Where to leave your car by the river and how to launch a boat according to the law without a fine

Fishing is a wonderful form of active recreation. It’s easy to combine business with pleasure here. Many men devote all their free time to fishing. And this is not surprising, since fishing can take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle and catch fish, delighting family members. After all, you can prepare various tasty and healthy dishes from fish, or simply fry it, and also cook delicious fish soup.

When can you fish from a boat?

If you have a boat, fishing takes on completely different features. If an angler has a boat, he can fish in any part of the reservoir. If we take into account modern wild reservoirs, the banks of which are considered difficult to access, then fishing on them without a boat is simply impossible. Therefore, having a boat practically guarantees a catch. The main thing is that the weather is conducive to fishing, then not only the catch will be ensured, but also a great mood. After all, fishing is, first of all, relaxation and an opportunity to gain strength and energy.

It’s good if the boat has a motor, then fishing is more effective, especially in large bodies of water. As for small ponds, you can also use oars, especially since such movement does not scare away the fish.

When going fishing with a boat, you should remember the current prohibitions on fishing from a boat, which are established at the legislative level. At the same time, you should also know that the timing may be different every year due to weather conditions, which is associated with the migration of fish. Therefore, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with such deadlines via the Internet.

Terms of the ban


Deadlines may vary depending on the country and regions. If we talk about Russia, the timing of fishing is regulated in the following order:

  • From the moment the ice disappears until June 10, it is prohibited to catch pike perch, bream and asp.
  • From the moment the ice disappears until May 15, it is prohibited to catch pike.
  • From May 25 to June 10 – crayfish.
  • From October 1 to November 20 – whitefish, peled, brook trout, grayling, ripus and eel.

The dates are approximate, so they require clarification in individual regions.


As for Ukraine, fishing here has its own characteristics. The head of Gosrybnadzor signs the corresponding document every year. You can find out about this on the official website and find out where and how you can fish during the spawning period, or more precisely, during periods of current bans. The website provides a table with which you can determine similar deadlines that may apply to specific bodies of water.

The main dates that correspond to the ban on fishing in the spring include:

  • From April 1 to June 30 – fishing on rivers.
  • From April 1 to June 10 – fishing in ponds and reservoirs.
  • From April 1 to June 30, fishing in accessory systems is prohibited.

The ban on catching crayfish, which applies to most reservoirs in spring and autumn:

  • From April 1 to June 30 – spring fishing is prohibited.
  • From August 20 to September 30 – fall fishing is prohibited.

For spinning anglers and those who like to fish with rods using one hook, fishing may be allowed in areas remote from spawning grounds.

Fishing restrictions in Ukraine

The timing of the fishing ban in Ukraine in different regions and areas may vary significantly, but for the most part the seasonal spawning period is determined by the period from April 1 to June 30. And at this time, only bodies involved in the protection of water bodies have permission to use swimming equipment.

It is prohibited to carry out mining of construction materials and blasting operations in spawning areas. Fishing competitions and spearfishing are strictly prohibited. By order establishing bans on fishing of aquatic biological resources, restrictions on fishing are first removed from rivers, then from reservoirs. After spawning, lakes, oxbow lakes and tributaries are the last to open for fishing.

Regardless of seasonal restrictions, the law defines a list of fishing gear that is prohibited under any conditions and is classified as poaching gear. A fisherman faces an inevitable fine if he uses in his arsenal :

  • dragnet;
  • venter;
  • path;
  • prison;
  • parachute;
  • spider;
  • self-catching crossing;
  • samoder;
  • fixed network;
  • screen.

It is unacceptable to use explosives and toxic substances, batteries and step-up transformers, which cause significant harm to fisheries, killing fish within a radius of many tens of meters. Without knowing it, a fisherman may violate fishing rules if his catch exceeds the daily limit for one person.

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Reasons for the ban

Recently, fishing in rivers and lakes has been massive and uncontrolled, which is why the number of fish has sharply decreased. In order to somehow restore the number of fish through their reproduction in the natural environment, there are prohibitions. This is done by services that monitor the level of biological resources. These bodies monitor the implementation of legal acts and have the right to impose fines in case of violation.

Particular attention is paid to the process of spawning, as well as preparing the fish for wintering. Catching crayfish is also prohibited during the molting period, when caviar is formed. During this period, the use of any boats, as well as certain types of gear, is prohibited. Only fisheries protection staff are allowed to move around the reservoir.


During this period, it is prohibited to hold any competitions, and blasting operations and mining in spawning areas are also prohibited.

Therefore, fishing during periods prohibited by law is strictly punishable by law. For fishing during these periods, it is possible to receive a serious fine or prison sentence. This is directly stated in the relevant documents.

Refutation of a donk with a rubber shock absorber

Photo: Alexandra Tokareva.
This became the reason for attempts to find justifications for bans on the rubber donkey, which, according to the rules of the spawning period, is allowed from the shore and using two hooks.

Attempts to contact the local fisheries authorities ended in nothing.

The phone turned out to belong to the school-gymnasium, and the other one - non-existent.

Google searches led to the Department of State Control, Supervision and Protection of Aquatic Biological Resources for the Republic of Mari El.

I didn’t find the website or email address of this organization in the links that I came across, but there were contact phone numbers.

I called one of them.

I asked a question about a donk with a rubber shock absorber, to which I received a polite and seemingly reasonable answer, saying that a rubber donk is prohibited for fishing during the spawning period due to the rubber shock absorber, which, by its tension and weakening, creates a play of hooks with bait, making baits active.

Which, in fact, became the reason for the ban on spinning. At least in our region. The answer, of course, is disappointing for fishermen, but we still had to provide information on this issue, which interests many fishermen during this period.

But I was in a hurry with this information. Having finally found the email address of the Department of State Control, Supervision and Protection of Aquatic Biological Resources for the Republic of Mari El, I made a written request to this organization. And I received a completely opposite answer.

A copy of the answer can be seen in the screenshot in this article. The written response states in black and white that fishing with rubber bottom is also permitted during the spawning period, but only from the shore and using no more than two hooks on the gear, which, in general, can be seen in the fishing rules.

But then, what does it mean when a fishery protection specialist answers the phone about a donk with a rubber shock absorber as prohibited gear during the spawning period?

It turns out that the left hand of fisheries protection does not know what the right hand is doing?..

Read the material “Without harm to the duck tribe”

And I screwed up. I was in a hurry to post unverified information. But once upon a time this was the main rule in my work as a staff correspondent for a newspaper - to check information. Moreover, in three newspapers where I had the opportunity to work.

But, as I understand, the Recreational Fishing Rules will contain more such controversial issues. And it is precisely such ambiguously interpreted articles and clauses of the rules that will create precedents for unreasonable fines.

Photo: Alexandra Tokareva.

To be on the safe side, I asked a written question about spinning. Due to the ban on this gear during the spawning period, I also previously called the Department of State Control, Supervision and Protection of Aquatic Biological Resources for the Republic of Mari El.

But here everything came together: both an oral response from a specialist and a written explanation on this important issue for fishermen. There was only one answer - spinning is prohibited.

The logic, of course, is strange: the active lures of a spinning rod supposedly harm the fertilized eggs, but the movements of the “elastic band” hooks, the feeder troughs dragging along the bottom and the heavy sinkers of the bait supposedly do not harm. Phew...

You'll get confused here. And how to give a hint to legislators for the next bans.

But why is everything so confusing? Is it not to catch your fish in troubled waters in the form of fines? Or are the officials in the Ministry of Agriculture and the State Duma simply boggled by all these inconsistencies, and they further confuse everything in a jumble of official lines of the rules of recreational fishing?

And so - every year, and so - every spring and spawning period.

Read the material “When it’s forbidden to catch, but you want to”

But at least now everything has been cleared up with the rubber donkey and spinning rod, even if the answer is negative for the English fishing rod. But everything is clear.

But it should be taken into account that all of the above applies to the rules of amateur fishing during the spawning period in the Northern fishery region of the Volga-Caspian fishery basin, and in our area these are the Kuibyshev and Cheboksary reservoirs with their tributaries.

Photo: Alexandra Tokareva.

Things may be different in other regions.

For example, in the Novosibirsk region, spinning is allowed during the spawning period.

Alexander Tokarev April 22, 2021 at 12:26 pm

Consequences of violations

Both in Russia and in Ukraine a list of gear and improvised means is stipulated that are prohibited in the process of fishing all year round. The use of prohibited means is considered poaching and is punishable by law.

In Russia:

  • It is prohibited to catch with any nets.
  • Various traps are prohibited, except for crayfish.
  • The use of passive fishing gear, such as hooks, pokes, etc., is prohibited. on rivers where salmon live in large numbers.
  • The use of pneumatic weapons is prohibited.
  • Fishing rods and spinning rods equipped with hooks with a total number of more than 10 pieces per fisherman are prohibited.
  • Fishing with bottom seines and trawls is prohibited.
  • Self-catching structures based on hooks are prohibited.
  • Net-based devices such as seines, drills, linings, scarves, etc. are prohibited.
  • The use of lifts and scoops with dimensions greater than 1 square meter and cell pitch greater than 10 mm is prohibited.
  • Catfish traps are prohibited.
  • Various piercing tools for fishing in the form of a spear are prohibited.

The following are prohibited in Ukraine:

  • Nonsense.
  • Venterya, paths.
  • Ostrogi.
  • Parachutes.
  • Spiders.
  • Self-propelled crossings.
  • Samoders.
  • Fixed networks.
  • Screens.

In addition, fish catch rates per person have been established. The norms depend on the number of days spent fishing. It is permissible to catch no more than 5 kg of fish per person and 30 units of crayfish. If fishing lasts 2 days, then you are allowed to take out no more than 10 kg of fish per person in any form, for example, salted, smoked or dried.

In Russia

There are restrictions on catching fish listed in the Red Book. These types of fish include: sturgeon, Aral salmon, large pseudo-shovelfish, etc. For catching such fish, a fine of 40 thousand rubles is imposed. And further:

  • Catching fish during the spawning period can cost a fine of 300 thousand rubles, and all fishing gear will be confiscated.
  • For catching carp, pike and carp, 250 rubles per fish.
  • For catching bream – 25 rubles per piece.
  • For catching crayfish, 42 rubles per crayfish.

In each region, lists of fish prohibited from catching have been compiled. When going fishing, you should study the list of fish species that are prohibited from catching at all.

In addition, there are standards for catching fish of a certain size. If the caught fish is smaller in size than what is allowed to be caught, then such fish must be released. For example:

  • Carp - at least 30 cm.
  • Crayfish - at least 9 cm.
  • Pike perch – no less than 38 cm.
  • Burbot – at least 40 cm.
  • Pike – at least 32 cm.
  • Asp - no less than 35 cm.
  • Catfish – at least 40 cm.
  • Chub - at least 20 cm.
  • Carp - at least 24 cm.
  • Rybets - no less than 22 cm.
  • Taran - no less than 16 cm.
  • Grass carp – at least 45 cm.
  • Bream - at least 25 cm.
  • Trout - at least 15 cm.
  • Podust - not less than 15 cm.
  • Bersh - no less than 25 cm.
  • Barbel - at least 20 cm.
  • Herring – at least 15 cm.
  • Silver carp – at least 50 cm.

In Ukraine

Recently, penalties for catching prohibited fish have been seriously increased. Therefore, before you go fishing during prohibited periods, it is worth thinking about the consequences.

Catching fish listed in the Red Book can cost 510 UAH. for a unit. At the same time, you will have to pay about 1,550 UAH for a caught paddlefish.

The amount of fines depends on the amount of damage caused to fish stocks. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay for each fish separately. A fine can be imposed in the amount of up to 150 non-taxable minimum wages. So:

  • For caught crucian carp or perch you will have to pay 17 UAH.
  • For a caught pike – 340 UAH.

If significant damage is caused to the fish population, then you can count on criminal liability. In addition, all gear, boat and catch will be confiscated.

The end of the ban on catching bream from a boat.

When is the best time to fish from a boat?

As a rule, fish bite best in the summer either early in the morning or late in the evening. During this period, fish move in schools around the reservoir in search of food. For fishing to be successful, it is better to use bait. You can buy it at a fishing store or prepare it yourself before going fishing.

The advantage of purchased bait is that it does not need to be prepared, just add a certain amount of water to achieve the desired consistency. Groundbait prepared at home also has a number of advantages. Firstly, it can be prepared no worse than store-bought, and secondly, it will cost much less. The only thing is that to prepare it you need to spend some of your free time.

If you feed the fish in advance, this can increase the efficiency of fishing significantly. At depths of up to 4 meters, the following are used for fishing:

  • Jigs.
  • Spoons.
  • Malek.
  • Live bait.

Is it possible to fish with rings from a boat?

Ring fishing is an ancient method.

How to fish with a ring from a boat:

  1. The boat is placed on a river with a strong current;
  2. The tackle is lowered into the water;
  3. Setting up the feeder;
  4. Let's not yawn and catch fish.

Description of the ring:

  1. The main part is a short fishing rod with a reel and rings, on the fishing line there is a metal ring with leads and hooks;
  2. The second part is a feeder with weight; a stone can be used as a weight.

How to set up the device:

  1. Rusks are placed in the feeder;
  2. Released to the bottom;
  3. The end of the rope was tied to the boat;
  4. A ring was attached to the same rope and also went down to the bottom, next to the feeder.

Why do fish bite on this:

  1. The food is washed out of the feeder;
  2. The fish picks up the scent and finds food;
  3. Hooks on hooks with attachments.

Is it legal to fish this way from a boat?

Ring fishing is completely legal. Only in the USSR was it banned, because it was believed that this particular method of fishing destroyed fish in large numbers. This version is incorrect, and therefore ring fishing is acceptable.

What kind of bait should I fill the feeder with?

The type of bait depends on the fish you want to catch:

  1. Rusks;
  2. Black bread;
  3. Millet porridge;
  4. Ground seeds;
  5. Purchased bait in the form of a mixture;
  6. It is possible to add oil to the feeder for flavor.

Hook attachments:

  1. Corn;
  2. Peas;
  3. Wheat;
  4. Pearl barley;
  5. Dough;
  6. Maggot;
  7. Worm.

How to increase the bite:

  1. Odorous flavorings;
  2. Bite activator (pheromones);
  3. High sensitivity of the gear.

Ideal weather for fishing from a boat

Fish biting activity also depends on weather factors. Its activity is affected by atmospheric pressure, water temperature, the presence of wind, etc., for example, in rainy and cloudy weather trout and catfish are active, and on a hot sunny day you can count on active biting of crucian carp or crucian carp. After the rain, trout and chub come to the shore. When the upper layers of water warm up, this attracts many predators that feed on fish fry. If a cold north wind blows, then it’s time to catch burbot.

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