How to fry river fish caviar in a frying pan?

Which caviar to choose?

The caviar of any sea or river fish is suitable for frying (of course, with the exception of black and red, which is consumed salted). Use fresh, refrigerated or frozen product. Pay attention to the expiration date and integrity of the packaging.

If the seafood is from the freezer, defrost it in the refrigerator first. Then rinse under cold running water. After this, dry it. It is better not to remove the film and try not to damage it. Now salt and pepper the caviar; it is not recommended to add other spices so as not to interrupt the delicate taste. Leave the product for a while, about 15-20 minutes. Then roll in flour or breadcrumbs.

If the film does break and the caviar comes out, don’t worry. Just add a little salt, pepper and an egg, you can add flour, mix everything well. Let it brew for literally 10 minutes. The mixture will make wonderful pancakes.

Take a frying pan, preferably with a thick bottom. Add some vegetable or butter. When you hear a crackling sound, place the whole caviar at some distance. Fry for 2-3 minutes on each side. If the product is too large and thick, cover with a lid, reduce heat and cook for another 5-7 minutes.

If you have a mixture of caviar, spoon it onto a hot frying pan to form pancakes. Fry over medium heat for about 3 minutes on each side.

Fresh herbs and vegetables are suitable as a side dish for fried caviar.

Girls, just don’t hit them with slippers))) Maybe there is someone here from Sakhalin, the Far East, or where there is a lot of caviar?

The point is - I have 2-3 kg of red caviar in the freezer, but not salted, and some of it is in the eggs, some is without the eggs, but not salted. They took it out of the fish and basically froze it.

I’m lazy about freeing it from the jars, preparing the brine, salting and drying it. Throw it away - the toad suffocates.

And then an IDEA appeared! Fish caviar, when fried in batter (well, for example from pike perch or carp), is delicious. CAN you fry red caviar? Well, or what else can you do with it?

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I would like to offer you a very simple and tasty dish - fried fish roe. This delicacy is not often found in fish, but it does happen. I have crucian carp caviar.

Recipe for fried pink salmon caviar

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Bright orange pink salmon caviar has a valuable chemical composition, so it can be salted and used to prepare various dishes. But if you discover this delicacy while cutting up fresh or frozen fish, you can deliciously fry it in a frying pan, spending a minimum of time and effort. Basic rules for choosing a quality product and a simple step-by-step recipe for fried pink salmon caviar are further in the article.

Selection and preparation of ingredients

Pink salmon caviar is usually sold separately already in salted form, so you can only get a raw delicacy for frying from fresh or frozen fish.

Basic rules for choosing a quality product:

  • Only females can have eggs - they differ from males in their long and curved rear fin, as well as a small, rounded head,
  • the lower part of the fish’s body should be dense and voluminous,
  • in fresh pink salmon caught on the eve of spawning, when pressure is applied to the belly, eggs emerge from the anus,
  • a mature and high-quality product has a uniform orange color and a well-defined granular structure, exuding a pleasant fishy aroma.

There are several ways to deliciously prepare this delicious fish product in a frying pan, but the fastest and easiest of them is frying it in batter.

Similar video recipe “Fried fish roe”

Trout caviar, which can be salted, turns out very tasty, and the recipe will allow you to understand whether such manipulations are performed correctly. But know that trout caviar can always be salted at home according to the recipe.

How to pickle trout caviar quickly and easily? Good to know

Before doing such work, you naturally need to prepare the necessary ingredients.

trout caviar – 1 kilogram;

table salt – 2 tablespoons;

vegetable oil. In general, it is advisable to use extra virgin olive oil - 2 tablespoons will be enough.

First of all, you will need to salt the trout caviar you prepared; as soon as you manage to do this, you can begin to carefully mix it.

After half an hour, you need to add vegetable oil, stirring it all again, as a result of which you can enjoy the cooked caviar.

No one will argue with the statement that trout is indeed a tasty, healthy salmon fish, and it is customary to obtain caviar from it, and doing so in humane ways. You can find a great variety of recipes for trout caviar on the Internet, so every housewife will be able to choose the option that suits her.

A recipe for trout caviar at home will allow you to realize your culinary ideas, and you don’t even have to doubt it. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that in reality, salmon caviar is one of the valuable, healthy delicacies that you should remember and know about.

The trout caviar that will be salted and canned can always be purchased with great ease in the store. But many housewives do not want to do this, since perhaps there are those in the family who catch trout, so you can always pickle fresh caviar at home.

The recipe for salting trout caviar can always be found online, choosing the most optimal option. So you can learn how to salt trout caviar at home, the recipe, at the same time, so that it is simple and understandable.

What do you need to know?

It is worth noting that, in fact, in some regions, unsalted trout caviar, as a rule, can always be found in retail chains, this includes fish markets. But naturally, it will be necessary to make sure of the quality of the caviar, since this is the main condition that must be strictly observed and taken into account.

  • It’s worth immediately taking into account that the eggs, in any case, should never be wrinkled, cloudy, they should not be sticky, they should not have a characteristic stale smell, which you should know about in advance.
  • It should also be noted that caviar must be placed in a container, and as tightly as possible, remember this.
  • Before salting, it is necessary to remove thin films, it is necessary to place the caviar in a sieve, rinsing with cold water, but again, know that such manipulations are not necessary. Many people advise that in order to separate the films, you should scald the caviar with boiling water.
  • Trout caviar that is salted correctly and competently, as a rule, always has an exceptionally pleasant and natural smell of fresh fish.
  • As soon as all this is done, you need to season it with oil, lemon juice, and you can salt the caviar dry, or in brine.

After all, cooking caviar is really not as difficult as it may sometimes seem at first glance. Therefore, if you strictly adhere to the technology of the recipe you have chosen, then there will definitely be no problems, you will be able to achieve the desired result.

Once the caviar is ready, you can put it in small glass jars and store it in the refrigerator. But there is an important condition here that you cannot store it in the freezer, and this is exactly what inexperienced housewives often do.

Also keep in mind that caviar is usually stored for up to three weeks, and the juice released during salting will naturally need to be drained, do not forget this. Before consuming, caviar will need to be sprinkled with lemon or lime juice; it all depends on personal wishes and taste preferences.

You must understand that salting trout caviar, the recipe for which is simple, can be done even by inexperienced owners and housewives. All this can be explained by the fact that the recipe is written in detail, thus, by following each stage, you can always achieve the desired result, doing it without extra effort.

Salting trout caviar at home, the recipe for which you now know, will allow you to appreciate the unique taste of caviar, thereby enjoying it to the fullest.

Good to know

I would like to note that if you wish, but, of course, with a competent approach, you can always clean caviar with your own hands, moreover, without using any unnecessary additional means, which naturally cannot but impress.

All you need to do is break the yastik into several parts, after which you can begin to remove a grain of red caviar from it with your hands or a fork. And try to do this work as carefully as possible.

You can always try and wipe the broken film with eggs into pieces, doing this through a colander or mesh. Here you yourself must decide on the right choice of those tools that will allow you to realize your ideas.

Do not forget that it is customary to salt rainbow trout caviar not only in brine liquid, as for some reason many people believe, because sugar is also actively used for salting. As for the technology for preparing caviar with sugar and salt, it is completely the same as in brine, and the only difference is in the amount of the main ingredients.

Therefore, the recipe for salting caviar at home will definitely help you do everything quickly and competently.

Thanks to this excellent recipe, we learned how to prepare “Trout Caviar Recipe”.

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How to pickle trout caviar at home? Very simple! Cleaning methods, recipes and tips on how best to pickle trout caviar.

Did you buy trout with caviar? How wonderful! A pleasant addition can be very easily pickled, in just a few hours you will get a real delicacy, very tasty and healthy! And without preservatives and chemicals. What is the best way to pickle trout caviar at home?

Homemade sauces for fried river fish caviar

Sauce for river caviar is another option for a delicious dish. If you love exclusively fried caviar, it makes sense to diversify it with the help of an original dressing.

  • Mayonnaise sauces are perfect for river fish caviar. You can cook them with soy sauce, lemon juice and even wine. Spicy sauces based on mayonnaise will also perfectly complement the taste of caviar. Both garlic and hot pepper can add spiciness; if you like horseradish, feel free to add it to fish sauces.
  • Fresh sour cream is also perfect for fish roe sauce. You can simply pour sour cream over fried caviar and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. You can make a sauce based on sour cream, mixing them with Korean carrots in equal quantities. Season the fried caviar with the prepared sauce and serve. This dish is very unusual, but very tasty.
  • You can also prepare a sauce for both fish and caviar based on olive or any other oil. Mix the oil with fresh basil and beat a little with a blender. Then add a couple of spoons of French mustard and stir. Season each piece of fried caviar and serve.

How to fry fish roe in a frying pan and how to deliciously serve it to the table with aromatic dressings is no longer a secret to you. A couple more wonderful and at the same time simple recipes will appear in your arsenal.

If you are an avid fisherman or just a big fan of fish, then you probably often have fish dishes on the table in your home. But the question is, how to properly and tasty cook fish caviar?

It happens that housewives, not knowing that river fish caviar can make a lot of delicious dishes, simply give it to the cat. But caviar can be added to fish cutlets, made into tender pancakes, salted, marinated, stewed with vegetables and much more.

I offer you a not very complicated recipe, following which you will learn how to deliciously fry caviar with an egg in a frying pan.


River fish caviar - 250-300 g

Salt, pepper - a pinch

Egg - 1 pc.

Vegetable oil for frying.


We carefully wash the caviar and remove the film. Salt and add ground black pepper to taste.

Add the chicken egg to the caviar.

Mix the ingredients.

Generously pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan. Let it warm up well and pour in the caviar-egg mixture.

Fry over medium heat, stirring occasionally. When the caviar begins to fry, it will change color from grayish-brown to yellow-orange.

Fry the caviar until it all acquires a rich orange color and becomes loose and dry.

Serve the caviar hot with vegetables or side dishes. It will go well with rice, mashed potatoes, and baked vegetables.

So, now you know how to deliciously fry caviar with eggs in a frying pan. Include this dish in your menu, because it is not only tasty, but also very nutritious.

Cooking time - 20 minutes

Number of servings - 2

Per 100 g

B — 29.44

F — 17.78

U - 0.12

If you have caught (bought) caviar fish, you are faced with a choice of what to do with the caviar, how to prepare it: salt it, fry it or boil it?

If it is fresh pike caviar, not to mention sturgeon caviar, then of course it is better to salt it. Partial fish caviar is also good when salted, but its taste is inferior to those mentioned above.

If your catch includes rudd, roach, medium-sized bream, from which you decided to cook fish soup, and you didn’t have much caviar, it’s best to put it in the broth - the soup will turn out more rich. Moreover, if suddenly your fish broth “boils” a lot, it doesn’t matter. Fresh washed caviar (even just a tablespoon), added to the fish soup about five minutes before it’s ready, will make your broth clear.

If you have at your disposal medium-sized or large crucian carp, carp, carp, from which fish soup is usually rarely prepared, then it is better to fry the caviar.

Let's say you decide to cook hot smoked fish - smoke large bream, carp, crucian carp, asp, silver carp, grass carp, etc. in a smokehouse, I recommend gutting them first so that the bile does not give the fish bitterness, and cook the caviar separately, thereby getting another dish - fried caviar.

How to pickle trout caviar - general principles

Any fish caviar is suitable for salting: sea, river, fresh, frozen. Naturally, the better the quality of the original product, the better the result. Among all the salting methods, dry and wet are distinguished, that is, the product is simply sprinkled with salt, or it is prepared with the addition of liquid. Not only the taste, but also the shelf life of caviar depends on the chosen recipe. But in any case, it is advisable not to store homemade preparations for a long time, consume them while they are as fresh and healthy as possible.

Methods for cleaning caviar

Before salting trout caviar, the product must be freed from the protective film. Manual selection of eggs is immediately eliminated, as it is time-consuming, painstaking, and tedious.

1. Marley. Roll up a large piece of gauze into 4 layers. We place the caviar in the central part. We lower the gauze into a basin or pan with warm water and begin to rotate. Gradually the film will come off, the pieces will remain on the gauze. The method is convenient, uncomplicated, but lengthy and time consuming.

2. Hot. Relatively fast way. The caviar is poured with hot water for a few seconds. All films come away from the balls. The disadvantage of this method is the need to select pieces from the product.

3. Massage. A neat, but also quite long and painstaking method. The egg is cut in half or into 3 parts, the eggs are carefully pulled out.

4. Whisk. The oyster is torn in several places, the caviar is poured with warm water, the whisk is immersed and the product is stirred. Gradually, films will be wound around the rim. Then the caviar is poured into a sieve, and the remaining roe is removed by hand.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Choose the one that is most convenient for you.

How to pickle trout caviar in brine

The most common way to pickle trout caviar at home. Brine is a concentrated saline solution. According to the rules, salt is added in such an amount until it dissolves.


• 200 g rock salt;

• 200 g sea salt;


1. Place a pan with a liter of water on the stove, add both types of salt, and boil the brine after boiling over low heat for about three minutes. If you don’t have sea table salt, you can use rock salt entirely.

2. Cool the brine. Makes the concentrated brine temperature slightly above room temperature.

3. Immerse the caviar. If you stand it for 5-8 minutes, you will get a lightly salted product with high taste and a shelf life of up to 5 days. Most often, the caviar is stored in the refrigerator for only 3 days, then the caviar begins to deteriorate.

4. If you keep caviar in brine for 20 minutes, the product will be saturated with salt and will be stored longer.

5. Drain the caviar onto cheesecloth. Leave for ten minutes for the brine to drain.

6. Wash glass jars thoroughly, preferably pour boiling water over them and dry. We also process the lids.

7. Carefully transfer the caviar, screw on the container lids, and store in the refrigerator. Let the salt distribute throughout the product. The first sample can be taken after 12 hours.

Fish caviar (fried) with sauce

  • 0.3 kg onions;
  • wheat flour - no more than 1 cup;
  • take 1 kg of tomatoes and fish roe (any);
  • favorite spices;
  • refined oil.

For the sauce you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 g fish broth;
  • chopped dill - to taste;
  • one glass of cream (fat content from 15 to 20%);
  • refined oil;
  • onions – 0.1 kg;
  • khmeli-suneli;
  • 50 g satsebeli sauce;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp is enough. spoons.

How to pickle trout caviar in a quick way

A recipe for those who don’t want to wait long. This caviar will be ready in just four hours. The method is dry, the product turns out salty, but it is ideal for sandwiches with butter and salads.



1. Caviar must be cleaned in any convenient way. You can see more about them above.

2. Salt and sugar are mixed in a 2 to 1 ratio.

3. Sprinkle the caviar thickly with the dry mixture, mix carefully so as not to damage the integrity of the balls or spoil the product.

4. Set aside for ten minutes. During this time, the salt and sugar should melt.

5. Strain through cheesecloth and let all the liquid drain.

6. Transfer to a jar and place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

7. Take out a jar of caviar and mix gently. If liquid has formed again, drain it too. We use it for its intended purpose!

How to pickle trout caviar in sugar brine

Another great way to salt trout caviar in brine, but not in brine. This option is prepared with sugar, which greatly enhances the taste of the product.



1. Clean the caviar from the films, rinse, and leave in gauze to drain the liquid.

2. Prepare the brine. If the caviar will be consumed immediately, then it does not need to be boiled. It is enough to dissolve salt and sugar in purified water. If you plan to keep the product in the refrigerator for several days, then the filling needs to be boiled and cooled.

3. Transfer the caviar to a deep plate.

4. Fill the product with brine. The amount of liquid should be twice as much.

5. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

6. During this time, pull a piece of gauze over the pan. You can also use a bowl, but a saucepan is convenient because the ends can be tied to the handles of the vessel.

7. Pour the caviar and brine onto the gauze; do not make a thick layer.

8. Leave for another quarter of an hour so that all the water drains and the eggs dry a little.

9. Place in a clean jar and place in the refrigerator.

10. After two hours, the product is ready for use.

How to pickle trout caviar quickly and easily

Recipe for salted caviar for lazy housewives. There is no need to clean the container or wait a long time for the product to cook. Everything could be much simpler! Brine with added sugar, which improves the taste of the main product.


• 5 tablespoons of salt + about 300 grams more;


1. Prepare the brine. We combine everything together, put it on the stove and boil for a couple of minutes. Strain to get rid of random impurities.

2. Add more salt and stir constantly. As soon as the grains stop dissolving, stop adding.

3. Cool the brine to 50 degrees. Temperature is very important in this recipe. Do not put caviar in hot or too cold brine.

4. Immerse the caviar directly in the brine, take a whisk and start mixing. We try to move the bowls around in a circle, simultaneously dissolving and breaking the film of the jar.

5. Leave the caviar in the brine for half an hour.

6. Re-immerse the whisk, stir the caviar again for several minutes, let the loose films wrap around the bends of the device.

7. Drain the caviar onto stretched gauze or into a colander. We remove the remaining films by hand. Perhaps there will be very few of them left.

8. Transfer the caviar that has drained from the brine into jars. We try to pack it tightly and put it in the refrigerator.

9. After four hours, the salt will be evenly distributed in the product and it can be consumed. This caviar can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days.

Fish roe cutlets

  • one onion or ½ bunch of green onions;
  • flour – 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 0.4 kg of fish caviar (silver carp, carp, etc.);
  • refined oil – 30 g;
  • one egg;
  • mayonnaise (any fat content) – no more than 1 tbsp. spoons;
  • a pinch of ground pepper (black);
  • greens - to taste;
  • salt (recommended amount - 1 tsp).

So, let's get to the practical part:

  1. We wash the greens with tap water. Peel the onion. We take a knife in our hand. Chop the onion and herbs.
  2. Place fish roe in a bowl. Beat using a regular fork.
  3. Add greens, onion pieces, mayonnaise and flour to the caviar. Break the egg there. Salt. Sprinkle with pepper. Mix it all. The result should be a mass reminiscent of sour cream in consistency.
  4. Use a tablespoon to scoop out the mixture consisting of caviar, herbs, mayonnaise and eggs. Place on a heated frying pan. Fry fish roe cutlets on both sides (1-2 minutes each). They turn out rosy and fragrant. When all the pancakes are fried, place them in a large flat plate. You can decorate with sprigs of parsley or dill.

How to pickle trout caviar in a spicy way

A variant of a very aromatic and spicy brine for caviar. No, the product will not lose its fishy taste and smell, but will become more aromatic and noble.


• 3 peppercorns;

• 1 pinch of ginger;

• 0.5 bay leaf;


1. Boil water with salt and sugar in a saucepan for about five minutes, add all the spices and immediately turn off. The ginger is ground and dry. If you have a fresh root, you can take that too.

2. Cool the marinade under the lid so that all the aromatic substances are absorbed into the water.

3. Strain the brine; it is desirable that it has a temperature of around 45-50 degrees.

4. Immerse the caviar. For this amount of brine, 100-150 grams is enough, stir thoroughly and leave for a quarter of an hour.

5. Pour into a sieve, try not to damage the eggs, you can lay down gauze. Dry for 10 minutes.

6. Transfer to a jar and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Fried crucian caviar in sour cream sauce


  • crucian caviar – 0.5 kg;
  • wheat flour – 50 g;
  • sour cream – 100 ml;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the crucian caviar from the film, beat with a whisk or rub through a sieve. Add salt and pepper to it, stir.
  • Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the onion. Fry it until it becomes translucent.
  • Add crucian caviar to the onion. Fry them together for 5 minutes, stirring with a spatula.
  • Place the sour cream in a bowl, add flour to it, and beat with a whisk.
  • Pass the garlic through a press and mix with sour cream.
  • Spread sour cream sauce over crucian caviar.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the caviar for 10 minutes.

How to pickle trout caviar with lemon

A version of amazing caviar with an amazing lemon aroma. It is advisable to prepare the brine with sea salt; it is ideal for trout, even if the fish is river. Any vegetable oil can be used for watering.


• 2 tablespoons of salt (heaped)


1. Clean the caviar using one of the convenient methods. There should be no films on the product.

2. Remove thin yellow crusts, that is, zest, from the lemon. Squeeze the juice into a separate bowl; you can strain it immediately if a bone or pulp accidentally falls out.

3. Prepare the brine. Boil the lemon peels in water for three minutes, add salt and sugar, cook a little more. Let cool.

4. Strain the brine. The temperature of the liquid should be around 50 degrees.

5. Immerse the caviar, squeeze out lemon juice from the remaining half of the citrus.

6. Stir and leave for a quarter of an hour.

7. Pour the caviar into a sieve and leave the liquid to drain.

8. Transfer the product into clean jars, pour oil on top and you’re done!

Salting trout caviar - useful tips and tricks

• Despite the fact that caviar tastes better when under-salted, it is still better to over-salt the product. Salt will not only extend the shelf life, but will also destroy harmful microbes and helminths, making the product safe for humans.

• If the caviar's shelf life is coming to an end and it has not yet been used up, then quickly place the product in the freezer; it is better to freeze it in small portions. After thawing, caviar can be used for any dishes.

• To separate the films of the paste, you can use not only a whisk, but also an ordinary fork. You just need to drive the device carefully to preserve the integrity of the delicate eggs as much as possible.

• Any of the recipes for salting trout caviar can be adapted to suit another product. In fact, it is not the salt concentration that is important, but the holding time. The easiest way to determine it is to taste the caviar more often, but only after first shaking the salt.


Cited 39 times Liked by: 16 users


  • 1 Fry hake fish roe, step-by-step recipe with photos
  • 2 How to fry caviar pancakes

Fish caviar is one of the healthiest, nutritious and delicious foods. The most valued caviar today is salmon - red, and sturgeon - black. It wasn't always like this. It turns out that in the old days, pike caviar and other river fish caviar were considered the greatest delicacy.

Today, salted salmon and sturgeon caviar are placed on the festive table, and river fish caviar is preferred to be fried. Also in use is sea fish caviar, which is consumed both salted and fried.

For example, hake caviar is very tasty when fried. But this applies not only to hake, but also to cod, carp, pike, pike perch - and to any river or sea fish. Their caviar is fried according to the same principle as described below. The only difference is that river fish caviar can be bought fresh, while sea fish caviar can be bought frozen.

Hake caviar, as a rule, goes on sale frozen, in pieces, packed in a film bag. That is, in the form in which it was removed from the belly of the fish. It can also be fried in the same form.

— ½ kg of hake caviar, fresh frozen

- oil for frying

- wheat flour for dredging

- ½ tsp ground black pepper

1. First, slowly defrost the caviar. Then rinse carefully with cold water, taking care of the film coating. Salt the washed caviar, season with pepper and mix carefully so that the salt and pepper penetrate everywhere. In order for the caviar to salt, leave it for 15-20 minutes.

2. Place flour in a bowl and use it to coat the next piece of caviar before adding it to the frying pan.

3. Place a frying pan on high heat and pour oil into it. Fry the pieces of caviar rolled in flour, turning them over, for 2-3 minutes on each side. Since the fire is strong, in this short time the caviar is covered with a golden crispy crust. It's not cooked through yet, but you shouldn't overcook it at this stage, otherwise it will become tough and dry.

4. After frying all the pieces, put them back in the frying pan, cover with a lid, and turn the heat to minimum. So you need to keep the caviar for 10 minutes, during which time it will reach readiness.

5. Remove the lid from the frying pan and transfer the caviar to a dish. Garnish with fresh vegetables, decorate with herbs and lemon slices.

If the caviar is fresh, it can be fried without removing it from the bags, just like ice cream. But it can also be extracted, forming a homogeneous mass from it.

You have to do the same with thawed caviar if the integrity of the bags is damaged. It is more difficult to bring it into a state of homogeneity; sometimes you even have to use a blender.

You can fry pancakes or pancakes from this caviar mass.

- fish caviar by total weight

- oil for frying

1. Add some salt to the caviar and season with pepper. Sprinkle it with flour and mix thoroughly so that the flour is distributed throughout the entire volume and does not form lumps.

2. Release the egg into the caviar and mix thoroughly again.

3. Pour oil into a hot frying pan and begin to fry the pancakes. We scoop each portion of caviar with a tablespoon and place it beautifully in a frying pan. Fry the pancakes on both sides.

Fish roe, no matter what kind, is very tasty and nutritious. Everyone is familiar with black and red caviar, although pike caviar is no worse in taste.

But that’s not about that now. We prepare carp caviar. It can be fried in two main ways - whole, that is, without removing the bag, and as a whole. Delicious caviar is obtained in both cases. If in the first option there is no room for imagination to run wild (washed, rolled in flour and fried), then in the second option there is room for imagination. I add egg, soy sauce, various seasonings, onions and more to the caviar mass.

If you got a fish with caviar or you were lucky enough to buy caviar separately, then let's fry it.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 192 kcal.
  • Number of servings - for 3 people
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


  • River fish caviar – 400 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt
  • Black pepper

How to fry bream in pieces? How to fry bream caviar? What can you do with river fish caviar?

Today we will fry bream in pieces. Volga bream is one of the most delicious river fish. It does not have a pronounced muddy smell (like catfish or carp), the taste of the meat is pleasant, the fish is moderately fatty, not watery. Therefore, bream does not require long frying and drying. The only big negative is that she is quite bony. You have to eat it carefully. There are both large and small bones.

We buy fresh fish.

Sometimes you come across caviar.

We clean the bream and cut off the fins. We cut the fish into portions 3-4 cm thick. Wash thoroughly.

From the head you can prepare a delicious fish soup (fish soup) or Goldfish Salad.

Place the bream pieces into a bowl and rub with salt.

Sprinkle with ground black pepper.

We also salt the caviar and leave it alone for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan. Roll the pieces in flour.

And put it in a frying pan to fry.

Fry until each side is golden brown.

Keep the pieces covered for 5 minutes to fully cook the fish.

Place the finished bream pieces on a plate lined with paper towels to remove excess oil from the fish.

Now fry the caviar. Roll the caviar pieces in flour.

Place in a frying pan.

Fry on both sides until golden brown and keep covered for a while.

We fried the fish and caviar, you can eat it. Bon appetit!

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