 kg (BLACK BREAM) ALLVEGA 155 per 1 pack. Bait BRICK Velvet (Bream + Roach) coconut and anise, 0.8 kg TAKEDO 120 per 1 piece. Bait Tackle Hello! SWEET CORN Minenko 136 for 1 piece. Bait Classic Carp 750g package Karpomania 99 for 1 piece. Bait Tackle Hello! LARGE ROACH Minenko 130 for 1 piece. Groundbait PREMIUM 1kg Bream Sweet Dunaev 140 for 1 piece. Bait BRICK Velvet (Carp) plum, 0.8 kg TAKEDO 120 for 1 piece. Groundbait Premium Roach 900 gr. (PR-PR) Premier Fishing 130 for 1 piece. Groundbait "Team Allvega Gardon" 1 kg (ROACH) ALLVEGA 140 per 1 pack. Bait MASTER CARP Plum 1kg Minenko 195 for 1 piece. Secret Power bait Bream (Nut mix) 1 kg Mironov 150 for 1 piece. Hydroplankton Geyser 50g x 15 pcs. Tiger nut Hydroplankton 480 per 1 pack. Groundbait Classic Universal 750g package Carpomania 99 for 1 piece. Bait Carp, 750 g Traper 145 per 1 piece. Groundbait Premium Feeder, river 900 gr. (PR-P-FR) Premier Fishing 130 for 1 piece. Groundbait FEDER Plum 750g package Karpomania 99 for 1 piece. Bait Master Fish Bream 1kg bag Carpomania 145 for 1 pc. Groundbait “Formula Feeder” 0.9 kg (FEEDER) ALLVEGA 99 per 1 pack. Groundbait Good Catch Anise 700 gr Minenko 107 for 1 piece. Groundbait FIDER Bream 750g package Carpomania 99 for 1 piece. Groundbait FEEDER spicy biscuit Minenko 195 for 1 piece. Groundbait Classic Carp strawberry 750g package Karpomania 99 for 1 piece. Groundbait MINENKO 0.7 kg CROSS Minenko 82 for 1 piece. Groundbait SPORT Roach (Branded composition, black) 1kg Mironov 150 for 1 piece. Feeder Series Dynamic bait, 1 kg Traper 245 for 1 piece. Groundbait Altai Folk Roach 800g Helios 65 for 1 piece. Groundbait PMbaits GROUNDBAITS STRAWBERRY (strawberry) 1 kg Minenko 263 for 1 piece. Groundbait Champion Bream (Branded composition, yellow) Mironov 130 for 1 piece. Groundbait "Team Allvega Feeder" 1 kg (FEDER) ALLVEGA 140 per 1 pack. Feeder bait for carp Minenko 195 for 1 piece. Groundbait MASTER CARP Pineapple 1kg Minenko 195 for 1 piece. River bait, 1 kg Traper 215 per 1 piece. Bait FOR FISHING Feeder (Branded composition, natural) Mironov 80 for 1 piece. Secret Power Bream bait (Branded composition, yellow) 1 kg Mironov 150 per 1 piece. Groundbait FEDER Anis 750g package Carpomania 99 for 1 pc. Groundbait FEEDER bream Minenko 195 for 1 piece. Groundbait Good Catch Sweet corn 700 g Minenko 107 for 1 pc. Groundbait “Formula Universal” 0.9 kg (UNIVERSAL) ALLVEGA 99 for 1 pack. Bait SPORT Crucian carp (Branded composition, natural) 1 kg Mironov 150 per 1 piece. Feeder bait (feeder), 750 g Traper 145 for 1 piece. Groundbait Classic Basic 750g package Carpomania 99 for 1 piece. Groundbait Master Fish Roach 1kg bag Carpomania 145 per 1 pc. Classic bait bream + roach, chocolate, 800 g DELFI 96 for 1 piece. Groundbait MINENKO 0.7 kg FEEDER Minenko 82 for 1 piece. Groundbait FEDER Corn 750g package Karpomania 99 for 1 pc. Bait Classic Crucian carp 750g package Karpomania 99 for 1 piece. Bait FOR FISHING Roach (Branded composition, natural) Mironov 80 for 1 piece. Premium Universal groundbait 900 gr. (PR-PU) Premier Fishing 130 for 1 piece. Big Carp Natural bait, 1 kg Traper 280 per 1 piece. Hydroplankton 50g x 15 pcs. Tiger Nut Hydroplankton 480 per 1 pack. Hydroplankton 35g x 3 pcs. Original Hydroplankton 70 per 1 pack. Groundbait "Team Allvega Carp Carassin" 1 kg (CARP, CRUCCIAN) ALLVEGA 140 for 1 pack. Special Feeder bait, 1 kg Traper 245 for 1 piece. However, bait is often not used in its pure form, but mixed with other components.


act on fish like sweets on children.
At the same time, it is also important not to overdo it; you need not a chemical, but a natural aroma. If you are not completely sure of your own calculations, give preference to fragrances in spray format with a more precise and economical application. Flavor 25 ml Pineapple Carpomania 48 per 1 piece.
Flavor Concentrate-X 100 ml. BIG FISH FishBait 225 for 1 piece. Aroma complex 500ml Ultrabaits 190 per 1 piece. -45%

Flavor STINKER Peach (VO-PE) FRESHBAITS 395 217.25 for 1 piece. Flavor AROMIX BIG FISH STRAWBERRY (15321) Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Liquid flavor 30 ml BANANA DELFI 38 for 1 pc. Flavor for bait Bloodworm (PA-013) PELICAN 250 for 1 pc.


Bait Stick Mix Liquid 500ml Banoffee Mainline 905 633.50 for 1 piece. Profi raspberry flavor (8956037) Three whales 40 for 1 piece. Flavor SPRAY-X 50 ml. Dill FishBait 150 for 1 piece. Flavor AROMIX Gardons 0.5l (00581) Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Red Hot Chili Oil Flavor, 250 ml Crafty Catcher 245 for 1 piece. Liquid flavoring 30 ml TOFI DELFI 38 for 1 piece. Liquid flavor “Nitro Liquid Multifruit” 250ml (MULTIFRUIT) ALLVEGA 250 for 1 pc. Flavor AROMIX BREMES 0.5l Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Liquid flavor “Nitro Liquid Big Bream” 250ml (BREAM) ALLVEGA 250 for 1 pc. Flavor AROMIX BRASEM 0.5l Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Liquid flavor “Secretix Big Fish” 460ml (LARGE FISH) ALLVEGA 210 for 1 pc. Flavor AROMIX BRASEM Chenevis 0.5l Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Flavor SPRAY-X 50 ml. Feeder FishBait 150 for 1 piece. Bait Booster Liquid Food Dark Plum 1.2 liters RHINO BAITS 1,098 for 1 piece. Flavor for bait Honey (PA-077) PELICAN 250 for 1 pc. Bait Booster Liquid Food Pineapple N-Butyric 1.2 liters RHINO BAITS 989 for 1 piece. Flavor AROMIX Gardons Black 0.5l (27326) Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Flavor AROMIX BRASEM Black 0.5l Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Aromatizer AROMIX CARP (00171) Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Flavor 25 ml Vanilla Carpomania 48 for 1 piece. Liquid flavoring “Secretix Bream Belge” 460ml (BELGIAN BREAM) ALLVEGA 210 for 1 pc. Flavor-con 100 ml (Carp) ALLVEGA 270 for 1 pc. Sweet beet molasses with Sweet Molasses additives 1200 ml RHINO BAITS 369 for 1 piece. Liquid flavoring 30 ml PEANUTS DELFI 38 for 1 pc. Liquid flavoring "Secretix Gros Gardons" 460ml (BIG ROACH) ALLVEGA 210 for 1 pc. Liquid flavor “Nitro Liquid Cold Fish” 250ml (FISH) ALLVEGA 250 for 1 pc. Profi plum flavor (8956067) Three whales 40 for 1 piece. Liquid flavor 30 ml PLUM DELFI DELFI 38 for 1 pc. Flavor Profi vanilla (23812) Three whales 40 for 1 piece. Flavor for bait MIX 25 Roach 500ml PELICAN PELICAN 250 for 1 pc. Bait Booster Liquid Food Super Strawberry 1.2 liters RHINO BAITS 989 for 1 piece. Flavor AROMIX BIG/FISH SWEETCORN (15341) Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Liquid flavoring 30 ml NUT WITH HONEY DELFI 38 for 1 pc. Liquid flavoring “Nitro Liquid Nectar” 250ml (HONEY) ALLVEGA 250 for 1 pc. Flavor AROMIX Specualatus Black 0.5l (27324) Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Flavor Profi tutti-frutti (23840) Three whales 40 for 1 piece. Aromatizer AROMIX EARTHWORM (15061) Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Flavor Profi honey (23814) Three whales 40 for 1 piece. Flavor-con 100 ml ALLVEGA 270 for 1 pc. Flavor AROMIX Miel 0.5l (27425) Sensas 600 for 1 pc. Amino syrup for bait Skopeks (SS-012) 100 BITS 150 per 1 piece. CONCENTRATE 70 ml White Fish Dunaev 200 per 1 piece. Flavor-con 100 ml ALLVEGA 270 for 1 pc. Liquid flavoring 30 ml NUT DELFI 38 for 1 pc. Molasses Aroma 250ml Anise Dunaev 80 per 1 piece. Bait Booster Liquid Food Liver 1.2 liters RHINO BAITS 989 for 1 piece. Flavor-con 100 ml (BREAM) ALLVEGA 270 for 1 pc. Bait Booster Liquid Food Banana 1.2 liters RHINO BAITS 989 for 1 piece. Flavor Profi strawberry (23837) Three whales 40 per 1 piece. Flavor AROMIX CARAMEL (27424) Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Flavor-con 100 ml ALLVEGA 270 for 1 pc. Dry flavor Hot Spice (PA-037) PELICAN 170 for 1 pc. Liquid flavor “Secretix Vanilla” 460ml (VANILLA) ALLVEGA 210 for 1 pc. Liquid flavor 30 ml SUPERBREAK DELFI DELFI 38 for 1 pc. Flavor Profi chocolate (8947953) Three whales 40 per 1 piece. Flavor for bait Anise (PA-002) PELICAN 250 for 1 pc. Aroma drops Vanilla (SAR-003) PELICAN 70 for 1 pc. Liquid aromatic additive “Molassa” 460 ml (MELASSA) ALLVEGA 175 for 1 pc. Flavor AROMIX BLOODWORM 0.5l Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Flavor AROMIX Vanille 0.5l (27422) Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Bait Booster Liquid Food Kraken 1.2 liters RHINO BAITS 1,098 for 1 piece. Profi nut flavor (23838) Three whales 40 per 1 piece. Aroma Complex Superfish 500 ml Dunaev 200 per 1 piece. Liquid flavor “Nitro Liquid Pineapple” 250ml (PINEAPPLE) ALLVEGA 255 for 1 pc. Corn steep liquor + Pineapple N-Butyric 500 ml RHINO BAITS 289 for 1 piece. CONCENTRATE 70 ml Bream Large Dunaev 200 per 1 piece. CONCENTRATE 70 ml Universal Dunaev 200 for 1 pc. Aroma Complex Roasted Hemp 500 ml Dunaev 200 per 1 piece. Amino syrup for bait Mix Carp (SS-014) 100 BITS 150 per 1 piece. Flavor for bait BREAM SPICE (PA-019) PELICAN 250 for 1 pc. Flavor AROMIX Plum 0.5l (34703) Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Liquid nutrition Booster Liquid Food Liver liver, 500 ml RHINO BAITS 593 for 1 pc. Aroma Complex Strawberry 250ml Dunaev 120 per 1 piece. CONCENTRATE 70 ml Superfish Dunaev 200 per 1 piece. Corn steep liquor 500 ml RHINO BAITS 239 for 1 pc. Aroma Complex Biscuit 500 ml Dunaev 200 per 1 piece. Dry flavor POWER-X 150 ml Sweet corn FishBait 270 for 1 pc. Dry flavor POWER-X 150 ml Vanilla FishBait 270 for 1 pc. Flavor SPRAY-X 50 ml. Chocolate FishBait 150 for 1 piece. Dry flavor POWER-X 150 ml Large fish FishBait 270 for 1 pc. Flavor SPRAY-X 50 ml. Spices FishBait 150 per 1 piece. Flavor SPRAY-X 50 ml. Vanilla FishBait 150 for 1 piece. Liquid nutrition Booster Liquid Food Dark Plum dark plum, 500 ml RHINO BAITS 659 for 1 pc. Aroma Complex Roach 500 ml Dunaev 200 per 1 piece. Aroma Complex SuperFish 250ml Dunaev 110 for 1 pc. Liquid flavor “Secretix Sweetcorn” 460 ml (CARP CORN) ALLVEGA 210 for 1 pc. Corn steep liquor + Super Strawberry 1200 ml RHINO BAITS 477 for 1 pc. Flavor AROMIX Tutti Frutti 0.5l (27427) Sensas 629 for 1 pc. Flavor 25 ml Anise Carpomania 48 for 1 piece. Flavor spray Magic Karper, Carp 100 ml Marcel VDE 426 for 1 pc. Liquid nutrition Bait Booster Liquid Food Super Strawberry super strawberry, 500 ml RHINO BAITS 593 for 1 piece. Molasses Aroma 250ml Vanilla Dunaev 80 per 1 piece. Liquid flavor “Nitro Liquid Plum” 250ml (PLUM) ALLVEGA 250 for 1 pc.

Flavors vary by season. Vanilla is suitable as a universal all-season option. In spring and the first half of summer, use cinnamon and anise oil; in the second half of summer and autumn, give preference to fruit options. If you decide to go fishing in the midst of the summer heat, when the oxygen content in the water is low, then pay attention to the dill aroma. The fish feels the taste of “freshness” and reacts with particular eagerness to bait. When catching crucian carp, take advantage of the taste of garlic; moreover, this is important not only for groundbait, but also for bait.

The use of flavorings significantly reduces the time of feeding fish, and gives scope for the fisherman’s creativity. By varying the flavors, you can use the same base for different types of fish under different conditions.

Animal feed base

difficult to replace with any artificial components.
Bloodworms, chopped worms or maggots, and sometimes crushed mollusks (pearls, zebra mussels) are often used. These “sweets” attract bream, crucian carp and large roach well. If live additives are used, then you don’t need to add too much of them, as they quickly satiate the fish and they leave the feeding table full, without having tried your bait. Bloodworm 38 for 1 piece.
Mormysh 23 for 1 piece. Dendroben's worm 10 pcs. 35 per 1 pc. Minnow 8 for 1 piece. Maggot 15 for 1 piece. Worm 30 for 1 piece. American maggot “Black Lion” 40 per 1 piece. Large maggot 30 per 1 piece. Colored maggot 15 per 1 piece. Pay special attention to the bloodworm before using it. If it was stored without water or dry, then when added to bait it will float to the surface. To avoid this, you need to moisten or hold the bloodworm in water. In hot weather, it is better to store it in a thermal bag with cold elements, and take it out into the nozzle in portions and place it immediately into a container with water.

As herbal supplements

Cake, makha, hemp, pearl barley, millet and small corn are used (large corn is usually used as bait).
Cake and makha can act both as the basis of bait and as a flavoring addition, depending on the type of fish. Corn is used similarly to worms or bloodworms to attract larger fish. It can be added to groundbait in whole or crushed form, or as a bait. Natural corn cake cubes Karpomania 85 per 1 piece.
Corn cake + sunflower cake cubes natural Karpomania 85 per 1 piece. Sunflower poppy. Block with added corn (8946914) Three whales 80 for 1 pack. Natural sweet corn bait mixture Karpomania 150 per 1 piece. Natural sunflower cake cubes Karpomania 110 per 1 piece. Makukha groundbait granules Karpomania 160 per 1 piece. Makukha tutti frutti bait Carpomania 160 for 1 piece. Zhmykhovka (18005) Three whales 45 for 1 piece. Makukha hemp bait Carpomania 160 per 1 piece. Sunflower fluff Block (23804) Three whales 80 for 1 pack. Ground sunflower cake 0.5 kg DELFI 50 per 1 piece. Sunflower cake cubes with hemp Carpomania 110 per 1 piece. Hemp cake (natural) 750g Mironov 190 per 1 piece. Sunflower cake cubes with pea flavor Carpomania 110 per 1 piece. Sunflower cake cubes with mixed feed Karpomania 110 per 1 piece. Makuha anise bait Karpomania 160 per 1 piece. Makukha peas groundbait Carpomania 145 for 1 piece. Flaxseed cake (natural) 1000g Mironov 125 per 1 piece. Ground sunflower cake 0.8 kg DELFI 70 per 1 piece. Makuha groundbait Karpomania 145 for 1 piece. Corn cake (natural) 1000g Mironov 100 per 1 piece. Makukha strawberry granules 10mm bait 1 kg Carpomania 175 for 1 piece. Sunflower cake cubes with peas and corn Karpomania 110 per 1 piece. Sunflower cake cubes with anise flavor Carpomania 110 per 1 piece. Makukha corn bait Karpomania 145 per 1 piece. Makuha honey bait Carpomania 160 per 1 piece. Makukha strawberry groundbait Carpomania 160 per 1 piece. Sunflower cake cubes with corn Karpomania 110 per 1 piece. Sunflower poppy. Block with the addition of peas (8946915) Three whales 80 for 1 pack. Ground hemp cake, 500 g Hydroplankton 115 per 1 pack. Sunflower fluff Block with anise additive (8946916) Three whales 80 for 1 pack. Zhmykhovka (18006) Three whales 55 for 1 piece. Makukha strawberry granules 4.8mm bait 1 kg Carpomania 175 for 1 piece. Makukha vanilla bait Carpomania 160 per 1 piece. Peanut cake (natural) 1000 g Mironov 135 per 1 piece. There are also specific supplements that can also help you improve your fishing skills.


– are used in two different directions. In some cases, it is necessary to change the color of the bait to be as similar as possible to the bottom of the reservoir. In other cases, the bright shade of the bait attracts curious fish. An individual approach is required for a specific reservoir. If you find yourself in an area unknown to you, mix two small portions of bait, light and dark. This will test the fish's reaction to different colors of bait mixture.

Liquids, bite activators

– enhance the taste, actively stimulate the appetite of the fish.


– used by fishermen as an additive to bait, increasing the speed of digestion. It prevents overeating. A fish with a feeling of hunger will not strive to swim far from the bait site; it has a greater chance of trying the bait on the hook.

Attractants and
are more concentrated flavors and have relatively low consumption.

Dips, sprays

– these are less concentrated flavors used to highlight the bait against the background of the groundbait. They are selected individually during the fishing process, since the preferences of the fish can change more than once, so it is better to have several species with you from different taste groups. These can be sweet fruit and berry or biscuit aromas, sharp “animals” (for example, bloodworm, clam or snail crab), spices, mixtures by type of fish.

dough, pellets,
large plant components are used primarily not so much as bait, but as bait, especially in carp fishing, we will talk about them in one of the following articles.

The best remedies in tablets

Super Geyser with oxygen



Price: 210 rub.

For ease of use while fishing, various types of activators are used. Among the options in the form of tablets, the drug called Super Geyser with oxygen is in greatest demand among fishermen.

He ranks first in the ranking. Its peculiarity is air bubbles, which begin to be actively released after the activator comes into contact with the surface of the water.

The product can be used with the activator together with conventional types of bait, as well as with bottom gear (the activator is attached instead of a feeder)

The line offers a variety of flavors - strawberry, corn, honey, baked milk, hemp.


  • A geyser effect that creates a large cloud of bait around.
  • Designed not only to attract, but also to hold fish for a long time (for 2-3 hours).
  • Suitable for any peaceful species.
  • Uniform distribution of the activator along the bottom of the reservoir.
  • Economical packaging (7 tablets, each 50 g).
  • Environmentally friendly composition, both for the fish itself and for the environment.
  • Easy to digest.
  • Affordable price.
  • Suitable for use in warm seasons (spring - autumn).


  • Not suitable for predatory fish.
  • Not used in ice fishing.
  • Not for use in salt water.

Rich street



Price: 50 rub.

This activator is produced using modern technology. The composition contains albumin, plant extracts and proteins , which attract and keep fish near the fishing spot for a long time.

The product is sold in convenient plastic packaging, packaged in 100 tablets, and comes in pleasant aromas (anise, vanilla). It is used sparingly (10-15 tablets are used for one fishing trip).

Another feature is the slow dissolution of the activator in water (due to this, the fish remains in its action zone for a long time).


  • The activator is designed for different types of fish.
  • The activator is also a bait - 1 tablet can replace up to 200 g of bait.
  • The activator particles do not hang on the surface of the water.
  • The drug works effectively with large fish.
  • There is no water pollution at the fishing site.
  • Works in fresh water.
  • There is no need to stir the activator in water.
  • Affordable price.
  • Can be used at any time of the year.


  • Few types of scent.
  • The desired effect is not always achieved with fish at depth.
  • Not every type of fish is attracted.

How to make your own fishing tablets

To prepare such a bait, you will need nothing at all: from products - citric acid and soda, from equipment - a cup, spoon, syringe (the presence of the latter is not necessary).

You can also optionally add dye to entice the fish to see the colored cloud. But if you add, then just a little to lure and not scare the prey. And yes: replacing citric acid with chalk is a bad idea, the reaction will not work.

There are many alternatives to this recipe: replace soda and citric acid with dry kvass, aspirin, any effervescent tablets or vitamins... this, of course, is possible. But how will the fish react to such aromas, will such incense scare them away?

And some vitamins and products cannot be called a budget option - they are expensive! Therefore, we will focus on what is cheap and, as practice shows, effective.

Expert opinion

We recommend!

By the way, if your citric acid is crystalline, you will first need to grind it with a blender or coffee grinder to a powder state, otherwise nothing will come of it.

First, prepare the dry mixture. To do this, add citric acid and soda to the container. We select the proportions experimentally, but approximately there should be a little more soda than acid.

Now you need to mix it all vigorously and for a long time: the ingredients in the dishes will absorb moisture from the air, and gradually the mixture will become less free-flowing. At this stage, you can add some flavoring if you want the result to have a pleasant smell.

But! A very important point: the flavoring must be alcoholic or oily, but in no case water-based, otherwise the reaction of soda and acid will immediately begin, and all the work will go to waste.

Recommended for you:

How to find out the gender of a baby using baking soda at home

Stir the mixture until lumps begin to form. Then you can leave it for about 15 minutes so that it gains even more moisture.

After this time, the mixture is ready - it should be of such a consistency that it can be sculpted from it. In principle, this is the next step - roll small balls from the base.

Larger or smaller - everyone chooses the size individually. As for the size, it’s worth noting that the larger the tablets, the longer they will fizz, but you shouldn’t make them too big either.

Or you can also take a syringe, cut off the lower part (into which the needle is inserted) and pour the mixture inside. Then press the cut part of the syringe either onto a hard surface or onto your finger and press the plunger.

Under its action, the mixture will thicken. It is important to compact the mixture well so that the result does not fall apart. At this stage, it is advisable to use gloves - rubber, medical... it doesn’t matter. Of course, you can do without them, but it’s not necessary.

These tablets are still quite fragile, so you need to put them, for example, on a plate, and leave them for a day or two somewhere in a dry, dark place. Then they will dry out, become denser, will not crumble, and their effect will last longer.

Ready-made pops can be stored for a very long time – up to 5 months! But they need to be stored in the refrigerator, in a clean, dry container with a tight lid - otherwise the tablets will continue to absorb moisture and begin to fall apart.

The best biting products in spray format

1. Fish XXL (not sold in CIS countries)



Price: 570 rub.

The best activator in the form of a spray is Fish XXL. Released as a result of a joint production of Russia, Italy and Spain. The peculiarity is a completely natural composition, in which there are no components of synthetic origin . Takes 1st place in the ranking.

The activator is sold in small 30 ml cans filled with thick brown liquid. It is used economically, the package is enough for 5 fishing trips. The substances included in the composition have a pronounced aroma.

The spray is suitable for all bodies of water, can be used in fresh and salt water (as well as in dark and cold water). The activator attracts fish from long distances to the fishing spot and holds it for 2-3 hours.


  • Can be used in winter fishing.
  • The composition must be used to treat the bait and bait.
  • The impact occurs on the fish's sense of smell.
  • The fish's feeling of hunger constantly increases while it is in the zone of action of the activator.
  • The main action is designed for large and adult individuals.
  • The impact is made at the physiological level.
  • The composition contains hemp seed extract and squid extract.
  • Designed for all types of fish, including predatory ones.


  • There are known cases of an allergic reaction to the substance in humans.
  • High price.
  • In salty and running water, efficiency decreases.

King fish



Price: 450 rub.

The activator shows efficiency in 90% of cases of use. The composition has a light, refreshing aroma with spicy main notes, and a sweetish taste.

A bite stimulator (spray) is essentially the same attractant, the distinctive feature of which is the best concentration and ease of use due to the spray, which allows you to apply the spray evenly and economically to any bait or bait.


  • Attracts and holds peaceful fish.
  • You can apply the spray to any bait or lure.
  • Convenient to use.
  • Economical consumption.
  • Environmentally friendly and safe composition.
  • Suitable for any type of fresh water.


  • Does not work in salt water.
  • High price.
  • Not suitable for catching predators.

100 bites



Price: 150 rub.

Feature - the product has a diverse set of bright and rich aromas (fried onions, strawberries, mixed nuts, anise, banana, fried grasshopper, shrimp, strawberries, mussels, salami, cheese, sweet corn, crab, garlic, chocolate)

The natural and safe composition can attract fish even from long distances. The product can be used with any type of attachment.


  • Increases the chances of a successful hookup.
  • Works with various types of baits, including boilies, pop-ups, pellets.
  • The bait is processed immediately before being thrown into the pond.
  • The effect appears immediately.
  • The effect is long lasting – at least 2 hours.
  • You can catch different types of fish.


  • Not suitable for winter fishing.
  • Not all fish breeds respond equally well to the activator.
  • It is necessary to select the aroma according to the type and size of fish.

Bait for different types of fishing

Bait for float and feeder fishing differ in the way the bait is delivered to the fish.

When float fishing from the shore or from a boat, bait is cast by hand. The main thing is to keep the mixture moist so that it matches the type of fish you want to catch. The fact is that there is a significant difference in feeding, for example, bream and roach. Bream feeds from the bottom, picking up bait like a vacuum cleaner, and curious roach approaches the fishing spot on a column of turbidity and particles floating in the water column. Therefore, to catch bream, you need a wetter bait, the balls of which will immediately fall to the bottom, and the roach will be more interested when the bait mixture is more crumbly and perhaps even crumbles when the ball hits the water.

When feeder fishing, bait is delivered using a feeder. This method is practically not used when catching surface fish; the main target is bottom and near-bottom inhabitants - bream, roach, crucian carp. It is important to choose a feeder according to the volume, size and needs of the fish. For fishing in the water column, you can take a feeder with a smaller feed capacity and a smaller load. Then it will sink more slowly, the bait will be partially washed out in the water column. This method is well suited for catching roach on lakes.


Plastic feeder PL GREEN ROUND WING MIDDLE (35 ml, khaki gray) X-Feeder 70 45.50 per 1 piece. Feeder Atom Tonar 120 for 1 piece. Feeder SPORT ROUND painted feeder Premier Fishing 81 for 1 pc. Feeder sq. ZEUS PL GREEN FAIRWAY MIDDLE SW (35 ml, khaki, oval) X-Feeder 125 for 1 pc. Metal feeder. ME ALLIGATOR MIDDLE (45 ml, Matt Black) X-Feeder 144 for 1 piece. Metal feeder. ME BULLET 4K (35 ml, Matt Black) X-Feeder 123 for 1 pc. Feeder sq. ZEUS PL GREEN STINGER MIDDLE SW (35 ml, khaki, mesh) X-Feeder 125 for 1 pc. Feeder Flat method feeder VEGaS 110 for 1 pc. Feeder feeder set of 3 pcs. LIMAN 138 for 1 piece. Feeder sq. PL GREEN BULLET METEOR 2 (30 ml, color green) X-Feeder 79 for 1 pc. Plastic feeder PL GREEN CLASSIC MIDDLE (35 ml, khaki gray) X-Feeder 70 for 1 piece. Feeder SPORT rectangular feeder painted with bottom Premier Fishing 67 for 1 pc. Feeder sq. ZEUS PL GREEN FAIRWAY SPORT SW (20 ml, khaki, oval) X-Feeder 94 for 1 pc. Feeder SPORT ROUND crash feeder. LIMAN 70 for 1 piece. Plastic feeder round bottom net (+ stabilizers) Premier Fishing 57 for 1 pc.


Metal feeder. ME CLASSIC MIDDLE (35 ml, Camo black) X-Feeder 105 68.25 for 1 piece. Feeder SPORT-kombi round without bottom LIMAN 82 for 1 piece. Feeder met. Feeder MINI-X (30-27mm) LIMAN 67 for 1 pc. Feeder SPORT SQUARE painted Premier Fishing 81 for 1 pc. Rectangular feeder feeder Three pillars 40 for 1 piece. Metal feeder. ME ALLIGATOR MIDDLE (40 ml, Matt Black) X-Feeder 114 for 1 piece. Feeder MINI-L 25*25 mm Premier Fishing 73 for 1 pc. Feeder Feeder PULYA-expert 2 - L galvanized. Premier Fishing 135 for 1 piece. Feeder sq. PL GREEN CLASSIC MIDDLE (35 ml, color green) X-Feeder 81 for 1 pc. Feeder met. Feeder BULLET-expert 2-S galvanized. LIMAN 130 for 1 piece. Metal feeder. galvanized shipped 2.5 l Three Kita (8944870) 797 per 1 piece. Feeder SPORT PRYAMOUG painted Premier Fishing 92 for 1 pc. Feeder Type-2 Tonar 54 for 1 piece. Square plastic feeder (bottom + stabilizers) KV-40PP Premier Fishing 74 for 1 pc. Feeder met. ME BULLET 4K SPORT (17 ml, Army Camo color, welded mesh) X-Feeder 110 for 1 pc. Metal feeder. ME BULLET KRAKEN MIDDLE (35ml, color Muddy Green, welded mesh) X-Feeder 139 for 1 pc. Feeder Type-1 Tonar 50 for 1 piece. Feeder Feeder PULYA-expert 2 - X galvanized. Premier Fishing 135 for 1 piece. Plastic round feeder OVAL (+ stabilizers) LIMAN 65 for 1 piece. Feeder sq. ZEUS PL GREEN BULLET BELL (20 ml, khaki) X-Feeder 104 for 1 pc. Feeder Type 31 Turn Tonar 67 for 1 piece. Metal feeder. ME ALLIGATOR MIDDLE (28 ml, Matt Black) X-Feeder 104 for 1 piece. Feeder series River, Large oval VEGaS 100 for 1 piece. Metal feeder. ME ALLIGATOR MIDDLE (35 ml, Matt Black) X-Feeder 114 for 1 piece. Feeder Type 15 Coil 125 g plastic Tonar 85 for 1 piece. Square feeder with bottom and carabiner Vostok 60 for 1 pc. Feeder Type-4 Tonar 65 for 1 piece. Feeder met. Feeder PULYA-expert LIMAN 160 for 1 piece. Feeder Double 50g Helios (HS-KD-50) Helios 45 for 1 pc. Electronic feeder 750 for 1 piece. Feeder sq. PL GLASS WING MIDDLE (35 ml, translucent color) X-Feeder 69 for 1 pc. Triangular feeder FT50 Tayur 48 for 1 piece. Feeder CAGE FEEDER XL DAIWA 180 for 1 piece. Feeder CAGE FEEDER L DAIWA 190 for 1 piece. Feeder Type 15 Turn Tonar 80 for 1 piece. Feeder Type 5 Turn Tonar 29 for 1 piece. CHAMELEON mini weight - 5g Levha 19 per 1 piece. Feeders 20g Black Magic Method Feeder Browning 130 for 1 pc. Feeder Whirlwind 47g with anti-close. Helios (HS-KV-47) Helios 30 for 1 piece. Feeder Bait-UP Method Feeder (KBU3) KORDA 273 for 1 pc. Feeder Type 2 Coil 15.5 g Tonar 26 for 1 pc. Feeder Whirlwind 27g with anti-close. Helios (HS-KV-27) Helios 26 for 1 pc. Large feeder 20g Bomber 70 for 1 piece. Press for FLET feeder (silicone fluoro) in a blister LIMAN 95 for 1 pc. Feeder SPORT RIGHT ANGLE crash. LIMAN 95 for 1 piece. Plastic feeder round NET (+ stabilizers) LIMAN 55 for 1 pc. Feeder Double 60g Helios (HS-KD-60) Helios 45 for 1 pc. Feeder PL GLASS WING SPORT X-Feeder 64 for 1 pc. Feeder DIST CAGE FEEDER L DAIWA 160 for 1 pc. Feeder DIST CAGE FEEDER M DAIWA 160 for 1 piece. Feeder CAGE FEEDER M DAIWA 160 for 1 piece. Feeder Type 27 Turn Tonar 80 for 1 piece. Feeder Type 18 Turn Tonar 86 for 1 piece. Seal for bait VEGaS (UDPV) 110 for 1 pc. Feeder Method 50g Three whales 60 per 1 piece. Feeder met. Feeder MINI-M (20-25mm) LIMAN 80 for 1 piece. Case CHAMELEON cristal 2 - 20g Levha 39 for 1 piece. Feeder Type 4 Turn Tonar 26 for 1 piece. Rectangular steel feeder. s/d 20g PIRS 35 for 1 piece. Feeder Method 90g Three whales 65 for 1 piece. Feeder 3.5 cm Pellet Feeder M Browning 130 for 1 pc. Feeder feeder. FC Bullet MESH VEGaS 90 for 1 pc. Feeder Type 17 Turn Tonar 100 per 1 piece. Weight CHAMELEON 2 - 80g Levha 70 per 1 piece. Feeder Type 14 Turn Tonar 65 for 1 piece. Feeder Double 80g Helios (HS-KD-80) Helios 55 for 1 pc. Mesh feeder Agidel M (40ml), brown ALLVEGA 100 for 1 pc. Feeder Type with ears Vitok Tonar 58 for 1 piece. Metal feeder. ME DUPLEX MIDDLE (35 ml, Matt Black, perforated mesh) X-Feeder 140 for 1 pc. Feeder Whirlwind 37g with anti-close. Helios (HS-KV-37) Helios 26 for 1 pc. Weight CHAMELEON 2 - 40g Levha 42 per 1 piece. Mesh feeder Agidel L (60ml), green ALLVEGA 100 for 1 pc. Feeder 9017-095 9.5 cm KEN STAR 12 for 1 pc. CHAMELEON mini weight - 10g Levha 22 per 1 piece. Feeder Bait-UP Method Feeder (KBU2) KORDA 273 for 1 pc. Feeder Type 1 Coil 5 g Tonar 17 for 1 pc. Feeder feeder. OVAL LARGE VEGaS 90 for 1 piece. Feeder Double 70g Helios (HS-KD-70) Helios 55 for 1 pc. Large feeder 100g Bomber 95 for 1 piece. Weight CHAMELEON 2 - 20g Levha 28 per 1 piece. Feeder Type 12 Turn Tonar 68 for 1 piece. Mesh feeder Agidel M (40ml), green ALLVEGA 100 for 1 pc. Feeder Method 70g Three whales 65 for 1 piece. Rectangular steel feeder. s/d 40g PIRS 45 for 1 piece. Feeder sq. ZEUS PL GREEN STINGER MICRO SW (8 ml, khaki, mesh) X-Feeder 74 for 1 pc.

The best tools for winter fishing




Price: 120 rub.

In winter you can also successfully fish using activators. 1st place among activators for winter fishing is occupied by a composition called “Predator”.

The product is rich in a variety of aromas - sea cocktail, white fish, salmon, worm, bloodworm, crayfish. The composition is environmentally friendly and safe for human health, easily absorbed by the fish.


  • Can be used throughout the year.
  • Suitable for any type of fish.
  • Can be used in any body of fresh water.
  • Does not leave marks on the surface of the water.
  • Actively keeps fish in the area affected by the composition.
  • Economical to use.
  • Environmentally friendly.


  • Cannot be used in salt water.
  • Keeping fish in the activator's action zone is not always long-term.
  • Fish are not always lured well from long distances.

Double Fish



Price: 1700 rub.

Feature: is a set of tools for fishing. The composition contains bait - an attractant and a special mixture with which the bait is processed.

Can be used with silicone baits or lure fishing when fishing for predators and peaceful fish. It is used in various types of reservoirs - rivers, bays, ponds, lakes, canals, seas (and does not clog them). Effective in both fresh and salt water.


  • Economical in the process of application.
  • Can be used at any time of the year, even in winter.
  • The composition is environmentally friendly.
  • The pond does not become clogged.
  • There are no traces left on the surface of the water after use.
  • The composition contains pheromones.
  • As a result of use, a feeling of hunger occurs even in well-fed fish.


  • High cost of the composition.
  • Does not always guarantee a good catch in reservoirs with strong currents.
  • It takes a long time to prepare the kit before use.

Feed preparation technology

To achieve the required effect, it is necessary to adhere to the technology for producing the mixture; this ensures compliance with a number of recommendations:

  1. Before starting to prepare the active composition for feeding, you need to grind the components; this can be done directly on the shore by applying a stone to the products wrapped in fabric.
  2. After this, the mixture is moistened to such a state that the lump, shaped like a tennis ball, can withstand being cast to a depth and immersed below the surface and begins to collapse within a few seconds of hitting the bottom. The viscosity of the composition increases with increasing flow speed, casting distance and depth of the reservoir.
  3. The fillers, depending on the conditions of the pool and the depth of the intended fishing area, can include sand, gravel and clay. Sandy and gravel components provide a loose structure of bait for fish and can act as ballast during strong currents at the chosen fishing location. The addition of clay creates murky clouds of turbidity, helping to attract the attention of prey.
  4. It is not recommended to use various types of flour to prepare active geyser bait, since the gluten contained in it will fix the food on the bottom of the pool and keep it from washing out.
  5. The dry components are mixed in the required ratio in a prepared container, to which water is added in an amount of 100-150 ml, stirring the mixture until a homogeneous consistency using a spatula or hands.

The volume of ballast in the finished mixture should not exceed 30% of the total mass of the bite activator.

The rules for preparing bait for bottom fish include making a ball that has the consistency of a lump with a dense structure, allowing it to be cast to a length of up to 20 m, without crumbling when it reaches the bottom surface when fishing in a body of water with a strong current.

A bite activator made for fish inhabiting the upper layers of water should be a lump with a dense structure that allows it to be cast to a length of 5-7 m; upon contact with water, the bait should disintegrate with the particles slowly sinking under the surface of the reservoir.

The best product from Aliexpress Qiutian No longer sold



Price: 250 rub.

The best activator is a product called Qiutian. Feature: contains air bubbles .

The product is available in plastic jars in a convenient white tablet format. It is consumed economically (one package is enough for 5-7 fishing trips).

The activator is suitable for predatory and peaceful fish species and can be used in both fresh and salt water.


  • Long exposure time.
  • Keeps fish in the activator action zone for up to 2-3 hours.
  • Natural and safe composition.
  • Can be used in any type of reservoir.
  • Suitable for use in warm seasons.
  • High efficiency (up to 90%).


  • Not used for winter fishing.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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