At the end of last year, Militta gave a forecast for 2021.
We promised then that 2021 would test everyone’s strength, and that’s what happened. In 2021, the most difficult challenges befell everyone, but the fashion industry faced especially many difficulties. Therefore, it is important for us to support our Russian fashion. Fashion Week spring-summer 2021 will begin very soon... Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia will be held from October 19 to 23
simultaneously at 8 sites in Moscow. The capital's schedule will be supplemented by live broadcasts from four Russian cities. About 60 designers and fashion houses will present their new collections - all shows and presentations will be broadcast on social networks and on partner websites.
Due to the current epidemiological situation in the capital, the organizers of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia decided to move this season's shows from the Manege to individual venues, with an emphasis on online broadcasts. “We want to avoid large crowds of people and strictly follow the sanitary protocol recommended due to the spread of coronavirus infection.
Today the main thing is the safety of our participants and guests. At individual venues, we will be able to organize the process so that the glove and mask regime does not affect the atmosphere and efficiency of the event,” says Alexander Shumsky, President of the National Chamber of Fashion and Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia.
The uniqueness of the upcoming season is that the general schedule of MBFW Russia will include live broadcasts of shows from other cities and countries. As part of Moscow Fashion Week and on its dates, special shows of Russian designers will be held in St. Petersburg, Sochi, Krasnodar and Yakutsk. As part of MBFW Russia, a collective show of Indonesian designers will take place - live broadcast from Jakarta.
The schedule also includes fashion houses from Argentina, Great Britain, Peru and the USA. “The new, “Covid” reality has given us the opportunity in 2021 to experiment with the format of Fashion Week like never before. MBFW Russia will be the first virtual fashion week, which will unite shows in real time from six geographical locations. There are many technological and organizational problems, but this season we are still launching a project with other cities and countries. This format has great potential not only during the closed skies period,” Alexander Shumsky is confident.
Shows of the new collections will be available to viewers around the world on various online platforms and media sites, as well as on the largest social network in Russia and the CIS countries, VKontakte. Starting from the first spring virtual season, MBFW Russia projects have gathered a total audience of live online broadcasts in six months of more than 2.5 million people in Russia and many countries around the world.
"Bill Viola. Journey of the Soul"
Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkina
Until May 30
If you are not yet familiar with the art of video art, then start studying this direction from the exhibition “Journey of the Soul” at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. A. S. Pushkin. This spring, the museum will show more than 20 works by one of the main living American masters of video art, Bill Viola. The exhibition is a timeline of the artist’s work from 2000 to 2014. According to the curators, viewers will be able to see the evolution of Viola’s works.
Exhibition “Traditional Russian Costume”
On February 1, 2021, the opening of the exhibition “Traditional Russian Costume” of the 19th - early years will take place in the Pechatniki Gallery of the Moscow Exhibition Halls Association. XX century from the collection of Sergei Glebushkin.
The collection of Russian costume collector Sergei Anatolyevich Glebushkin is one of the most significant in the country and occupies a special place. The collector not only finds objects and entire costume complexes, he puts them in order, restores and carefully stores them, but he is also actively engaged in research and educational work. His exhibitions were held in many cities in Russia and abroad.
The exhibition will help people realize that traditional costume is an important and integral part of Russian culture. Russian folk clothing is distinguished by its high artistic quality and diversity. The skill with which women spun, weaved, embroidered, preserving centuries-old traditions, surprises everyone who has at least once come into contact with folk costume. Knowledge of the origins of its artistic nature makes it possible to join traditional Russian culture, allows us to cultivate a certain perception of the world in the younger generation, and develop creative personality qualities that ensure readiness to inherit the spiritual values of folk art.
The exhibition includes costume complexes of the early 19th-20th centuries, collected during ethnographic expeditions in different regions of Russia: Ryazan, Voronezh, Penza, Arkhangelsk, Tula, Belgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Vologda, Lipetsk, Kaluga, Komi Republic and Buryatia.
Thanks to this exhibition, you can see what the Russian national costume looked like 100-150 years ago. Traditional women's attire reflected the place of residence, social status, and marital status of the woman. Each region, each village had its own traditional costumes, differing in style, color, and material.
Festive headdresses of gold and silver embroidery, decorated with pearls and beads, add special value and uniqueness to the collection.
Most of the exhibits are handmade (weaving, embroidery, basketry). Material: wool, flax, hemp - what was produced on our own farm. But sometimes purchased fabrics (silk, brocade, satin) brought from India and China were also used.
About the collector
Sergei Anatolyevich Glebushkin is a well-known collector and researcher of Russian folk costume in Russia. Member of the Public Council at the State Russian House of Folk Art, member of the Union of Artists of Russia and the International Federation of Artists, member of the International Association of Art Historians and Art Critics, member of the Russian Geographical Society, member of the Central Council of the All-Russian public movement "Gifted Children - the Future of Russia", Laureate of the Ryazan Governor's Prize region named after A.P. Averkin in the field of folk art, Laureate of All-Russian and International folklore competitions and festivals.
Participating in the project are: Pechatniki District Administration of Moscow; Interior Design Studio “KUGO. PRO"; (Trade mark of Siberia paints).
Vernissage February 06 at 17:00
Online tour
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Exhibition ticket with private tour
“Igor Makarevich and Elena Elagina. Countdown"
MMOMA on Gogolevsky
Until March 21
“Countdown” is an exhibition of the most significant works of the creative duo Igor Makarevich and Elena Elagina over the past thirty years. Members of the Collective Actions group create works in the style of Moscow conceptualism. “Both have a history of creativity and interest in the main utopian teachings of the 20th century: from the theory of universal resurrection of the philosopher Nikolai Fedorov to the searches of Kazimir Malevich and Vladimir Tatlin, to the entire doctrine of the Russian avant-garde,” the exhibition curators say about the project.
© MMOMA Press Service
To support young talents during the economic downturn due to the pandemic, Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia, together with the Fashion Foundation, launched a large-scale grant system for designers throughout Russia. From 50 applications, the expert commission selected 13 winners: Lokoto, Marfa Fedorova, Lubovi, BUTS8, k∅d, Ola Ola, Les' by Lesia Paramonova, Maison Esve, 1377, Maison Kaleidoscope, Za_Za, Mad Daisy, Innominate. Grants provided by the Fashion Foundation will enable Moscow and Russian designers to stage a show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia without an entry fee.
The expert commission included: Olga Mikhailovskaya – head of the National Chamber of Fashion Global Talents program, fashion observer (Vogue Russia, Kommersant), creator of the Telegram channel @frontfashion, founder of Front Fashion School; Jurate Gurauskaite – editor-in-chief of InStyle Russia; Elena Kravtsun – executive editor of Kommersant Style; Elena Pyatibratova – creative director of; Alexander Amato – journalist, admin of the Telegram channel @goldchihuahua; Anna Chernykh is a partner in the project for the support and development of young designers FRESHBLOOD, head of the Center for Innovative Youth Creativity “Design Workshops”, curator of the “Fashion Design” course at the British Higher School of Design.
"Alexander Benois and his World of Art"
Tretyakov Gallery
Until May 16
Alexander Benois is the founder and leader of the creative association “World of Art”, which appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. In honor of the artist’s anniversary, the Tretyakov Gallery will display an exhibition about the three components of his project - the magazine, its editorial office and the association of artists. The exhibition presents samples of book and magazine illustrations, design elements for books and postcards by Benoit and artists Somov, Lanceray, Dobuzhinsky, Ostroumova-Lebedeva.
© Press service of the Tretyakov Gallery
Profashion Masters Competition
On February 24, 10 finalists of the VII All-Russian fashion design competition Profashion Masters will demonstrate their outerwear collections on the catwalk of the largest fashion exhibition Collection Premiere Moscow -2021. According to the terms of the competition, the finalists make collections from fabrics from the competition’s partner, an international textile company. 10 emerging designers will meet with a panel of judges to talk about the collections, fabric selections and inspirations. Profashion Masters is a fashion design competition focused on the development of industrial collections and aimed at developing professional personnel for the industry. The competition has been held for the seventh year in a row, and the theme remains unchanged - the creation of an original collection of outerwear.
Works of the finalists of the outerwear competition ©ProFashion
The exhibition CPM – Collection Première Moscow is planned by Messe Dusseldorf Moscow LLC in partnership with IGEDO Company (Dusseldorf, Germany) and with the strategic support of specialized national associations of the fashion industry - the Italian Association of Clothing Manufacturers ( Ente Moda Italia ), the German Fashion Association ( German Fashion Modeverband Deutschland eV ), the Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporter Associations and the French Association of Women's Apparel Manufacturers ( Fédération Française du Prêt-à-Porter Féminin – FFPAPF). The organizers place an unshakable priority on ensuring the safety of exhibitors and guests in accordance with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, as well as the current protocols for holding events on the territory of the Expocentre exhibition complex .
AMAiATOGO (Russia-Korea) at the CPM exhibition 2021 ©Messe Düsseldorf Moscow LLC
Tags: COLLECTION PREMIÈRE MOSCOW, CPM – Collection Première Moscow, CPM-2021, Ente Moda Italia, Fashion Consulting Group, Fédération Française du Prêt-à-Porter Féminin, Francesco Pensabene, German Fashion Modeverband Deutschland e.V., Igedo Company, Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporter Associations, ITA, Made in Italy, ModaNews, PROfashion Masters, RFRF, Russian Fashion Retail Forum, Thomas Stenzel, Anne Lebsak-Kleymans, ICE, Messe Düsseldorf Moscow, FASHION 24/7, Thomas Stenzel, Francesco Pensabene, Expocentre
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"The Moscow life of Giambattista Tiepolo and his son Giandomenico"
Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkina
Until May 16
The new exhibition of the Pushkin Museum will allow you to see all the works of the leading Venetian painter of the 18th century Giambattista Tiepolo and his son Giandomenico. The exhibition “The Moscow Life of Giambattista Tiepolo and His Son Giandomenico” will begin a year of joint cooperation between the Ministries of Culture of Russia and Italy, within the framework of which many cross-exhibitions are planned.
© Press service of the Pushkin Museum im. A.S. Pushkin
Business program Collection Premiere Moscow-2021
The first three days of the exhibition, February 22-24, will be devoted to the business program of the Collection Première Moscow-2021 exhibition - the events are united under the name Russian Fashion Retail Forum ( RFRF ). The 25th season of RFRF will be united by the theme of rebooting the fashion industry and its adaptation to a new reality, in which not only the preferences of the audience are constantly changing, but also sales and communication channels with it. The program of the first day will be opened with a welcoming speech by the General Director of Messe Düsseldorf Moscow , Mr. Thomas Stenzel , as well as a detailed report by the General Director of Fashion Consulting Group Anna Lebsak-Kleymans results and lessons of 2021. Next, there will be lectures by Galina Kravchenko (director of the Assortment Department at FCG) on the assortment being sold, Natalia Chinenova (chief consultant on business technologies in retail at FCG) on visual merchandising for online stores, Ekaterina Diveeva (digital expert at FCG) on Instagram, and Tamara Miminoshvili (fashion e-commerce expert FCG) about monobrands and marketplaces in online retail, as well as Elena Stolyarskaya (chief service specialist at FCG) about the changing standards of working with customers.
Opening ceremony of CPM 2021 ©Messe Düsseldorf Moscow LLC
“Shadow of the soul, but a little sharper”
Until April 30
According to museum representatives, the exhibition “Shadow of the Soul, but a Little Sharper” is a study of how each of us and the whole world survived the year of the pandemic. The exhibition presents both works by artists created during quarantine, as well as works by classics of Russian contemporary art - Ilya Kabakov, Erik Bulatov, Vladimir Yankilevsky, Eduard Steinberg, Mikhail Roginsky, Igor Shelkovsky, which were created in the 1970s and have now acquired additional meanings .
© Press service of the Multimedia Art Museum
Review of exhibitions in Moscow
Author - Veronika Bushaeva, teacher at the GRASSER school in St. Petersburg Why is it useful to visit exhibitions?
-you are charged with optimism, -communication with passionate people, which is priceless! This is an exchange of energy. -you always learn something new.
The exhibitions Tekstillegprom, Interfabric, SRM in Moscow turned out to be quite good. Although the girls said that regular participants in exhibitions (not only these) increasingly stop participating, they complain about the high cost of participation and the small influx of clients from the exhibition. This is probably due to the Internet, which has expanded boundaries and shortened distances. Now, from a distance, you can’t just touch or smell. All other information can be obtained easily and naturally. There was practically no need for intermediaries. The language barrier has been erased, especially for young people, for those who cannot master it—there are a lot of translators in gadgets. Payment systems have also been simplified. Transport companies are developing. The exception is those who purchase huge quantities and then split them into small orders. Because business giants are not interested in “bothering” with small wholesale, although many create special departments, but still mainly for the sale of leftovers.
I was very pleased with (as it turned out in conversation, a St. Petersburg) company that deals with equipment for sealing seams in clothing for sports use and extreme conditions. Moreover, they don’t just resell. The equipment is assembled in China according to our designs, tests are carried out, they also help to choose the right materials so that it does not turn out that the membrane lags behind the fabric or is not suitable for some indicators. We were invited to visit, we’ll go and listen, then we’ll write in detail. This is really interesting and very promising. The membrane breathes, but does not allow water to pass through. None of the seams are blown or wet, as they are hermetically sealed.
We spent a huge amount of time in the Uzbekistan pavilion. Knitwear. What clever girls—great variety. I learned what the quality of carded knitwear is, it is approximately the same as the ring (medium-long fibers, between pene and openend). The manager spoke with delight about the opening of a new ultra-modern plant in Ivanovo. With white floors and super quiet machines. Nadezhda even agreed that we would visit a weaving mill with a group of students. It’s always nice to see fire in the eyes of passionate people. Their speech flows like a river). Now I seem to know everything about insulation materials and their composition))), but I won’t take bread (the topic of an article on materials science) from a colleague. I’ll just say one little thing….What they don’t do! The shape of the fibers follows natural ones, and all eco-additives are just marketing ploys. that's it, keep quiet))
We met girls from Rostov by chance. They have their own online store in the inexpensive segment. The fabrics are cool. Well, how pleasant and enthusiastic they are. They stuffed us with samples; if they had stayed any longer, they would have fed us and given us something to drink by force. And this is not so much for the sake of selling products, but for communication and energy exchange. Or a young man with lightning. He told us everything about lightning, about the riri technology, about the crocodiles (a feature of the links), their production. Or the guys from the braid department. An abundance of grosgrain ribbons, woven and elastic. Well, such nice guys. Moreover, we are not pretending to be some kind of large buyers. We say honestly and openly that we are a school. That we are at best intermediaries (I call them little pimps) between manufacturers and designers. People who enthusiastically came to work at the exhibition will not curl their lips and say that on the first day there are no more samples (we don’t need them, we didn’t ask, I just heard it often).
Cool production (rather sale of course) of calico and cambric here in St. Petersburg. The finest cambric - be it for printing, or for painting, or from bleached wool. Yes, a lot more. Eco-fabrics made from milk, bamboo, nettle, hemp. The girl also didn’t let go for about 20 minutes. Then our Nadezhda began to bring down her knowledge of materials science on her head. There was a whole Battle (where Oxymoron and Purulent ended up) that turned out to be entirely positive. The organization makes developments, but produces them in China using Chinese raw materials. Well, it’s understandable where in Russia we get nettles, flax and milk, we’re all on oil. Petrodollars, petroleum products are our everything!
I really liked the quilted fabrics. Raincoat+sintepon. But it turned out that the owner of the production was Italian, and everything immediately fell into place! design, quality, originality. It’s not that I’m not a patriot, but they are Gods in this.
We attended a couple of master classes. It turned out that they were all on promotion. I can’t say that they are super informative, but since they are free, I won’t criticize them. Although maybe we just didn’t get to the most interesting ones. It was very nice to see the elegant Vyacheslav Zaitsev in good health at the opening. Also, what a passionate person, he did so much for fashion and women in the Soviet Union. In a word, there is a belief that our light industry does not lie in a ditch next to Russia’s second misfortune.
To be honest, I was not particularly impressed by the CPM ready-to-wear exhibition. I guess I just don’t know what I would like to see anymore: designer concept clothes? Classics? Casual casual? There were interesting departments, yes, but not wow! But presentation decides a lot) Dancing models, for example) are such groovy girls. but I was embarrassed to shoot for a long time, and there wasn’t much time.
There was a slightly strange feeling at the lingerie exhibition, where girls (and guys, which is even stranger) were walking or just standing in their underwear, but this was probably due to my envy of the model’s data. The linen department, where there were home clothes and a pajama set made of bamboo, lured me. I tried to fulfill my shopaholic addictions, but the firm hand of a colleague pulled me away by the scruff of the neck in time. There is a lot more to tell, everything is interesting, the air of VDNKh and creativity.
What greatly distinguishes the Moscow exhibition from the Italian or French is the design! Whatever one may say, it’s not easy to present it beautifully, hang it stylishly, or highlight it advantageously! Although, maybe many years of experience plays a huge role?! At Premier vision or Рitti filati, you can just walk around and, with your mouth open, look at the stands and the design of the sections, which is what your humble servant did. Well, and of course an assortment of new products! You forget about everything - you touch and gasp for air, but I already wrote about this)
I wish everyone a sea of inspiration and no pessimistic moods!
"Ilya Repin: famous and unknown"
Tretyakov Gallery
From March 30
According to the curators of the Tretyakov Gallery, the new exhibition will feature works by the “unknown” Repin - paintings that have not been exhibited before and did not participate in the artist’s large-scale retrospective on Krymsky Val in 2021. The basis of the exhibition will be the master’s late works, as well as three female portraits, the gospel composition “The Unbelief of Thomas” from private Moscow collections and the sketch “Son Killer” - a late version of the painting “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan November 16, 1581”, which is currently under restoration .
© Press service of the Tretyakov Gallery
#MBFWRussia Fashion Week continues to explore the digital space.
In the new season, especially for MBFW Russia, the British IT company BrandLab Fashion created a virtual version of the Pop-Up Shop showroom. Without leaving home, visitors will be able to take an interactive 3D tour, get a detailed look at the current collections of 16 Russian brands, and also purchase their favorite items of clothing and accessories directly from the brands. The virtual showroom, which will open on October 19, will feature: Amarin, Ola Ola, Maison Esve, Ría Studio, Not for sale, Leather Like Wood, Gerda 2 store, Dzhanelli Jewelery, Rcp4.5, General VI, Two Eagles, Lubovi, Blanc, Brevno, Vakproject, Yana Besfamilnaya.
The detailed provisions of the sanitary protocol for the event can be found on the official website of the event